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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Every now & then, one takes a stand and decides enough is enough. Actually enjoy stories like that. Especially since he wasn't put down, and set free elsewhere.
  2. I just leave money where the drivers can find it; usually under the scooter seat. If expecting multiple deliveries, then taped to a column & under the seat. Avoid any temptations for 'self tipping'. Easy enough.
  3. Some installers won't even bother putting in less than an 8KWS. ESS / battery racks are starting to be quite inexpensive these days, relative to one's budget. ROI 5-10 yrs, less depending how abusive you are on the AC or if having an EV.
  4. "President of the Thai Spa Association and head of the Hua Hin Recharge scheme" I think he should stick to promoting R&R as HH certainly wouldn't be my pick for a medical hub. A bit lacking in services available. HH wouldn't even cross my mind for a hospital stay.
  5. "My question is, .... Do you?" ... NO ... use to read a book a week at work, when bored. Seems the only time I bother. Haven't finished a book yet since in Thailand. Actually dropped the ones I had off at the library. Only reading I do, and to keep the brain active, is on internet, researching my hobbies, destination for out & about, and too much time on this forum ???? Damn hot out though, me & the dog need our AC. Where do you live that you think you need to isolate yourself to that degree. I'm in a small coastal town, and only thing changed for us during the past situation, 1 restaurant that we frequented isn't open. Though wasn't exactly busy before the present situation, 20 months now. Maybe if I lived in Krung Thep, I'd be in more, as annoying to wear a mask constantly, along with the congestion. But living semi rural, and non alcohol drinker when out, not much has changed with my lifestyle. Actually out more often of late, since new e-scooter & e-bike I'm using 2X a day. Think positive ... Be Safe
  6. C19 has only been around for 2 years, the vaccines obviously less time, so obviously nobody knows what or if any long term effects the virus or the vaccine will have in the future.
  7. I would NOT be drinking in any bars, as the fines can be quite hefty ... UP2U ... but I prefer to follow the sensible rules, or you can add to the spread of the virus. Your call ... but you've be warned. "Non compliance of “Section 51” of the Communicable Diseases Act 2015, which is a fine of up to 20,000 baht, as well as breaching “Section 52” of the Communicable Disease Act 2015, which could result in imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year, a fine not exceeding 100,000 Baht or both. Bars, pubs and other entertainment venues remain closed."
  8. Actually discovered in the 60s, developed in the 70s, but used sparingly against Ebola. Only mass produced for the first time, thanks to C19. So no real track record for side effects being used against a coronavirus. I'll wait & see, at least 5 yrs after this present situation passes, if & when that happens. That's if I'm still alive ... ????
  9. Smog is already here, as AQI #s have been in the 50-100+ range already in HH. Drove up to Krung Thep last week, and could barely see the hills to the west.
  10. Not officially, I think. Just SHA restaurants can serve alcohol till 10pm
  11. 2 back to back long weekends, and next week, maybe, alcohol sales will be allowed, in bars ... maybe.
  12. When living at UT, use to do the border runs every 90 days, on the multi entry -O- visa (marriage/support/retirement). First 8 ish yrs here, UT didn't even have an Imm office, and closest was Nong Khai anyway. Quite enjoyed my hops across the bridge, overnight, stock up on some Baileys' as then either hard to find or way overpriced. Finally just started extending in country.
  13. Apparently not, as photo shows deceased being carried away, by the 'haz mat' crew ???????????? Not sure what the danger would be, covid from a dead person, as 'assuming', not breathing on anyone. Or was he / she masked up ???? Basic hand washing .. if .. you touched the deceased, would seem to work. Apologies to any friends & family of the deceased for my insensitivity, in case y'all are reading.
  14. Doctor advising to 'visit doctors'... ... sort of like the bar owner telling me to drink more beer ... ????
  15. Cancer is a whole different ball game. Vaccines for, and treating a terminal disease is apples & oranges. If offered a 'rushed to market' mRNA cancer vaccine, then NO thanks. If diagnosed with something terminal, I'll be visiting the local witch doctor also. May even break with Raëlism and turn Christian and start praying. ????
  16. Wish MG would offer E-truck. Main reason I didn't buy, as only offer diesel.
  17. "Personally i think the mRNA tech is the best thing since bacon." Think I'll wait for the 5 - 10 - 15 yr long term side effect studies to be completed before throwing my hat in that ring.
  18. I've baked and pan fried chips, just not the same and deep fried wins.
  19. No way could I deal with drunks everyday. Why I never visit bars, let alone want to own one. If an alcoholic, then would be the way to go. Although ... drug dealers doctrine ... never use your product, so owning may be counter productive in so many ways.
  20. Yank banks aren't much better. Stopped using banks 30+ years ago. First with credit union bank, too convenient, dd of paycheck. Then used brokerage firm, and still do for US banking, even though I stopped trading. Pension (company/union) goes dd there, and keep check & debit cards on accounts, while gov't pension (SS) dd in Thai BkkBank locally.
  21. If you have a raised tank, which I did at both previous house, if electric goes out, you can still shower, and or use elsewhere if piped throughout. 1 house just for shower, other 1 supplied whole house.
  22. Ditto ... probably drop shipment, and vendor didn't know supplier was out of, not to be restocked in immediate future. Happened a few times. Or ... old listing and no longer wants to sell at that price.
  23. Some generic tips for all of SEA. Nan & Cambo would be good options if not in Thailand. Like the better infrastructure (or so I read) in Thailand. Ignorant about Nam visa, plus I'm rooted here in Thailand. Good stuff though, THANKS, as you never know ... ????
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