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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. In NZ it's no longer necessary to "sign in" when going in shops ( unless the shop owner's want it ). Considering still many cases of covid every day was it ever necessary? Hopefully the mask mandate will be the next thing to go. People that want to wear them will still be able to buy masks to use.
  2. That's hardly the point, IS IT! Are you happy to be among millions to be nuked to death by whatever side is firing them?
  3. I was just saying what was said on Al Jazeera. Rare earth is apparently common, but extremely polluting to refine.
  4. I was non resident in NZ which meant I had a reduced rate of withholding tax there. Why would I pay full tax if not living there? It remained my home country, but not my home.
  5. Makes no difference as to trying to get NHS treatment if not living in the UK.
  6. That's 2 hours and 7 minutes of my life I'll never get back. It wasn't a bad film, but having wokeness flaunted at every conceivable opportunity made it the most annoying film I've seen since the Tom Hanks product placing film about a man stuck in an airport. A completely made up story about inter racial love inserted that added nothing to the movie except minutes, lesbians, a western female hotel porter in a 1930s Egyptian hotel, an armed female military honour guard etc. It was so Americanized that they could have replaced the entire cast with black Americans, except for the already black Americans in the cast. Oh, and the last scene was preposterous. That was the last Branagh movie I'll ever see.
  7. Hopefully I'll enjoy Nile more than you as I'm going to see it tonight. The reviews were over 50% positive. As long as it's no worse than the Orient Express movie I'll be happy. Having seen the previous movie no suspense, but I'm expecting some good visuals. There are so few movies out now that I want to watch, anything passable is acceptable.
  8. Also disliked Breaking Bad because it wasn't interesting, not because of what it was about. For an example of series I did like Fargo The Ship House Poirot Prime Suspect Cracker Morse etc
  9. Having never talked to one that did so ( probably dead ) I am unable to answer that. Personally I'd only do so for someone I called my friend or someone I love.
  10. Seriously? Perhaps they do it because they can't sit outside back home because it's too cold, and after they have imbibed they go back to a pleasant young companion which they also can't do back home. Perhaps they'd find your attitude cringeworthy.
  11. It is, and all I can do is avoiding saying anything much with people I don't trust. Far as I'm concerned there is no freedom of speech any more. Sad days indeed. However to be back on topic, nobody where I live discusses the Ukraine war ( it's too far away and doesn't affect us- yet ), so the OP should be happy about that.
  12. Not where I live. The public conversation is somewhat one sided, and those that disagree are probably too scared to say anything because they get roasted if they do. A friend of mine was excoriated for saying something his wife's daughter disliked. He was quite shocked by her reaction, and that's from someone he helped raise. The brainwashing is going quite well apparently.
  13. Unfortunately I do like talking about it with like minded individuals. However, these days in my life they are few and far between. Most people I know don't care any more- only care about themselves and theirs.
  14. You think there is no brainwashing going on in your country? It's one of the reasons I gave up watching local tv, and it's going on all the time on radio, but I tune them out as much as possible- I certainly don't believe them. I don't live in Russia so I can't comment about there.
  15. Not in the military I joined during the Vietnam war ( I wasn't infantry so didn't serve there ), and I certainly wouldn't have for someone I didn't like.
  16. It could be a prank gone wrong when Smith realised that it hadn't gone down well. However, I wasn't close enough to tell, so not sure. It's the sort of thing that a couple of mates might think up over a few beers, but didn't think about the consequences. Does anyone know if they are mates?
  17. That was one of the reasons for suspecting it was faked.
  18. That was decided long before the show. All they could do was still award it and perhaps take it away later.
  19. Subject of discussion on radio talkback today. Someone that played it in slow motion reckons it was faked. I watched the clip but not close enough to really tell. IMO had he been hit with the apparent force he'd have been down. I have no idea as to why it would be faked except it's Hollywood. Will doesn't come off well for the language he used afterwards.
  20. That's a bit simplistic and IMO there are a lot of factors at work. Too many trendy ideas implemented that didn't/ don't work Reluctance of males to be teachers for very good reason The no loser culture Bad teachers Woke policies PC policies Too much of allowing students to decide how/ what they want to learn. Bad parents Culture Etc. Apparently NZ has a high % of students that can barely read and write, yet teachers think they deserve higher pay!
  21. While I don't recall any fellow pupil dying from the institutional bullying at my private secondary school, if expulsion were the result all second, third, fourth and fifth years would have been gone. However my first year was the last in which it was permitted. Prefects were still allowed to beat juniors with a sand shoe, and I don't know when that ended.
  22. My comment was confined to having a non woke BBC that was trusted to be impartial on the news; a strong military, especially the navy, not the pale shadow of it's former glory; a strong manufacturing base instead of importing junk from China and cheap disposable clothing from sweatshops in Asia; and respect for the cops and incarceration for long periods of time for the bad people. I am well aware of Britain's history, especially with regard to Ireland to want a lot of it. I also don't care for the rotten class system. Britain used to make all it's own military gear, instead of importing it like the planes to put on it's 2 aircraft carriers. Sad days indeed.
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