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Everything posted by Njoku

  1. Well this is the new reality, say it long enough and loud it enough and people will believe until there told otherwise yet wont wake up to being lied to for the entire time..
  2. They will sell it as new, and it happened to me too except they in S7 didnt connect to wifi, but screwed up my set up which I didnt really pick up on till very much later, normally back home id only buy Apple products from an Apple Store, sealed in the box, if I decide to buy a new iPhone again I will make the trip to one of the BKK Apple Stores, assuming I can get over these iPhone software updates that stress you out for like 5 months....2 ys in a row now and im still not over iOS11.
  3. Ive strarted to think more along the lines of Apple, and the app people have been slow to respond.
  4. They have emailed me new account details to start over twice before, but yes got it this time, would not use the generator if my ATO was not linked.
  5. What's it like calling an AU help line from overseas because the app keeps crashing and getting assistance from someone who obviously is suffering from bad morning syndrome? Like it's obvious yeah that you mentioned the app crashes you deleted it that you cant access your account right? the over 50 miss fires back faster than the latest Israeli machine gun barely letting you get a word in then wonders why she cant understand what your talking about, you start to get pissed because you are constantly repeating yourself she detects you raising your voice then ends the call after you waited 10 min to get to talk to her. What's worse is this isn't the first time, went through the ordeal around sept, set it all up again, worked fine last week, we are talking about the my gov app code generator, used it to access last week, crashing this week, called yesterday, the guy seemed to understand what was required to set up a new my gov account, never received that email, todays call got me in, to link the ATO so I could get to read there letter had to link the code generator, it crashed, again. The plot thickens, is it the app or is it Apple? did update to 17. what ever for security reasons, (because it was strongly recommended) between last week and this weeks attempt to use the My Gov app code generator, I refuse to get the iOS 18.1.1 well until march about, after mucho heartache after new iPhones hit the shelves, 15pro here, last year was like slowly killing me for months, talking software updates for new iPhones they roll out each sept, three times ive been caught, last year obviously a new phone so what could you do? back with my iPhone XR, the year later I think was the worst, so I no longer do software updates when a new iPhone hits the shelf's till about march the following year, until they recommended 17 what ever for important Sercurity updates and it was stressed, important. I can expect a nice phone bill from AIS end of next month.
  6. Get the app on your phone get the physical card for back up and get the digital cards put into the phones wallet, any decent size store will take tap, (apple pay android pay) physical card when they dont, can transfer into Thai bank account, digital card for purchases on line then freeze card.....I use one of my digital cards for tap and go, another for online purchases and physical card when nothing else works.. You can still do everything via a web page if that makes it more comfortable but strongly recommend using wallet to pay where you can.
  7. Back up.....can be handy if you find yourself stuck somewhere and the god dam phone dont work. (assuming you use wallet to pay..)
  8. Seen something like this on YouTube over the weekend, its a portable battery, inverter, can charge through mains or solar, obviously you couldn't connect the house to it but you could plug in a multi power point adapter and run a few things, they come in various sizes and prices, this ones about 38,000 B https://www.lazada.co.th/products/kanto-kt-gpower-6000-3000-inverter-storage-power-station-outdoor-power-supply-power-bank-built-in-lithium-battery-cell-i3459671602-s12820885519.html?c=&channelLpJumpArgs=&clickTrackInfo=query%3Abattery%2Bstorage%2Binverter%2Ball%2Bin%2Bone%3Bnid%3A3459671602%3Bsrc%3ALazadaMainSrp%3Brn%3A7c1eaa3942e8204e8253f35f0cd60f13%3Bregion%3Ath%3Bsku%3A3459671602_TH%3Bprice%3A37550%3Bclient%3Adesktop%3Bsupplier_id%3A1000140011%3Bbiz_source%3Ah5_internal%3Bslot%3A2%3Butlog_bucket_id%3A470687%3Basc_category_id%3A14372%3Bitem_id%3A3459671602%3Bsku_id%3A12820885519%3Bshop_id%3A374290%3BtemplateInfo%3A107882_D_E%23116176_A0%23-1_A3_C%23&freeshipping=0&fs_ab=2&fuse_fs=&lang=en&location=Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya&price=3.755E 4&priceCompare=skuId%3A12820885519%3Bsource%3Alazada-search-voucher%3Bsn%3A7c1eaa3942e8204e8253f35f0cd60f13%3BoriginPrice%3A3755000%3BdisplayPrice%3A3755000%3BsinglePromotionId%3A-1%3BsingleToolCode%3A-1%3BvoucherPricePlugin%3A0%3Btimestamp%3A1732550145890&ratingscore=&request_id=7c1eaa3942e8204e8253f35f0cd60f13&review=&sale=0&search=1&source=search&spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.2&stock=1
  9. As I pointed out to you the first time developers are not going to borrow money to stick up exclusive condo towers if the market cant afford it, so clearly there is a market for them, and builders hold on to some of the stock, one time I checked out a 9 year old condo in Ari that was never sold and still owned by the developers, as for builders going bankrupt, one time a roofing sales rep met us on site and casually said we wont sell roof tiles to that mob, they had gone bankrupt rebranded and back in business, you gain a reputation, costs go up when you find someone who will supply, to get an account the supplier will want a signed legal personal guarantee or its cash prior to delivery, as for the cost of housing, its world wide and due to the shrinking fortunes of the middle class, who drive the market, throw in stagnant wage growth, seen a very good doco some years ago on the subject... Its only sensible and certainly not desperation to find a way to bring in money from outside of the country, there hardly going to be relying on Chinese and US wealthy to throw in a million or two $ on a few condos or pool villas with 99 year leases to grease the economic wheels its just part of a wider scoped policy to attract foraging investment, my home country government came out with some joy with Trump winning, one of his polices is to slash funding on renewables they think and will gear up to try and attract some of that money to come in to AU.....thats how they think...
  10. Dont know why you think all Thais are poor, Developer's the world over know there market, they know how much the public will spend in each segment, its quite normal for the developer to hold on to some of there condos or houses in a development. Keep reading about oversupply its here its going to happen but there still putting them up which means theres a market for the product. And yeah the Chinese and the like are buying in Australia too but there not looking to buy there or here what the average Thai wants to live in.
  11. You can believe what you like, so much s.h.i.t written here most people have a distorted view of what's required, I certainly not saying I know exactly what's needed or going to happen in the future to make expats comply im just giving you examples of how they could and what you will need to come up with, soon I will take a wander down to the revenue department and get it first hand, my understanding is if you remit into the country you need to file a tax report, if you keep the remit to under 500,000 b for an over 65 dude no tax payable, since I live in Pattaya im fairly confident the revenue dept will have more knowledge that some flea bitten out post in issan, and I certainly wouldn't want to risk not to comply to register for a tax file number and lodge for a pittance of tax I might need to pay let along the b.u.l.l.s.h.i.t they will put me through if and when the day comes.
  12. If they ask and at some point they very well might make it conditional renewing long stay visa, you will need to provide proof.....that would mean a copy of an Aussie bank statement from 2023 that showed you had x amount in it, they are only interested in what you remit into the country so say you brought in 20,000$ a year over the next 5 ys then that bank statement would need to show savings of over 100,000$, if they decided to get technical they would make you jump hoops as that 100 gees was earning interest, its what you remit into the country, a bit of thinking can keep you at the 500,000B threshold or less for no tax payable just one day a year to lodge a return, you comply and save yourself future heart ack as an elderly gent trying to negotiate with the tax office that you cannot win against.
  13. No but at some point in time because we expats are a soft target they can make us jump...high....so when they are ready they will simply make it a condition just like you need to get from your bank that states your funds have been in youre account for the required time they will make you get one from the revenue department as well that say you are up to date with filing and paying any outstanding tax, not hard to do and the onus is on you sir, then the law etc is retrospective from Jan 1 2024, fines and interest if applicable will be levied on your burden plus you will have something like a week to show proof etc off the 10 odd pages they will demand off you simply because they love there paper work here which you will have a hell of a time sorting through then end up being on overstay cause you cant renew youre god dam visa. Just think it through there are ways to stick to the tax free threshold for most of us and just another crap day spent each year doing and lodging a tax form...
  14. That can be said for anywhere in the world an expat finds them selves living in, anything original and sensible to add?
  15. That can be said for anywhere in the world an expat finds them selves living in, anything original and sensible to add?
  16. And when that day comes the tax is retrospective plus interest plus a fine for each year you did not comply...and no visa renewal until tax is up to date...good one...thats how to do it...
  17. And pretends to be a grown man..
  18. Shade the roller door with a covered pergola.
  19. You are not very intelligent or are very rich, the pittance in tax you would need to pay here or none at all would pale in airfares and hotels before finding somewhere to rent in foreign lands....
  20. Took 24hrs to transfer from a Melbourne based bank to another Melbourne based bank/youre Revolut account, Revolut states that somewhere, 24hrs, the lay out of the app is different just get your buddy to sit in front of a pc with YouTube and type in what he wants to do, simple, or google it.
  21. $AU1800 into wise within an hour on average most of the time within 20min, convert to Thai B, instant, been like that for a very long time, $AU40 into Revolut 24hrs, convert to Thai B instant...
  22. Got tired of looking in different supermarkets here in Pattaya for my Liptons, I order 100 tea bags a time through Lazada
  23. You should know by now Thais generally go silent when there faced with something they dont want to talk about, you should too, my current Thai partner when we met said she wanted marriage and kids, after I checked her out and decided she was a keeper told her she's free to keep searching or the Buddhist marriage only not legal and I had a vasectomy so kids where off the table, she thought about it and agreed. Over the last 2 ys she has mentioned at least a dozen times that I should try and get my vasectomy corrected, the first few times I talked about it saying the surgeon said I should expect that its permanent, in the end I decided to shut up and not fan it, end of story, getting married bit I guess will happen eventually but ive managed to starve it off, I dont talk about it. In the west you wouldn't be able to shut it down for too long, but here you can, if you have gone over it with her already then no more to say, dont get caught up talking about it, behave like a Thai would, generalising here but most wont discuss something they dont want to talk about.
  24. Im not aware of a stand alone Nautica shop, Central Festival inside Centra Department store its self carries a range in the mens wear department.
  25. There not all bright like a light here, add few dont know what a hotplate or oven is then the dicks run under rated cabling and circuit breakers, in my condo the very dim wits ran the hotplate and oven on the same line into the one circuit breaker so when running hotplate and oven same time it trips. Start with getting the oven checked if its never done that before, after that good luck if nothing wrong with it.
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