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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Too cool. My brother use to race 'em. GOOD LUCK
  2. No wild elephants on Samui. All brought in for the tourist. Sanctuary ... yea, right ...
  3. So far there seems to be plenty if O&A. Not sure about local needs for those that can't charge at home, but I really can't see a problem, unless racking up a lot of kms every day. Which probably means your passing a DC charger while most are at school or work, so should be available. Daughter had to wait a few weeks for her wall charger to be installed, and wasn't using the granny charger, but no problem topping up when needed. Locally a few around, with a couple Altervim at Lotus's, that always seem to be available. A PEA Volta at one of the 7-11s. MG of course, with another MG charger at one of the hotels. Though no apartment or condo complexes around, so would think most locals are charging at home. Within 1/2 kms away, there's another MG ZS owner, a Fomm One owner, and a couple Haval owners. Few Teslas owners a bit further away, along with Atto 3 owners. Actually surprising for being in Nakhon Nowhere, sort of. Only the MG dealer within 100 kms of town, I think.
  4. There should be none, but hey, anything for the tourist trade. The abuse continues 🥵
  5. Flew one of the drones today, and took a 360° of the hood, from above the house. Took a few snaps off the vids, a lot more available than below. Telemetry wasn't cooperating, and couldn't see what the camera could, so all guesswork. Too impatient to figure out what button I pushed to turn it off .. oh well. Starts out facing North, and wat on top hill, is surfside, so East obviously. Not really high enough to see the gulf. Except for cut & stitch, I didn't bother editing anything.
  6. SAIC's MG division last year, apparently doing quite well also, though BYD has taken a bit out of that lately.
  7. I'll never condone violence, unless it's an 'eye for an eye' situation, and only involving the principles affected, or family & friends of, and consider it their right.
  8. I love that snippet of the 'border czar'
  9. Worked for Biden in 2020, before his appointment.
  10. 4 times in 17 years, may be a bit of overkill. Think the new recommendation is every 10 years, if an all clear, or a polyp or 2 are removed. Also had mine done at Chula, and Q was about 9 months, so paid extra for off hours appointment. Still cheaper than most places, especially private, which charge the same for one of, instead of both done at same time.
  11. She went from some wanting to replace her as biden's VP running mate, to the MSM darling, and savoir of the republic. It's like that song you hear, and hate it every time they play it on the radio, then down the line, you catch yourself humming ... WTF Years of criticizing her embarrassing performance as a politician ... but now the MSM darling ... too funny
  12. Talk about an AI created candidate for president. This quote from a RTnew op-ed describes it perfectly ... IMHO ... "Mark your calendar, ladies and gentlemen, Kamala Harris has done something extraordinary. She has become the only candidate in half a century to become the presidential nominee without winning a single primary vote. Biden’s vice got enough delegate votes in the virtual roll call process to become the official Democratic nominee. Interesting how not winning votes has had an uncanny way of getting this severely unqualified woman one cackle closer to the Oval Office. But the shock and awe does not stop there, so be advised to have a seat. The absolutely, positively 100% legitimate corporate media monstrosity with blood-soaked hand to its heart reports: Harris is now more popular than Joe Biden or Donald Trump have been at any point in the 2024 election cycle." source of, if interested (doubtful)
  13. Seems harris is scared to debate if Fox news moderates. Questions won't be as soft balled as a CNN debate. Go figure ... there may be no debates at all, although to honest, none really is needed.
  14. So Missouri allows people to change the sex on the driver's license ... That certainly could complicate things for gyms and other businesses. If I had a business, I think I'd hang a sign. Only 'birth certificates' to be used as ID Along with designating certain areas for people 'with penises' or 'without penises', not longer using 'male' / 'female' designations The world is getting sillier by the day. As stated, a boycott by customers will sort it quickly. Although the business would probably be sued for discrimination. Hence the problem with allowing this silliness, of people picking their sex.
  15. Many people mistakenly think police can charge people or businesses of a crime, when not enough evidence to show/prove a crime, or falls under civil law and not criminal law. AN or the news, and or news of social media reports of complaints, as a source ... that's laughable.
  16. Actually they are, and when I repeat myself 2 or 3X, and still get the blank stare. Then look to the wife, and she simple repeats the exact same thing, and it gets written down. One does have to wonder. As I stated, another person will understand the exact same, first time spoken. No need to repeat.
  17. So you say, and those 'reports' would be where ???
  18. They do, they simply don't own up to it. Need to kill animals to have a good crop harvest. Harvest = killing plants or what ever they are eating. Eating fruits & veggies is equivalent to performing abortions on that species. You must kill to live, whether animal and or plant based diet. To think other wise is simply denial of the facts. On topic, if people want to self mutilate themselves, UP2them. Have you seen some of the piercings & tattoos people get. Not as extreme but just as silly.
  19. Never used a condom (tried once, no thanks) and left the contraceptive use up to the female. Got snipped around 40 yrs old, realizing at that age, no real desire to have children, or a viable partner to have and raise them with. So raising the village orphan after retirement was quite the pleasant surprise. Playing the single parent for a good part of that time was quite easy, though sure being retired made it so.
  20. Labels .. oh please I can't think of one that I haven't been called. When comparing, most contradictory, depending who's delivery. Been called ... ... homophobe ... faggot/gay/queer/homo ... idiot ... genius ... bigot ... nig ger lover ... you get the idea. When someone uses a label to describe me, especially if incorrect, tells me everything I need to know about them. People start using labels, I start losing respect for them, really quick. Insecure people talk about people. Happy people are to busy enjoying life
  21. Same, and get our blueberries ฿155 yesterday up from 139, couple weeks ago. We get their strawberries also. @Lorry this link may have info you want. Index #s further down from techie stuff.
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