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Everything posted by Stocky

  1. The south has some of the lowest numbers but you still can't get a beer in a restaurant.
  2. Maybe the powers that be are perfectly happy to keep the south poorly educated. Certainly bottom of the list for most things bar military spending. .
  3. They've gone up, 5th of January was the lowest and Hat Yai reported just 3 cases, the figure for today was 23.
  4. My granddaughter returned to school in Hat Yai this week, her first face to face lessons this academic year; I've never seen her so excited by the prospect of school. She had to take an ATK test on the Monday before school and send a photo of the result to her form teacher. This will be a requirement each week to attend class. Covid numbers in the south are all the way down from the peak in October and Omicron hasn't started to spike here yet, though no doubt it's coming. I've told her to enjoy it whilst it lasts. .
  5. OK, that's not something I'm about to do in a hurry. HSBC is where I keep my investments and cash, I don't do my day to day banking through HSBC. My Kasikorn account is day to day banking and for that I use the mobile app. So if the phone is lost or compromised it's only potentially a minor financial loss. Ditto in the UK I have one bank accessible online only, whilst day to day banking is with a different bank which is via the mobile app.
  6. Bangkok Bank isn't one of those for which restrictions apply. The email I had from Wise said "We're working with our partner to support larger transfers to all recipients in Thailand" in the meantime I'll transfer to my Kasikorn account rather than Krungsri. As said above it's not a Wise problem, rather it's an issue with some Thai banks, most likely something to do with anti money laundering measures. No doubt it will be resolved at some point. .
  7. With HSBC?! I use online banking with HSBC but I've not signed up for the app, I've stayed with my security device, so far I've not had a problem.
  8. The information is there so I make use of it, silly not to, but I'm mindful of fake reviews and the possibility some may be malicious. With Lazada I'm wary of suppliers that have no data, and will opt for one that has and ships on time and is well rated. But if I need something and there is no other option, depending on price and availability of COD I will take the risk.
  9. ManUre didn't beat the Villa, the Villa lost to ManUre. I hope the Villa make better use of their opportunities in front of goal on Saturday. UTV
  10. It IS closed in Songkhla province, and the other southern provinces. You're not even legally allowed to be served alcohol in a restaurant down here. So you can well imagine the frustration of teenagers in Hat Yai with everything shut since April last year.
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