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Everything posted by JimTripper

  1. The country is dirty and the food sucks.
  2. That's a downgrade. I'm only interested in upgrades in lifestyle.
  3. What are your alternatives for people 55+? I'm currently looking for places that accept in country bank deposits under 25k Usd or better yet just show me money with accounts in my home country only. I already know about Cambodia, Mexico, Philippines & Mauritus.
  4. Is there an issue with Thai's not yielding to foreigners or not driving the same around them as natives? Or, is it basically a level playing field or more an issue of what you are driving, how big the bike is/what kind, etc?
  5. If he was talking about it, he did not have to really be there, obviously. It could be a hypothetical situation.
  6. They are talking about not being able to pay at all, obviously, because they did not have alternates ready. Likely the Op would be escorted to an ATM neaby for cash. If they can't access cash it's treated as a dine and dash. Those usually are just let off or police are called, maybe tourist police. I don't think many places will restrain you, but who knows.
  7. https://www.facebook.com/share/r/T1gaQ4LbJtTKpUsR/?mibextid=WC7FNe
  8. I think many of your questions reflect this lack of stability in living situation. Whereas, in your home country it's not big deal to get that car. Here, with the language issues, the us/them stuff in an accident, immigration and license hoopla, it becomes more difficult to settle in as an expat. Maybe that's why your asking so many questions about basic living tasks, whereas in your home country it's a no brainer. The system here is kind of setup to keep people from digging in and colonizing the place. It just takes more energy.
  9. I have never felt that a motorbike/car was an option for me in Thailand for some reason. Just seems like it has too many issues/hassles for me to want to deal with. I'm already doing 90 day reports, dealing with flaky landlords, etc, one more hassle becomes bigger then it looks. Glad I don't have to deal with that kind of stuff when I move, just get up and go. That leaves inner city living and walking a lot, which I'm still comfortable with. I have always felt my living situation was unstable at best here (even on an an annual lease). That's a big factor. If I bought a residence things would be different because I'm dug in. I would have the parking spot, stable address for registration, etc. I do miss driving very much and enjoy it whenever I return to the Usa.
  10. I bet you saw the thumbnail though.
  11. Because you get what you pay for and there is no such thing as a free lunch. What would the meals have cost in a more affulent country in a similar establishment? Did you "save money" dining in Bangkok and somehow get over on something by paying less? No, you got what you paid for. Corners and quality of goods and services were cut somewhere, whether you realize it or not. Sometimes you just don't see it, other times it becomes obvious.
  12. If you like shopping with this guy it's you who needs psychotherapy. I guarantee it!
  13. I guess he was right about that one.
  14. A man must learn his own lessons, make his own mistakes and find his limitations... Perchance, I enjoy the opportunity of seeing him man up, into a bird of a finer feather, or more likely, man down into a squandering miserable fellow. Either way, being somehow always mellow, I watch his comings and goings with great trepidation & curious regard. How's yer father?
  15. Especially, if it involved the utilization of, or partaking in, the services of prostitutes, or even the desire for such services, without direct action taken in that regard.
  16. Would be lucky if anyone complained here. More likely, people just sat there with their donut. Looks like someone did take a video though, probably without comment.
  17. Gives me "the creeps" just thinking about it.
  18. You got the idea right, but not the method. The hidden danger of Thailand is being catered to. Driven around. That person with a wai watching your every move and providing exactly what you need. The Gf who does every little thing and comes with you to immigration. The moto guy waiting at your doorstep... Over a long time (many years), you become weak & dependent. Then when you face challenges in harder countries it's much more difficult to adapt and overcome.
  19. For the same reason bars are filled all over with men talking to other men of similar circumstances and backgrounds.
  20. Seems like there are a lot of people that come here to "partake in & utilize the services of prostitutes". Anyone know why someone would do such a thing?
  21. Why would I need to control what my neighbor is doing, confront them or move? If he chooses to be "involved in the utilization of the services of prostitutes" he will man up to the problems resulting from his undiciplined lifestyle, including any VD he may encounter, forthwith. He won't get any approval or encouragement from me, but I'm pretty good at faking a smile in the hallway when required, Jim.
  22. Well, where I am I have a neighbor that keeps having different women over all the time. He's an older guy and from what I can see does not have much going for him. My guess is that the women are prostitutes. I have not asked them, it's just a feeling I get that he is involved in the utilization of the services of prostitutes.
  23. To my understanding india guys are major dicks if you goto india. I have seen video's where they won't serve foreigners if you order food. The guys will just joke and laugh and make fun of you, especially in streetside situations. So it's interesting that they approach here.
  24. Why would they start refusing sex in the Uk?
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