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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Have the ZS EV and never an issue as you state. Same as @macahoom it wants to lose traction, chirp chirp, but doesn't, a good thing for performance. Handles just fine. Love it, and probably my last car, possible the wife's also, if last 20+ years, which I expect it to.
  2. The movie/series is base on novel (fiction) by Jeroen Olyslaegers. It's not a documentary.
  3. We sold a 2 yr old / 40k kms MG ZS (ICE) and took a 43% depreciation price. $695k new, sold ฿400k, as we were motivated sellers, in a very limited buyer's market, small town & lots of cars for sale since covid crushed many folks finances. Actual buyer lived 100 kms away. BUT ... put that against any future depreciation of 10-15-20% more (if waiting) for a year, along with possibly passing up that ฿240k govt incentive for upgrading to the EV version of same MG ZS, along with ฿47,8k petrol savings the first year driven, and we didn't mind the depreciation hit, quick sale at all. Better than waiting, hoping for a sale price in the ฿450-500 range, the former being possible, maybe. No desire to roll the dice waiting for mere ฿50k, possible sale price. The Mazda 2 prior, depreciated so much, we just gave it to our daughter. 2 previous Vios s fared better, but the market & economy was much better also. The insured value of our 2022 MG ZS EV is more than the price of a new MG ZS EV, when discounted, like now, and only 9% off our buy price when not discounted after 1 yr. I'd say it's holding it's value pretty darn good
  4. My favorite first meal of the day ... ... now with a side of Natto
  5. Plenty of interviews & speeches with Putin, just not on MSM, or making the evening news in USA & other countries where the media is controlled. Fear of disrupting the bias one sided spin of evil RU & Putin. People need to search for info, not wait to be spoon fed by media (MSM) conglomerates. But that would take intelligence
  6. hmm ... think it might be time to run a line out to the greenhouse. Maybe a toilet & septic tank also
  7. Few to none of the anchors, celeb 'news/op ed' commentators are journalist. they have a team of researcher that do the investigating or enough credit to their name, that people will offer the info on stories to investigate. Why whistleblowers are heroes Although good journalist/celeb mouth pieces will verify the info. Unlike the MSM echo box, and simply read the propaganda they are given.
  8. That's not just TH, as dealers worldwide make it as easy as possible to sell stock. Many promos 0 down, 0% interest for first year or whatever. Though tacked on at the end. So many provide interest rates at 1 ish %, and way less than inflation, and only time financing makes sense, even if you have the pocket change to buy. Dealer & finance company make their money not matter what. People finance simply because they don't have the extra cash to buy, or smart enough to use the money elsewhere, to invest with a ROI greater than financing. Intelligent people don't finance depreciating products, unless the #s are beneficial. Others, have no choice if wanting to impress, hence the never ending, life sucking hamster wheel they are on The latter, most buyers don't think about resale, or they wouldn't have bought the vehicle to start with.
  9. Agree, not a major touristy event, except maybe ChinaTown. Although, it is certainly observed by way more folks than I thought. Yesterday Makro was packed, and I do mean packed. Never seen it that crowded, Check out was almost looking like Lotus's & Big C 3 or 4 deep instead of just me. Veggie scale had a Q of 5, non stop. Meat section 2 deep, trying to view the wares, 5 deep at the scale.. Chinese heritage runs deep in TH. And we're in Nakhon NoWhere Resembled Xmas shopping in USA.
  10. The responses of announcing a simple interview of Putin by the RU haters/bashers is all a bit telling. Does explain how good the MSM propaganda machine is, how ignorant people are, and why the world is in the state that it is ... or told that it is. Rather embarrassing actually The planet certainly has nothing to worry about, as humans will do themselves in before the next century, if not the next decade or 2. Som naa na Why I'm anti-social and fairly self sufficient
  11. Nothing 'groundbreaking' about that, as been talked and kicked about for at least the last 10 years.
  12. well spotted ... Note to self: proofread you idiot. On invading ... something most countries have done, in the past, and more than a few in the 21st Century. Putin would have a hard time matching the death, misery and displacement of citizens that the US/UK/NATO has caused in the last 23 yrs, invading sovereign countries for no reason ... IMHO In that aspect, I guess you could say, he's simply following their lead. What's good for them to is just fine for him to do. At least in his mind, he's saving ex-Russians that want to be saved, and undoing the regime change of the UA place in power by foreign interests .. IMHO
  13. I lost respect for the SCOTUS during Obama's administration via ACA ruling. Haven't really followed any state or fed court decisions on Trump's cases.
  14. Sit corrected, our local Makro does on Natto, 2 brands, though very limited supply, in the freezer case. Only picked up one 3 serving pack @ ฿70, the other was ฿75. Both a different brand for the ones I ordered from LAZ, which haven't arrived. Wanting to sample a couple store bought, before making my own, from both store bought, ready to eat packaged Natto vs making from spores, ordered, and yet to arrive also. Another topic ... has anyone used Golden Curry products, as Makro had this item (1 kg @ ฿335), and actually cheaper than what's available online: TIA for any thoughts, pro or con, but YT tells me it's the popular brand in Japan.
  15. From what I understand, reading the bias, slanted news (both sides0 and my own enlightening research of the RU/UA situation, I have to agree with most of Putin's decisions and handling of UA; Crimea, Donbas and other areas. Not really going to debate those thoughts, as really don't like repeating everything else I posted on the subject. On Topic ... talking is always better than not talking. I've watched Putin speaking a few times, and he always seemed rational and mad complete sense to me.
  16. And yet, no new wars during his administration, along with setting a timeline to get the hell out of Afghanistan, which Biden totally screwed up. Gave a spanking to Syria, to prevent future attacks, and that was about it. Unlike every other administration in the 21st century, doing nothing but promoting and or supporting conflicts. If you're not talking to people, then you'll be fighting them. Why MSM & the war machine is against talking. Just imagine actually solving problems when talking .. all those profits .... GONE
  17. If it has 3 roots, it may take 3 visits. Depends on the infection (if so), the tooth and the dentist. I had a single root incisor, took 2 visits. A molar will usually take at least 2 visits, since 2 or 3 roots.
  18. Why is talking to someone considered supporting them. Talking is how you avoid wars. Barbara Walters talked to Castro, does that mean she supported him? Frost to Nixon, and so on. Trump to Kin Jong Un or any of the other world leaders (all of NATO) he disagreed with, does that mean he supports them, or Mexico's Nieto. If Hitler was still alive, or if they found him in S. America, journalist would be lining up to talk to him. Anyone stating someone supports someone simply by talking to them is part of the propaganda problem, and simply pushing divisiveness. I'm talking to you, do that mean I support your silly statement ?
  19. What are you actually trying to sell... ... make - model - version ... year in blue book & kms driven
  20. At rest, its about 120/65 +/- 5. Unstressed <130/75 +/- 5 Stressed 150/80 and UP, depending, then recovers to the normal #s above, at 15 & 30 mins later. Don't think there is a perfect BP. Mine has been as low as 110/55, and I'd say average 2 yrs ago was in the 145-135/90-70. I made some adjustments to diet & being less sedentary, maybe, the past 1.5 yrs.
  21. Far from it, but I know a good value when I see & eat one. I've also bought lump & claw meat, actually the whole crab, picked at Central Markets, @ 600 baht a kg (if memory serves), and some time ago. Don't offer any more, or haven't seen lately, but damn tasty. Expensive little treat, but well worth it for me. Better offerings than the food court My daughter found some the other day, and the little bi-atch just had to send me a snap of. Decent price also. Didn't state that did I ? I stated I like my eggs loose, so yes, my omelet would taste better to me. Other may like their eggs overcooked. Think French omelet, and have you ever seen one with an egg crust ? Taste is preferential, so experts/food critics, don't really mean anything to me. I've disagreed, and agreed with many. Nothing but an opinion, and not based on science. Lump crab meat, along with the claw is pretty much what most people prefer. Did you look at the photo ? Nothing snobbery about that, just mine and most other's preference, I think. Stand to be corrected ... is their anyone here who would not prefer lump and claw meat of the crab over ... the pickins ? Think I've eaten enough crab meat to know what I'm talking about.
  22. 1. No, but your ignorance wouldn't show if you knew 2. I knew what OP meant, having used 'phasa Thai' many times while speaking to Thais. Lack of the 'h' isn't going to throw off anyone who knows Thai, different transliteration or not. 3. Now you're just being silly Knew it was 'language', so simply used Gtranslate (typing English to Thai translation) to get the Thai script and their version of transliteration they use. Thought it might be helpful to others.
  23. Aug 2022 .... "carrier has spent more time in dry dock than at sea" Launched 21 December 2017 ... 6 yrs of service, and only half that time at sea, maybe, or a bit more. Sell or mothball both of them, and save the taxpayers a lot of money. Cancel the freakin F35s also, and take care of your citizens at home.
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