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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. No, though good also. His reference was to new TV series, and quite good.
  2. Where's that house located ? Egg prices haven't doubled here / TH in 2 years either. Matter of fact, they've come down a bit, as was surprised they were only ฿143, since last noted memory of paying ฿163, just a couple months ago. USA egg price ... "In 2022, the average price of a dozen eggs in the United States increased from $1.79 in December 2021 to $4.25 in December 2022." Now $8.50, for only 12 eggs, and that's at Walmart Our incomes are irrelevant, as many Thais actually live on what I lived on last year. ฿16k a month My daughter just started a new job, and now makes more money a month than I do, 👍 and that's just her salary + perks (฿100k), not counting her online business and rental property.
  3. Take a peek on FB Marketplace, see what going prices are for something around 10 yrs old and <100k kms. Should be fairly trouble free for 5 years, hopefully.
  4. Yep, about $4,000 a year, for my one house. 25+ years ago. Most of it school tax, for a crappy school, and I never had kids That's ฿11k+ a month, to live in house, I owned (25 yrs ago). Last year, my total monthly living expense (TH) averaged <฿16k a month. Yea ... something ain't right back in the mother land. And eggs don't cost $8.50 / ฿285 a dozen here. ฿143 for 30 (0 size) eggs, at Makro the other day.
  5. Since just the 2 of you, I think, and primary use might be shopping, maybe a smaller pick up. Something less than 10 yrs old, and less than 100k kms. Should be in the <200k baht range, if lucky. Insurance should be less than 10k a year, and hopefully no mechanical issues for 5 ish years. Breakdown before petrol & maintenance ... 3,334 price per month (200k/60 months) ... 834 insurance per month (10k / 12) Looking at 4,000 baht a month, at least, just for owning it for 5 year, and don't expect much of a resale price on 15 yr old truck, 5 yrs down the road. Hefty price tag for simply driving something a couple times a week, if that.
  6. And why Nissan is failing miserably, and not sure how much longer they'll be around, before absorbed by another auto maker. Quite the silly price for those sad specs. That would only work in countries that don't import other BEV from CN.
  7. Most shows, woke-ish don't take away too much, as long as it's good plot and well acted. But that was way OTT. Yes, there are plenty of gay / bi folks in the world, inter racial couple, handicapped, unsavory and successful folks, but I've never seen 20 people in the same room, all fitting one of those descriptions in real life. Is it asking too much not to have 80% of the cast, identifying as some minority group. Back on topic ... fan of The Firm (movie) so started watching 2012 TV series, and getting interesting, 4 eps in. Like how they brought the movie story line into the series. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1949012/
  8. Almost as bad as woke programs. Started watching one the other day and gave up ... ... starts with inter racial couple ... then homosexual couple ... handicapped person ... all unsavory characters were males, most white ... all characters in a position of power were females Simply mind boggling. That was just the first 2 eps ... deleted the rest.
  9. I can't see the left controlled award shows, giving any recognition to any right leaning person, no matter their great accomplishments. Obama for a hopeful administration before it even started. Gore for his fake science project Nobel Peace Prize 2012 European Union “for over six decades contributed to the advancement of peace and reconciliation, democracy and human rights in Europe” Guess they must of missed those NATO countries' invade & occupy policy, just this century alone Nobel Peace Prize 2001 United Nations and Kofi Annan “for their work for a better organized and more peaceful world” Forgetting the permanent members of the 'Security Council' are some of the largest arms dealers 🙄 Yasser Arafat (terrorist) shouldn't even be in the same sentence as the word 'peace'. One 'attaboy' doesn't forgive decades of killing.
  10. From my peeking at rates, or old standards we used in the past, I'd say way more 15%. That's just the past year. Considering the pricing in 2020, OK, 5 yrs ago, but before any covid issues. Then in early 2024 to now, up but not silly steep like now. Just booked Ibis Riverside Bangkok, this weekend, and 2500, when in the past, could get 1000-1500, depending if weekend or high season. Rarely hitting 2000, but now 2000-2500+ seems to be the standard rate. A bit more than 15%
  11. Me ... No Possibly considered pre, as HbAc1 was very high in the past, 6.3+, but simply adjusted back down to 5.5 with diet. Read many pre, or even diabetics have reversed the condition, by doing the same. Especially those on strict keto or carnivore diets. Not rocket science and quite easy to cut the starchy carbs & sugars.
  12. KhunLA

    Water meter taken

    Simply go to the police and report the meter stolen. Get a copy of, and present to PWA. No need to mention who has it. Let PWA sort it out, if they know who took it. You have land/house that had water service, someone took the meter and you want a new one. Ask for higher up, until someone stops with the BS.
  13. Coincidently, wife was at a gathering of friends the other day, and Ruskie friend was in attendance, and shock, dismay, all was calm. Go figure ... things posted on the internet, that are far from reality. Who would have thought So we now have Yanks, joining the ranks of Jews, Ruskies, and Chinese that can't leave their country for fear of harassment. From my reading, fear of harassments of Yanks in the USA was more of an issue from special interest groups. Seen actually videos of that, Rep being harassed in public, restaurants. BLM rioter disrupting diners, and torching & looting business districts. Haven't seen any of that toward tourist in other countries, toward Jews, Yanks, Ruskies or Chinese. But if you say it's true, or some YT'er, then it must be
  14. Only 2 come to mind, Snowden for exposing war crimes by USA military. And Tara Reade fearing for her life for exposing Biden for sexually assaulting her, allegedly.
  15. It's now longer safe to leave the house and walk the streets ...
  16. A presser in the Oval office, about DOGE and budget cuts, and the fake news outlets focus on the 4 year old in the room. ... nuff said
  17. That's exactly what you are implying, and why would any American give up their citizenship, simply because they don't care for the 'elected' president, who is only going to be there 4 years. Only reason to become a resident of another country, would be to enjoy any extra benefits, or avoid income taxes, is still produce high income.
  18. Correct ... didn't and wouldn't watch any of the BS vids you'd post. All probably as silly as your posts. I doubt very much that my comrade Ruskies friends are having any issues traveling, and surely Americans aren't.
  19. Yea, I haven't left our walled compound since Jan 20th. Shuttered in, eating delivered food with the Canadian flag draping the doorway. It's like covid all over again ... You do have a vivid imagination, spinning all night long, since you can't sleep ... for some reason What will it be tomorrow ... American suicide rates skyrocketing since Jan 20th
  20. Wow, this is the best y'all can dig up. A 4 yr old, picking his nose. Wonder what Clinton did on that desk ? And you think a 4 yr old picking his nose is worthy of a mention, let along trying to make it embarrassing. Trying to embarrass a 4 yr old, says a lot more about y'all. Can tell most of you never had kids, or shouldn't
  21. All I hear quite a bit, what the expats, want a be s, and use to be s, complain about is pretty much the same concerns she has. Or maybe she just like where she's living, and prefers not to waste time coming to TH. I can definitely understand that. Especially since having thoughts of living in big city or tourist area. Certainly wouldn't be my choice either. Coming from UK, yea, it is too hot, possibly more crime (location dependent), and don't forget the smog.
  22. And yet ...
  23. Agree, decent movie also. Use to go camping up at Amish country. Along with riding MC out that way. Wife #2 and myself use to hit Miller's Smorgasbord on rt 30, before it became a tourist attraction. https://www.millerssmorgasbord.com/ Even drove through there, Lancaster, route 30 to 283, when I use to play truck driver, for a few years. Up to Harrisburg, 5 days a week as 'line haul' driver for CF AirFreight (PHL - MDT - PHL) route. Then did local pick up & deliveries all around the area Harrisburg to Carlyle, Hershey, York, Lititz, all over the area. Then load up, and back to PHL to ship out on airlines. Lot of people would be surprised, just because you are paying the air freight rate, It might not be going air freight via a plane. Use to love Philly to FL runs, nice money earner.
  24. ... and yet
  25. I really didn't care for any place I live at in PA, or the USA. Why if I ever returned, I haven't a clue where I'd go. Did like Beckley, WV, but maybe because 1st place I ever lived outside of Delaware County, PA, and in the country vs Philly metro. Enjoyed my time at Clearwater Beach, FL, but really wouldn't want to live at either now. Longest anywhere (contrary to earlier statement), lived in Germantown, TN, same townhouse for 4 yrs, while I worked at NWA, before moving to MS for about 1 year, (forgot that state, #7), then retiring to TH. Only lived outside of PA, because I worked for airlines (4), and changed work locations, along with actual airlines I worked for. PKK is actually the only place I've actually enjoyed living at, and haven't seriously thought about moving. Something new for me
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