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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. I got 1 more Northern loop in me, BKK - Udon Thani - CM/CR area, then back home to PKK, IF & when that parcel of UT land sells. Don't see any CS (charging station) issue along the way. Maybe some planning needed from NE - N side, that's about it. And if smog season, that will be a short trip. Rest of our travels will be local, PKK, within 150 km of for daily or overnight round trips.. Then further out & abouts southward. More than enough CS southward, as no desire to go to bottom of Thailand. Daughter is < 300 kms away at Krung Thep, so driving @ 90 kph, no issues. Actually now, stay very local, and no real day trips, within 150 km. Besides busy with house, can't see spending 300-500 baht in petrol with the ICE, for seeing what we've already seen, or exploring what else may be there. When the EV arrives, actually can see ourselves out & about locally a lot more, a good thing, as I'm going nuts the past 6 months, staying near the house build. Out & about to us is, we'll drive somewhere, 100 kms or so, for lunch, coffee, pastry, dinner, sunrise or sunset, a different view, a snapshot, maybe of different bird species. Who knows, anything to get us out of the house. Dog gets to sniff a new area, I get to fly the drone, wife buys a plant ... ANYTHING ???? EV will free my cheap charlie A$$ up ... worth it just for the smile factor. Oh yea ... and Save the Planet, man ... ????
  2. I just peeked at 'PlugShare' ... holy c r a p, that stretch between BKK-HH-PKK-Chumphon, is full up with stations.
  3. Looking at 'PlugShare' map, I see one 'bare' area, inland from coast of Pattani & Narathiwat, though didn't see how far, actual kms, stations were far reaches of main hwy. So some planning needed if living, visiting that area. If going Phangna to Ranong, hwy 4, then there is a 250 kms stretch you should, would, be aware of when planning. But besides those, and I'm not seeing any spots to be concerned about in Thailand.
  4. Then talk to us, like the idiots you think we are. Your definition of 'provinces' ? If living in the provinces, up, down or around country, would you not be charging from home. If not, then yes, buying would need a bit more research & consideration. Where I am, I can't go 180 kms and NOT charge up, if wanting. Considering I'm in between Hua Hin & Chumphon, that's considered fairly rural, and still have 3 locally, that I know of, without looking for. Local MG to MG Chumphon is 180 kms, and I haven't searched what if any in between. I know there's more than a few on the way to Hua Hin, only 100 kms away. If like myself, and have been on out & abouts around the whole country, looking at the available charging stations, I don't see many, if any 300 km gaps between stations. Along with, using your 'granny' charger at you guesthouse, if it comes down to that. You are obviously only looking at one source for charging stations. Each vendor has their app w/locations, along with one site provided on this thread numerous times, and just about all inclusive, 'PlugShare', so please search that and find a 300 kms gap for us. I find 'lack of charging stations' the worst reason to avoid EVs, at present anyway. Since few EVs on the road.
  5. One could say, why do you comment on the unavailability of, unless YOU know as fact, from experience. I have no fear in availability of charging stations in Thailand, so I'm buying in. Ask me next year, I'll let you know how things are.
  6. I've never had a filling meal for less than 100 baht. The standard 40-50 baht meal most vendors sell, is not a filling meal. Simply a plate or bowl of food, not a meal. Locally, one vendor has a very nice Khao Soi, with decent chicken or pork patty portion in it, and that will hold me over for a few hours @ 90 + 10 baht for a water. Local burger lady, couple years ago, had burger + tater wedges for 75, so if 100 now, that would also work.
  7. Those who 'own', don't seem to be having much problem when out & about. So I'll take their experiences over the non experienced.
  8. I consider all present govts a bit tyrannical, and overly nanny with their policies. Covid proved that these past 2 yrs. IMHO
  9. Many, inclusive would disagree with that 'opinion'.
  10. OR ... just were unlucky. Just peeked at suspected L_ M________, as some suggest, (also only 'corporate' one in that price range on 'B.com', aside from Sh-La) and have to agree, if so, then I would have expected much better service also. And well priced. Got to love the lack of tourist and better competitive pricing of late.
  11. Think you need to work on you research skills. Surely there had to be some current, not so positive reviews with photos. I concentrate on the mid to low end reviews. Brand and star ratings aren't always consistent. Gmap is a resource many don't utilize for reviews, and that's my first stop usually. Happy Travels
  12. Along with many of the non-brands, come out of the same factory, with the same specs, or close enough not to be concerned.
  13. Did anyone really need the govt to verify that little tidbit.
  14. Same here, as have 2 Xiaomi purifiers. Keeps the house in single digits. Air pollution bothers me mentally more than health wise, especially when I want to play photographer.
  15. Can't think of a reason to leave. Most negative thing is a couple months of air pollution, and usually <100 AQI. Outweighed by many positive to being here instead of elsewhere. Too many disadvantages to returning to USA, mostly financial. Too lazy to think about going elsewhere. 67 yrs old and rooted, with adult daughter. Especially now, as just finished a house build, and picking up the adjacent lot, to that build today. For us personally and Thailand, things are actually getting better & better every year. Easy to adapt to the slight changes here in Thailand. This is HOME, more so than any other place I've lived. Until I win the PowerBall lottery, can't think of a better place to be. If I hit that, I wouldn't be anywhere, and probably just live out of hotels worldwide. If not traveling First Class, I don't see the point.
  16. Been seeing a lot of these lately, though none set up. Not really a night person, so explains not seeing in use.
  17. You should have gone early last year, or even 2020, as was probably nice, no tourist. Went shy of 20 yrs ago, and not much there. 10 ish years ago, and hard time driving down the road, so many tourist.
  18. Nope, haven't a clue ... 40 vs 400. Officially allowed to charge 10X more than locals. Nope, never saw those signs or read news-blips about it. I was at Doi Inthanon during covid, so pretty hard to miss the signs at the guard shack/entrance.
  19. NATO is useless in S China Sea. OZ is there, that's about it. You think anyone else in the region wants to pis China off. I doubt if even Thailand would assist, let USA use airbases. Not that they would need to, having 4 CSGs in the area.
  20. Even if it is true, still have my doubts, they are not obligated to jump in after him. Not sure playing lifeguard is in the job description or training. They told him not to go in the water. Oh well ... som nam na The vid I saw of her talking to PoPo, she wasn't panicked at all, simply picking up his stuff.
  21. I just watched that today on YT, and at no point did he ask for help. Unless another vid out there I didn't see. They told him not to go in the lake. If I saw him drowning after telling him not to go in, I wouldn't try to save him either. He wasn't a small person, and seemed a bit unstable.
  22. Been the same idea, BS, for 20 years. As long as tourist don't mind paying, they'll keep charging. They know nobody will be coming back, so get it while they can. Yet to have been to a mainland national park that was worth the Thai fee, or even if free. Been to a few and thought, 'why'd I even bother, glad it was free' ???? What some consider a park, waterfall or attraction is mind boggling. I honestly don't remember paying any noticeable fees when I made the rounds the first couple years here, 2000 ish. And none impressed me, worth the 10 or 20 baht or whatever, I 'might' have paid. Usually disappointed I drove out of my way to even peek at it. The countryside near the park was just as nice, if not better. How I travel now, if wanting to 'go to' a park area. Yet to really find anything inside a park, better than out. IMHO
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