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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Already mentioned, originally Singaporean, although: "Tiger beer is a beer brand from Singapore. It is a light lager beer with an alcohol volume of 5.0 Vol – %. As an alternative Thai Asia Pacific Brewery offers Tiger light with only 2.0 Vol – % of alcohol." Phuket Beer also didn't make the list, and find that better than those that did, though a bit of a mark up price, by a bit. Definitely has the nicest looking bottle.
  2. Larger, full dressed bikes are practical for long cruises, and that's about it in my opinion. Actually my Honda 900cc (USA)was more than enough, though surely a passenger would appreciate a back & arm rests. I suspect those plowing up and down beach rd & soi 6 in Patts aren't cruising up to Doi Inthanon or down to Patong on them. If leaving Chonburi at all. Most I see on the highways, on obviously long trips, are Thais, whether 1, a couple, or 10. We get some regular visitor here surfside, and 99% are Thai. Actually alway pop into a friend of our's GH, and sit surfside sipping & chatting all night.
  3. Don't know about that, as they have a T2 coming out, and supposed to target the 'thrifty' consumer. Tesla being the standard most comparison are made, is a bit telling. They'll be around long after we're all gone. DeLorean barely got off the ground, and died a quick death. ... Tesla pumps out 7000 Tesla 3 units a week. Poor comparison. DeLorean - "The company had estimated its break-even point to be between 10,000 and 12,000 units, but sales were only around 6,000" - Wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DeLorean_Motor_Company
  4. If that's how you read it, as I'm under a different interpretation. As I've heard people threatened with weapons before, when no weapon was in hand. "Do that again / come near her again, and I'll beat you silly with a bat" as an example I've heard in heat of arguments, and no bat in hand. Would imagine same with an 'I'll shoot you' reference. But hey ... going to have to A2D ... moving on
  5. Still not convince, if said, mentioned firearm was 'in hand' when threatened. "Bi-atch, cheat on me one more time, and I'll cap your A$$" ... "now get me a God damn beer and hand me the TV remote, before I slap your A$$" Did he/she/it really have a firearm in their hand....hmm
  6. Seriously ... ???? Royal Thai Police BIB - Boys in Brown ... just in case someone uses that. PoPo if from the hood ... what up dog.
  7. Nothing wrong with owning a big scooter. I just can't justify the silly expense of one, and have no use for one. If I have a scooter that will do 200 kph, I'll probably end up doing that occasionally, and not a good idea here. One reason I refrained from getting something smaller, like a 750cc. I'll stick with the 3000w e-scooter, and had 125cc in the past. Keeps me from committing suicide, as neither reach or go much faster than 100 kph. You can't fix stupid, but I can avoid it ... ????
  8. 2nd Amendment - Wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution "The final, handwritten original of the Bill of Rights as passed by Congress, with the rest of the original prepared by scribe William Lambert, is preserved in the National Archives.[30] This is the version ratified by Delaware[31] and used by the Supreme Court in District of Columbia v. Heller: Some state-ratified versions, such as Maryland's, omitted the first or final commas:[31][33][25] The ratification acts from New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and South Carolina contained only one comma, but with differences in capitalization. Pennsylvania's act states:[34] The ratification act from New Jersey has no commas:[31]
  9. 25 million threatened or non fatal injury ... they actually consider that as a statistic. So was that a verbal assault, with or without a weapon in hand. Or a simple mugging. More silly stats. Like stating 100 million almost died in car accidents, but luckily avoided a collision.???? Again, agree 100 % with too many of all ages die by firearms, well, except gang bangers, one can only hope they continue killing each other. Just wish their aim was a bit better. But all these headliners are a bit silly, and simply headliners. Don't think anyone denies too many people die from firearms. How to solve it, there's where the conflict comes. My solutions would never be enacted, so y'all Yanks are pretty much screwed.
  10. Agree, and looks more like a slingshot or BB / pellet gun did the damage. Does she really hear gunfire every night ... ????
  11. After decades of failed foreign policy, forcing countries to buy their expensive military toys, they finally realized China's foreign policy of actually helping other countries works, and is now a better foreign policy to try.
  12. Wee bit of cherry picking with numbers, I suspect, and just my opinion. 18 & 19 yr olds are clearly adults. In mine and the criminal courts world. Even 16 & 17 yr olds get prosecuted as adults when felony criminals. Think 15-19 yr olds account for 20% of those. Admit to speed reading. So may be incorrect Children in the headliner implies something a bit different in most minds, well, mine anyway, IMHO And when they compare diseases, are they totally up all disease, or simply making category for individual diseases, which would keep the numbers lower. Notice they always include every firearm death with such headlines, not broken down to accidental, suicides or murders. Implying and believed by some reading, but not reading full text, kids are getting murdered more than dying from diseases. Just thinking out loud. Stats, polls, surveys, and I find them all a bit suspect at times ... IMHO Although, agree, and even 1 death, especially accidental or suicide is way too many, as no child should have access to a firearm, and that falls on the irresponsible parent / gun owner. Of course they'll never be charged or prosecuted. What DA would do that, as they've paid a much higher price than any court could dish out. Also notice in vehicle accidents, ages are grouped differently, which may or may not affect the comparisons. Are the 15-24 age group children or something else. https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/motor-vehicle/historical-fatality-trends/deaths-by-age-group/#:~:text=The majority of people killed,and older (-15%). Looking at CDC stats for child vehicle deaths, I notice lower age groups selected, and highest age quoted was 14 yrs old. Does make one wonder about any comparisons. From CDC site linked: "In 2019, 608 child passengers age 12 and younger died in motor vehicle crashes,1 and more than 91,000 were injured.2 Of the children 12 and younger who died in a crash (for whom restraint use was known), 38% were not buckled up.1 Parents and caregivers can make a lifesaving difference by checking whether their children are properly buckled on every trip." "child passenger deaths among children age 14 years and younger" https://www.cdc.gov/transportationsafety/child_passenger_safety/cps-factsheet.html Have a nice day ... PEACE OUT
  13. Commentator vs experienced billionaire businessman ... hmm Rising inflation, people struggling worldwide, edge of recession, and Tesla sells a high end, expensive to most, vehicle. Along with a huge developing competitive market. Yea, I'd have to agree, and not expect huge sales in the next couple years.
  14. That's some rough surf, and she must have been 'standing' in it ... ouch.
  15. And here I thought recreational use wasn't approved yet ... ????
  16. Was sipping Beer Laos (Dark preferred) as not a fan of Thai beers. Then discovered Snowy (not listed) which was definitely a step up. Then discovered Kopper (not listed) which is my preferred now, though don't really sip much. Even less since can't find it locally for the past 6 months or so. Would actually prefer drinking an Ale, Porter, or Stout (not Guiness), but not paying the silly prices they want for them here. Guess beer drinking isn't much of a priority for me. Snowy & Kopper are both Singha produced.
  17. Agree, pre c19 and you'd see more non, than Thais doing the 'loop', CM, Pai MHS. Would describe as more 'out of the metros'.
  18. All roads are quite good, and I've done the trips in entry level Vios & Mazda2 (1.5L) with no issues. Many do it on 125cc scooters, slow going but no issues.
  19. I personally only knew 1 gay relationship, best friends, and strangely, before moving to Thailand, didn't know of any interracial relationships. Very strange considering the demographics of where I lived and worked. But they must be out there, as TV represents our society ... ???? I just haven't seen them.
  20. That's out of the factory, which most won't complain about. "A Harley with straight pipes (no muffler) gives off 100 decibels, the same as a car horn at three feet, according to Purdue University. By comparison, an idling car emits 35-45 decibels and in the low 70s at freeway speeds; a Harley out of the factory is 80 decibels." https://www.startribune.com/here-s-one-part-of-spring-that-isn-t-music-to-the-ears/417721823/#:~:text=A Harley with straight pipes,the factory is 80 decibels. "Sound is measured in decibels (dB). A whisper is about 30 dB, normal conversation is about 60 dB, and a motorcycle engine running is about 95 dB. Noise above 70 dB over a prolonged period of time may start to damage your hearing. Loud noise above 120 dB can cause immediate harm to your ears." https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/hearing_loss/what_noises_cause_hearing_loss.html#:~:text=Sound is measured in decibels,immediate harm to your ears.
  21. Regional issue, doesn't affect me, and frankly, could care less. I realize both sides play their games, and people get caught in the middle. But also believe, most in Donbas did want independence. And another world arms dealer (Ukraine) out of the picture, is simply a plus, for all the nations they sold death toys to. Now I await California & New York to cede from the USA ... hey, one can dream ????
  22. When I was a kid, thought they were cool. Although when upgrading to larger bike, stayed with quiet Honda, especially for dependability, since 80s. Riding buddy was into them, and I took his for a cruise one day .... no thanks. Just annoying to hear that while riding. Now, they really annoy me. Since going with the electric scooter, even the petrol scooters annoy me now ???? Smelly and noisy, sometimes ???? If you're not part of the solution YOU are the problem ... ????
  23. https://www.newsweek.com/us-nato-helped-trigger-ukraine-war-its-not-siding-putin-admit-it-opinion-1685554 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-26079957
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