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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. What an idiotic comment. The attacker could easily have been armed. Why shouldn't he have called for backup? Wouldn't that be standard procedure? Or maybe you are just a hero that wouldn't need any safety, yeah, one of AN's heroic warriors.
  2. The Tesla Cybertruck has been spotted in Thailand already!
  3. There's always one idiot who can only find something critical or stupid to say in a story about Thai compassion and goodness. And it is usually you. Does it give you a kick? What do you get out of it?
  4. Cool, thanks for sharing. Like the other poster above I had found the supercars but by that time I had spent about 7 minutes in the place and had lost the will to live so I left. Couldn't imagine any reason to ever go back (if I want IKEA it's much easier to drive to Bang Na), but now I have one - would like to check those classics out.
  5. Disagree. I was perfectly fine, not distracted, not doing anything to "lose control" of myself, just driving and concentrating. Then suddenly I felt very drowsy so I opened a window whilst looking for somewhere to get off the motorway, when suddenly for one or two seconds I nodded off then came back with a jolt. I was powerless to stop it. Never experienced anything like it since. It is a real medically defined thing, and is nothing to do with "losing control" of yourself, sorry. https://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/what-to-know-microsleep https://www.thensf.org/what-is-microsleep/#:~:text=Simply put%2C microsleep is when,day%2C not just at night.
  6. 14 people (mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, sisters, brothers) just lost their lives in a horrific manner and that is all you can say. You should be ashamed of yourself, disgusting. This place really has some sickos, as someone else rightly said "bordering on mental illness". Count yourself among them.
  7. No it isn't. A microsleep can happen to anyone. I have experienced it while driving on a UK motorway many many years ago, driving along feeling tired then suddenly realising you've been asleep for a couple of seconds. Damn scary. Of course I pulled off the motorway immediately afterwards and found a place to rest. As said above they can happen to anyone on a long journey. However if you are well rested the chances of it happening are reduced by a huge amount which is why we have strict driving limits for commercial drivers. It remains to be seen how much rest this driver had had and how much driving he had done in the past 24 hours.
  8. I applied for a UK visa for my wife this year and they needed it for 4-6 weeks; however we had a trip booked to Hong Kong during that time. My wife told them this on application and they were very amenable and said to send an email stating that and if the visa wasn't ready in time we could "borrow" the passport to go to HK, then drop it back afterwards. As it turns out the visa was fast and borrowing the passport wasn't necessary but I would call them as I am sure this is a common thing and they will surely have a process for it. Pretty sure it won't only be the UK that can accommodate such a request.
  9. These are fascinating times. I don't think the automotive industry has ever been shaken up like this in my lifetime. The future is very much electric and Chinese........and I'm not against that at all - bring it on!
  10. Sorry, I know it's wrong, but when I hear that accent I just think "right wing redneck" and can't get beyond it.
  11. Is that runt with an "r"? Met a few Tonies in my time, horrible little leeches who think they are untouchable.
  12. Yeah, I remember the reports, and no doubt "Tony" is a shady character and there is clear bribery at play when people get detained (there's something about that name and shadiness). But I also never saw any real evidence - I only saw the CCTV that clearly showed people shoplifting. Not saying it didn't happen, only that people jump on these bandwagons without doing any research. My research was very much inconclusive and in many cases the rumours were proven false.
  13. Yes I have browsed their pricing and no, I generally don't buy from there. Their prices are slightly cheaper than a normal shop for booze, but hardly anything in it. I have a couple of times bought on arrival for convenience, not to save money. Yes, they are very rich, not disputing that. Yes, the monopoly is stupid, I already said that, there should be competition, although as another poster reported it is not uncommon in the aviation retail world. Not sure where the ignorance comment comes from. I was merely contending your comment to ban them in arrivals to help people save money was a bit silly. People don't need you to make their decisions on what to spend their money on.
  14. Let's just ban shops, full stop. Imagine the savings! If people want to buy something at a cost that they deem agreeable, what's the problem? Why would you want to ban it? Personally I would like the option.
  15. Yawn. Another AN myth. Seriously, do you guys just regurgitate everything you read on here? Do you never actually search independently to see if something is true? It really is a sad reflection of people that they just repost whatever fits their narrative without doing a jot of research. A simple Google search will show you that the people in question were actually shoplifting. King Power released the CCTV footage and it it as clear as day - I have seen it.......when I was researching to see if the rumours were true at the time - like any reasonable, open minded, non prejudiced, person would do. Yes, you could pay to have the charges go away but that is usually the case in Thailand and it was nothing to do with KP. If you don't shoplift you don't get in to any trouble. And for the poster who says you literally cross the boundary of their shop with something in your hand and you get arrested, read my first paragraph again. Ridiculous.
  16. Eh? If you remove all duty free on arrival that is a huge loss of revenue for everyone. What do you think they will replace them with? Rows and rows of cake shops? When most people land their main objective is to get out of the airport as quickly as possible. Duty free is tempting, nothing else would be, and we're talking a lot of retail space to replace - it is a ridiculous idea. I am no fan of KP and think giving one company exclusivity for ALL retail and commercial space in the airport was a stupid thing to do. But this story has nothing to do with that, or corruption, or the legendary AN, tedious "brown envelopes". But I do understand many posters here don't feel complete unless they've trotted out at least one cliche per day, so glad you got your fix. And do revenue sharing agreements really get paid in brown envelopes?
  17. Yet you clicked on the article, read it, then thought you would make a post to tell everyone you're not interested. Hmmmmmm. When I'm not interested in something I skip past it.
  18. I like the Ioniq 5 - it's a cool looking car. But that is expensive for the spec! Wonder if we'll get the 641 bhp Ioniq N............with fake gear changes and noises (the reviewer actually likes them)
  19. Oh my, this is hilarious. So he didn't call out the white paedophiles in his organisation because he knew they were white and the left wing police would take care of it because they hate white people???? What an absolutely deluded fanboy statement of the highest order. I have never read anything so ridiculous. Good old Tommy protecting the children!
  20. Let's start with his grandstanding about the Muslim paedophile ring because, you know, he cares about the children. Police were already on top of it and he risked jeapordising the trial by his actions which could have meant they would go free or, at least, having a re-trial. He was convicted of comtempt of court for it. If he truly cared he would not have put the trial at risk - especially as he had been warned about it - but then again his fund raising was doing quite nicely. Or how about Yaxley Lennon defending paedophile friends and people in his organisation? At least 20 members and supporters of the EDL were convicted of child sexual offences. Why didn't he clean his organisation? Oh wait but he couldn't be expected to know what every single person was up to right? Fair point. But what about his friend Richard Price - co-founder of the EDL. When he was arrested for child pornography did Yaxley Lennon lead people on the streets? Did he condemn his vile act? No, he publically supported him saying he was "stitched up" and has "no idea" how the pictures came to be on his personal computer. That, my friend, is the definition of a hypocrite. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hypocrite Paedopjiles only bother him when they are brown. White ones are ok.
  21. Yeah, this is one thing his supporters overlook when they say he is an anti paedophile saviour. Yaxley Lennon is a crook, a thug and a hypocrite. That is non debatable.
  22. Finally, we hear from someone who was there! Thanks for sharing what you witnessed.
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