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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Hurricanes, drought etc have always happened, always will. The only difference now as compared to centuries past is that we have overpopulated the planet to the extent that ANY natural event impacts many millions more. Stop building in fire zones, flood plains and the coast and many problems will be eliminated.
  2. If you don't know what the dream is in relation to LOS, one wonders why you are posting nonsense at all on that subject.
  3. Actually, since 1945 when the first atom bomb was proven to work. It may not happen now, or next year, but eventually it will happen, IMO. Dr Strangelove lives on in the War Room. However, the only debate now, IMO, is whether humankind is so rotten that the ending of homo sapiens will be a good idea, or not.
  4. All of which was excellent. Limited tv means one actually does something as opposed to lying back and being done to. A generation of obese children show the folly of tv/ internet use. But for the subtle seduction of tv/ internet the worthwhile things I could have done instead! One should always remember that ( other than porn ), most of tv/ internet is ( IMO ) pixelated garbage. Paper books are wonderful. The invention of the printing press enabled the advancement of humanity ( perhaps it wasn't such a good idea after all ). I'll never read a book composed of pixels. I don't mind paying an author for their craft. Stealing has never been easier since the advent of the internet.
  5. Land for generations- wealthy beyond imagining. Land is the only thing that is actually worth anything. Can't eat gold, can't live in crypto currency, etc. Land, preferably with a livable cave will be the most valuable thing on the planet when it all turns to <deleted>, provided one can keep it from the feral mob by use of lethal weapons. Livin' the life in the dystopian future.
  6. Speaking of "twisting"....................................
  7. Indeed there are and the people of the world are grateful for that. Not starting wars is a very good thing, so perhaps some should remember that Trump did at least one good thing in his time.
  8. there is a difference between what is viewed as questionable behavior and what is chargeable as criminal conduct. If wishin' and hopin' were facts, Trump would have been in jail years ago. The recently ended and not missed committee were IMO just political theatre by Democrats, and their "recommendation" could have been written on day one. IMO it will end up with all the other attacks in the dustbin of history.
  9. Likely they remember what happened when Reagan agreed to a plan. Once fooled and all that.
  10. Hmmmm. It'd be hard to ignore that a few others in the US congress are also a "nut job" to use your words. I guess it all depends on which side one supports as to just who is a "nut job" though.
  11. Cold probably never killed anyone unless they couldn't dress for it. I suspect they are no worse off than we were when I was a child and it was generally colder back then. I haven't seen a frost like was normal then for many years.
  12. I'm pretty sure it's the same in the UK. Three generations of unemployed in some places.
  13. You are making me homesick for Antarctica! I spent a year there- best year of my life. I guess that oil hadn't been invented then as we always had to plug in the vehicles or leave them running.
  14. I said Yule, not Yale, and given that Yale were an inferior brand of locks or a university in the USA I have no thoughts about either.
  15. Had to buy the land, had to buy the material to build it, has to afford to get to and from. He's wealthy, even if not as wealthy as some.
  16. You must have been born under a lucky star. You are living the dream.
  17. I made almost every mistake it's possible to make and those mistakes will haunt me till my last breath, but the one mistake I didn't make was to have children to inherit what is coming. They say that we are the first generation to leave a worse world to our descendants, and i certainly agree that they will be unfortunate with what is IMO to come.
  18. Why? For me it was only Thailand or home. Zero interest anywhere else. If I can't afford to live the dream in Thailand might as well live somewhere hospital is free for me, given my age.
  19. That would be true except we have to give the money to the parents, not her. I look at it as having to "buy" her. I guess the idea was that they lost a free caretaker ( the daughter ) so needed compensation. In some countries a dowry was given to the wife to be, so your idea would be correct in that situation.
  20. You're another that should take up comedy. You're a riot!
  21. LOL. Make it cheaper and people will use more of it.
  22. Renewable are probably WHY prices are sky high.
  23. My prediction- it'll come to nothing, just like all the rest over past 6 years. Trump has been audited by the IRS already and they found nothing illegal to prosecute him over. One more nothing burger to add to the list of failed attempts.
  24. Heard/ seen on Al Jazeera this morning: Women banned from NGOs. Women protesting in one of the cities were herded into a narrow street where they were attacked by water cannon and beaten. All the past occupation by western troops has done IMO was to give Afghan women false hope of being free to pursue education and a career. Should have left once al qaida was destroyed there.

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