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Everything posted by CecilM

  1. LEDs (those that are dimmable) require a specific dimmer.
  2. Anyone worried by dive operators allowing novices to dive using a long hose? Crazy.
  3. I wouldn't waste the money. I am not responsible for taking care of issues caused by society.
  4. Great. We don't have enough spots and there are cars that haven't been moved for months, years, and in one case for over 15 years. But I do think that 7 days is too short and that the juristic person doesn't have that authority without owners committee or owners general meeting approval
  5. Don't. Unless you are 100% certain to receive all documents to be able to register the car in your name.
  6. I've sold lots of used stuff on FB Marketplace; and I've also bought some items for a great price. Lessons learned as a seller: 1) 30% or less of new price 2) take the first serious offer 3) don't continue msg with any non-serious buyers 4) meet in person, or transfer money then send
  7. I find Tak province beautiful, though not quite ½ way. Of course, you could drive CM-HH in one day (we don't do stopovers BKK-CM anymore) and rather add more day(s) to your stay in HH.
  8. Lucky that your office accepts fixed accounts. Requiring monthly statements seems to depend on the officer reviewing the documents (now I always prepare them, it's not difficult).
  9. We got a 10mAh powerbank (and Bluetooth headphones and Bluetooth speaker) for free with the purchase of a phone. Free = questionable quality. It feels so light and flimsy that I'm reluctant to use it.
  10. Does he have health insurance? That could be a big (financial) obstacle, even if he finds a home here.
  11. That's something I would never buy on Lazada/etc (unless it's from the manufacturer's official shop). Even then, I'd probably rather go to a mall. Based purely on one bad experience buying electronics and then not being able to claim warranty.
  12. Heat, turn on A/C. Bad air, buy an extra air filter. Cheaper than trying to run away every year.
  13. Our condo manager revoked elevator key fob access to non-paying owners. They had to walk up 8 floors. They didn't sue/fight the manager's actions... read between the lines what's legal and what a lawsuit might achieve.
  14. I went back to the shop 3x and they cut and inserted new lenses (each time 20+k at the shop's expense) until they got it right. They didn't measure the fit - think farang nose - for my progressive lenses properly.
  15. Interesting. Is this from an App? Please share the source. Thank you.
  16. The g/f can visit you in Vietnam. She can bring your stuff. Have a holiday. Then fly home and get a proper visa. The times for multiple easy visa runs are over.
  17. Web based access is disappearing (or not updated/working) for many companies. Push their mobile apps. Unfortunate trend of these times. Considering that many items ordered on Lazada need to be returned, I'd be sure to use the app for purchase/ returns (or at least for the return process). To browse/buy, web-based is fine.
  18. Thank you for sharing. :)
  19. Normal. Speak up and tell them who was there first.
  20. Yup, German 'stumm' but for sure not silent. It's a strong 'sh' sound followed by 't'.
  21. Didn't work on laptop. Worked on phone. Then worked on laptop. After that everything OK.
  22. Charging for toilet for non-customers is OK. Claiming the stretch of public street in front of your business as a parking spot for your business is not OK.
  23. I got it from JJ district office. Easy (just showed up). Quick (30min). Cheap (60 Baht). Passport, yellow tabian baan, marriage certificate, and something the wife had to sign in the office.
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