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Everything posted by nglodnig

  1. Which just shows never beleive what the girl in the PEA says The charger is on the wall - don't know what a granny cable is.
  2. Man-made Soviet-era screw-up - they drained it dry to grow cotton
  3. Got an MG PHEV thing and I dutifully plug it in nine o'clock to get the cheap rate - and it seems every one else is doing this at the same time and overloading their billing systems? Because it ALWAYS FAILS the first three or four times I do it - tonight I left it for half-an-hour - worked fine first time
  4. As my sainted mother said, "if you can't say something nice say nothing at all" 🙂
  5. Sweeping generalization which tunrs out to be in-correct in my experience.
  6. The Youtube news article is incorrect - residents of some countries (e.g. Switzerland) get the increase as per UK residents. So how is passport control going to track that, considering the last time I went to tUK I used the Chunnel and drove back across Europe to my destination, untrackable.
  7. Not with the usual traffic - twenty minutes more like.
  8. Me good speak Engerlish. Thai, not so good as like what I speak Engerlish. Me cheap.
  9. I opened an account with them, after other UK banks told me I require a minimum balance of 100k which you can't touch. They have some sort of app with which you photograph your passport which I couldn't get to work so in the end I had to get the passports notarized - fiddly, as it was non-UK. But we got there in the end and (touch wood) the account management is reasonable. As a retired bank employee as a back-end techie (not front-end customer facing) I stil had to do annually KYC and AML training. They will ask you some tough questions: 1) Is this money yours or did you steal it? 2) Are you a terrorist or member of a mafia-like organisation? 3) Are you related to the head of government or a cabinet minister? IF you pass this test and you have a hundred grand to give them they will welcome you with open arms.
  10. I had a work permit there (which I think I had to show because you get an ID card which they wanted to see) - but that was just for basic banking account. If you have a large amount of dosh to deposit most banks will waive the rules and most UK banks will open an off-shore account for you. But if you deposit a couple of grand on a tourist visa in Singapore I would imagine you would have a problem - maybe, try it.
  11. Hi "Stirling" is a Scottish town I think you mean "Sterling". HTH smilie smilie smilie emojis🙂 It's actually quite a nice town maybe a trip back to the UK and go to Stirling and open an account there? The view from the castle is fantastic!
  12. That AQICN site seems to have lost Hang Dong - it dropped off the map (about a week ago?) and hasn't re-appeared since. I've been using Accuweather which tells be things are OK - highest PM2.5 reading that last couple of weeks was about 70. Unfortunately I can't seem to find any history values
  13. Hmm - you don't mention make or model. I have a Resmed Airsense 10 and the electronics part (the on-off switch) packed up while I was living in Singapore. There is a Resmed dealer there so I took it to them. They said they would have to replace the whole electronic kit-n-kaboodle which would would be more expensive than a new unit. He then showed me what the health-care providers of the device never did - it is possble to switch the thing on and off automatically by a setting. Basically when I put the mask on it starts and after taking the mask off after a few seconds it stops. All I want it to do. Maybe that would fix your problem. Good luck.
  14. You must be a really slow reader 🙂
  15. I enquired about joining they said it would be no probem "Ha!" I said. "I would NEVER join a club that would accept ME as a member!" Thanks Groucho 🙂 I'll get my coat.
  16. I would think the Thai government has more important things to worry about like the massive personal debt and the Baht in free-fall.....
  17. I'm surprised - the owner looks like such a nice person in the photo
  18. Plus your contract is with the airline and not some web site whose only interest is to sell the ticket, after that you're on your own. I ALWAYS book with the airline direct.
  19. So what? The information is still valid and is an example of how bank staff do NOT understand immigration requirements.
  20. You'd think so wouldn't you? I tried three or four times at my bank (both at my local branch and the one next to the IMO in CM ) and only finally got it right in the end. I needed a single page with dates and amounts of forreign trasnfers over the last 12 months. Despite saying "I need this for immigration" this turned out to be Rocket Science for the unamed (begins with a "B" which is also a capital city) bank staff
  21. And, on a personal note, I would just like to add how helpful. friendly and with reasonable English ALL the staff at the IMO showed to me.
  22. Good post. I just got my first retirement extension today from CNX IMO. Took me four attempts to get the correct "certificate" as BBL screwed up on the 12-months - need 12 months worth of statements plus ONE page highlighting the foreign money transfers of 65k monthly. Now I I knoww I'll get it better next time. Well, I'll make sure BBL do better.
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