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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. We use a laptop, while using our 65" TV as our monitor. No problem and better than the grid, as the inverter provides a steady current, unlike the ever fluctuating grid power. Which wreaks havoc on electronics.
  2. First thing she said that I agree with. How would they give him the nomination, as he is obviously losing it. And I don't think anyone wants Harris to end up as president, if Biden somehow won and couldn't finish his 2nd term. Except late night TV comedians It's not very smart to stick a totally useless mixed race female in the WH, just to be 'progressive'. Try nominating someone, anyone, at least close to being qualified.
  3. One good thing about answering repetitive queries, I notice a few, have gone from anti/EVs, CH, Solar to at least being more open minded, if not truly enlightened and see the logic & savings of having both, if it works for them Obviously not going to be applicable to many people.
  4. So true, as a couple quotes come to mind ... ... safe & effective ... if you get vaccinated, you won't get covid ... if you get vaccinated, you won't spread covid ... masks work stopping infection Everyone if free to believe what they want .. IMHO
  5. One thing these threads highlight (solar & EVs), that many people are extremely ignorant about both subjects. MSM and the anti YT'er certainly have taken over folks' thinking and researching for themselves. Along with most queries being answered numerous times on AN threads, with links, charts, from people with actual experience of having & owning both. Quite surprising actually.
  6. USD would be weaker, and COLA would be less ... NO THANKS
  7. What booster company do you have stock in ... ,,, or all of them
  8. Thais have a lot more baht than farangs here/TH. Open your eyes, as they are the ones driving the expensive cars and living in large houses, not renting condo/hotel rooms, and riding the baht buses. Are solar systems & EVs for or affordable to the masses ... worldwide ... getting there. BUT, for most folks, worldwide, living month to month ... NO. You can never fix stupid. Your ignorance and bias shines ... troll on. HAVE A NICE DAY
  9. haven't got a clue what your username is suppose to mean (you're a 'vinalaff) ? Brit humour ? Or what I'm supposed to do, what I say. I wouldn't screw one of my best friend's wife, while married or not. How's that for you ... scum in my world ... IMHO
  10. If in the neighborhood, and not looking for ambiance. Time it right, and you can even wash it down with cold beer or whatever, since located inside Gourmet Market:
  11. Don't think so, as he is one person I would not want to be, and have no respect for him. Quite happy the way life turned out, as the hardships build character ... or so I'm told. Like being raised in poor, mixed race & religious neighborhood, on the wrong side of the tracks (literally) where we all got along quite well. Even with the most bigoted parents, and I still realized we all the same, so shun most prejudices that others harbor. Great feeling earning everything you have, though I certainly wouldn't have minded if someone wanted to throw me a million or 2
  12. Newer inverter ACs use very little electric, and quite impressive. We used BlueScope, this and previous house. This house, haven't checked, but doesn't hit 30°C much, if at all. Maybe Mar/Apr/May, but nothing I notice when returning from out & about. Have thickest insulated BlueScope roof, think they offer 3 types. Then have R-37/38 foil ceiling insolation on top the drywall ceiling. Interior ceiling is quite cool and doesn't radiate any heat. Same with most of the exterior walls, though most is quite shaded with extended roofing. Only hot spot, is the closet in master bedroom, which acts as a heat barrier to the bedroom itself. Exterior closet wall is about the only one that gets full western sun exposure. Eastern bedroom wall (partial) is the only other wall getting full sunrise exposure. N wall irrelevant, S wall is the storage & wash room/laundry, so actually separate from main living area, and again, acts as a heat barrier. Position of house, shading, insulated block & roofing/ceiling material will keep the house pretty cool. Ours has no shade, except for the solar panel on the roof. And most of the year, we really don't need to run the ACs, though we do, since they have air purifiers and knock the humidity down.
  13. It's just a title, and feeling sorry ... nah, don't think so. Silver spoon life since birth, and already lived past his expiration date (~66 yrs) for someone born in his day. No mention of what cancer or stage, and could be around for another 10+ years.
  14. Yes, sometimes there is no need to pay more, although there is a certain level of quality & dining experience (ambiance), which unless going high end, TH lacks. Been hit & miss with beef steaks in the past, and the worse have been imported, but years past, just low quality import, I think. Along with cooked incorrectly. Farang managed restaurant ... nuff said Lately, aside from home of course, best beef steaks have been at 'You Hunt, We Cook' @ BluPort Mall/Hua Hin, although you do pick the steak, and they always seem to have 2 for 1 bundled, so very good steak & value (2 / total ~500gr), cooked to perfection every time, so far, and about 500 baht, if memory serves.
  15. Can I play ... ... 'Of Mice & Men' ... 'Julius Caesar' ... both while in High School ... 'Jaws' ... first & only book I ever read in 1 sitting ... 'The Firm' ... 'A Time to Kll' ... 'Runaway Jury' ... 'Without Remorse' ... 'Debt of Honor' ... 'Executive Order' ... 'Sum of All Fears' A few other Grissom & Clancy books. Another author that escapes my memory. Lots of financial & investing books. Reading most at work @ NWA in down time, as just plain bored, and time flies reading a decent book. Only read the first 3 books, not at work/NWA, as wasn't really big on reading. Investing reading was kind of mandatory for me, all the time, any time. Maybe read 2 books since retiring to TH.
  16. Considering they're feather lite I'm amazed at some of the birds plucking fish out of the water, and how the get back in the air.
  17. Yep ... and that 3k-5k a month saved pays for more than a few meals away from the house. Along with not costing anything to explore further away from the house to experience somewhere, something a bit different, without the petrol to do so, costing more then the meal. Nicest plus about our EV .. IMHO Takes me places I wouldn't normally go.
  18. Don't get many Ratchet tailed Drongo, and a bit skittish when they are:
  19. Don't fit the criteria, but if getting bored, then must be time to plan my next O&A, or new cooking adventure. If all else fails, take the dog for a walk or to the park/surfside. Food shopping (new ideas), got to eat, takes up some time, if eating good/healthy. Baking something every other day (bread or pastry), along with kefir & natto lately. Always a bird or critter nearby to take a snap of, or send a drone up for peeky peeky of the hood. I'm actually quite happy doing absolutely nothing. Last resort ... troll AN Never was that much of a drinker of alcohol, outside of the house. Once a month maybe.
  20. That's a few more tanks than we have now I think 10 maybe, but only 1k & 2k L tanks. Previous house had a bit more storage, maybe twelve 2k L tanks, but still pales to your capacity. Actually needed, since village water was really inconsistent at Udon Thani. Thankfully not an issue now. Just prepping for the apocalypse
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