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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Not that it shouldn't have gone forward, and convicted, but all a bit of wasted time & tax dollars. Who would not pardon their son before leaving office, especially as it should carry some jail time, though in a cushy Fed prison. Probably the best thing for him, maybe 6 months and he might be able to kick his habit, though at a supposedly mature age, he's still in denial, so a lost cause for rehab. Pretty hard for a millionaire to hit bottom. Amazing Trump is dominating this thread ... TDS more prevalent than long covid with some
  2. Still, 310k baht for cheapest, (hopefully all in) is more than I'd spend on an 8+ yr old car, to keep it on the road. Just buy a new one.
  3. I've never needed more than 300 kms at any one stretch, as knocking of 4 hrs driving, which means we (3) have to P, stretch legs (avoid DVT at my age) & more importantly ... eat ... Unless O&A, topping up is less than 30 seconds at home, simply plugging in as I walk to the front door. No Q'ing up, waiting for service, waiting to stop, waiting pay and get change, or smell the fumes of all ICEV spewing their crap exhaust. Saves hours every year, and for me, it's actually a special trip at home, as petrol station requires a longer drive & U-turn to get to, from house. Not convenient at all, since not along my daily drive routines.
  4. One annoying thing about EV, well, MG ZS at least, though guessing other do the same. App will have a brain freeze. Had one yesterday while on the road, of all place. Warning pops up, and never on screen long enough to actually read. Then check icon comes on, and I scroll through the screens, and no longer displaying air pressure in tires. Handling fine, so know I don't have a flat, and in heavy traffic so can't really stop. When it does have a brain freeze, (rare) it's usually the screen will be blank, won't load, or simply have date & time. Simply turn off, wait 2 minutes, and restart, and all clears up, back to normal. Yesterday was first time it did that, warning icon AND missing info. So checked for closest MG dealer, as didn't want to do the usually, turn off / on, and not have it restart. No detour needed, and dealer was just 12 kms up the road. Cycling through screens and when back at main screen, warning pops up, so made a vid, so could actually read it. Didn't have a clue what it was, but we did top up the tires earlier in the day. Wife call dealer before arriving and stated that's probably it, so pulled in, wife went in for a chit chat, longer than needed, as I simply restarted the car, and all normal again. With verification notice on screen. 'Good condition / No faults' Just something to know, if local, then just restart. If on the road, personally, if still operating, and no noticeable issue, then restart at next dealer, JIC. Do call your local rep, and have noted in your record no matter what, if more than just a brain freeze, which actually are rare, and we don't bother reporting.
  5. Not in TH, and not in 6.67 hrs. And not if you have a dog, wife or kids, without stopping ever hour or 3ish Did 680 kms yesterday, took 12 hrs, and only stopped 3 times, and none specifically to charge the car. Car was ready before we were to leave. First time actually surprising, as start charging at about 25%, and when it go to 97%, realized I was just finishing my coffee. Probably one of our longest pit stops ever, as we usually leave anytime after 80%, usually 90-95% if there a long period ... but ... start in the 30-40% bracket. So that was a good 45 min stop, when most are 30 min +/-, as the other 2 were. Once the car hits 80% then, only time there after that is on us, which it always is. Up to 80% goes in fast, the rest goes in waiting for us to finish up, and usually in the 90-95% range. Which actually works out good. Did have to make a pit stop at MG (non charging), but only took about 20 mins. The rest was all driving. Some through construction, minor gridlock through Krung Thep, actually not bad, other times, as posted 100-110 kph, though most 90 kph when possible. PKK to Khao Kho, Phetchabun, w/less than 2 hrs of stops, no extra time for charging. Over 10 freakin hours of driving. Enjoying my 2 days of rest before continuing on.
  6. @impulse Been a while since I registered 3 of mine, but not with cameras, as didn't want to deal with CAAT, or buy silly insurance. Actually, first time I contacted them, they didn't even want to deal with me, and kind of strange. Things change since then, as first month laws went into effect. So didn't take photos of them with the cameras on, and simply registered with local PoPo. One was the Xiaomi, which I don't think they make any more, and I sold mine. Other was an inexpensive MJX, and one DIY, which I used just incase, and if caught me flying a different on, would just say I modified it, since none having serial #s. All had detachable cameras. See easy to do. Many aren't detachable, as they causes issues with gimbals of some, if constantly removing. Xiaomi was really nice, but started acting up. My DIYs were great, but no longer have any batteries for them, which cost more than an inexpensive all in drone w/camera now. So they get retired. Still have two vid drones, a different MJX, Bugs 16, for strong wind days, and a ZLL SQ906 Pro 2 'Beast', both good, inexpensive, with ZLL having a better camera (Sony lens). Both a few years old now. Use them more for photos than vids, especially after having the Xiaomi, as hard to measure up to the quality. Beast is pretty decent, though I don't have any quality vid editing software. The Xiaomi didn't need any. I wouldn't believe the marketing for inexpensive drones, 4k/8k whatever they advertise, but they should put out nice 1080p vids. YT'er 'Captain Drone' puts out some decent honest reviews, and will have info for latest model. Bought those 2 with his and another recommendation. If and what ever you get, buy any extra battery promotion they offer, and baby the batteries, as once model is upgrade, replacement batteries are hard to come by. DJI if you want to spent the money, but that's a big nut to crack, unless you know you're really going to get into it. Like all battery operated electronics, sitting idle for long periods isn't good. You have to remember to store and charge batteries if not regularly using. I do every 6 months, and so far, so good. Other ones I play with more often. For TH, not sure what's changed, I've always flown illegally, but responsible, and most importantly, away from foreigner/farangs, as they're the only ones that will cause you problems. Which means, avoid operating in tourist areas. Illegal in all national parks, and basically everywhere without asking permission first. The law is very vague, but if responsible, and don't bother anyone or attract attention to yourself, no problem. I've never had problem. Stay away from foreigners, can't emphasis that enough, and you'll be fine.
  7. Yes, but use the granny/emergency charging cable, since using solar. Puts out about 2.3kWh. Have the MG wall charging cable, but since it puts out 7.4kWh, that's on the grid. Rarely use it, and accounts for out PEA bills when more than 10 ish units / kWh used. System wasn't designed with EV (car) in mind, as house build, solar was all contracted at the same time, along with buying a new ICEV at the same time. 2 years later and the govt is paying us 240k baht to buy a new upgraded EV model of the MG ZS, which we already owned the ICEV version. Hard to pass up.
  8. Yep, rainy season, overcast & wet at times, but nice temps, and fresh air 😎
  9. And I'd say the same thing if car still under warranty, and battery needed replacement. And a dealer trying to get out of an expensive repair ... shock surprise. Why I rarely read this thread any more, or most anything of late. What ifs, fires, and not much to do with 'EV in TH'
  10. For the EV haters, that think you'll never get the rated range at speeds. Cruise control set @ 110, doing 109kph and usage is 13.4kWh per 100kms at that speed. Equates to 345 kms range in ECO mode Usage battery - 46.3kWh ÷ 13.4 = 3,455 X 100 = 345 kms NEDC range 403, we rarely get that around town WLTP range 320, at least get that, and usually more, up to 360 kms 'estimated' per charge. Bit blurry as screenshot off vid
  11. Cruise control set @ 110, doing 109kph and usage is 13.4kWh per 100kms at that speed. Equates to 345 kms range in ECO mode Usage battery - 46.3kWh ÷ 13.4 = 3,455 X 100 = 345 kms NEDC range 403, we rarely get that around town WLTP range 320, at least get that, and usually more, up to 360 kms 'estimated' per charge. Bit blurry as screenshot off vid
  12. I have not intentions of driving through water in any vehicle. Simply will never have the need to. Did it once in Vios or Mazda 2 and had to replace the wheel bearings.
  13. The point of pointing out the £22k was ? or the whole post for that matter ? Not sure why that would interest me.
  14. They know we have solar, as asked & told so, when they gave us the digital meter (standard for new builds). So they know, and have had -0- unit bills & 100 unit bills. Want us to register, they have to knock on door and as. If not free, they can take the meter with them when they leave.
  15. Our system so far has provide just enough on truly crappy days. One or 2 days it took all day, to recharge the batteries, (two 10kWh for ttl 20kWh). Overnight we use 6-8kWh, 14 hrs of no production/excess for batteries. On a good day, it will produce 50kWh, when we really don't need more than 20kWh a day. Even on the hottest days, we average 30-35kWh. Panels will produce 9.7kWh (18 X 540w), inverter will put out 8.8kWh, or something like that.
  16. I wouldn't repair any vehicle for £22k / ฿1M, especially since over 8 yrs old. That takes a special kind of stupid.
  17. hmm ... think you may be correct. I never clicked on 'device', or if I did, there was nothing there. Now seems to have a few options. Will have to peek again later, although really don't need to do anything different. But interesting. THANKS
  18. In your dreams. And most that farangs are hooking up (paying for), they wouldn't touch with a bamboo pole. That last sentence is a bit telling ...
  19. Smart people, and hard to beat for knocking around town, or even O&A. Especially considering the made in TH, entry level ICEV aren't really that inexpensive any more. Starting at 600k, and topping out at 799k, except for the Nissan March. Suzuki is throwing in the towel, so scratch their Celerio, Swift, and couldn't even sell many Ciaz at a silly discounted price. Neta V @ 550k, usually on sale for 500k. MG4 @ 699k, and EP a bit more @ 771k. Low operating & maintenance cost, and simply plugging in at home. No more Q'ing up at petrol station. Haven't paid attention, but think some BYDs are in the 700k range. Gem just picked up the Atto 3, and really liking it. I'm actually surprised how many I see down here, for small town, and not the weekenders. Local folks, and full make/mode range, Tesla, Neta, MGs, & BYDs. An Ora Good Cat occasionally. Even a Fomm One, and just down the road from us. So far, just the MG dealer here. Have another at Hua Hin, along with BYD & GWM.
  20. Why open ? ... because you're an alcoholic and shouldn't drink & drive
  21. And they're paying for it also, as RU freed up Russians that no longer wanted to live under the coup/regime change of about 2014 onward. Decimated UA's military stockpiles, so they can no longer bomb border territories as they did in the past. It's a shame the west is continuing the proxy war, as both UA & RU have express the desire to end it.
  22. And you perhaps shouldn't generalize and state 'none' ... just a thought Just a guess, but I'm sure some EV Sparkys out there will be fixing packs as an after market/warranty service. Of course that's if ever needed, as 500k - 1 million miles/kms seems to be a reality with newer battery packs. We're expecting not less than 500k kms out of ours, if the rest of the car lasts that long, about 25 years, if we keep driving at 20k kms a year.
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