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Everything posted by Stocky

  1. Same, at just before 4am which was also strange. Since the start of the year the partner bank on my transactions, which are generally around SGD5-10k, has been Dee Money. The switch to Dee Money has meant overall much faster transactions; I didn't get 4 second transfer times when they used Kasikorn for example. But Dee Money look to be less predictable, and the feedback loop to Wise pretty much non-existent, hence them apologising that the money may not arrive before the 5th Jan when it already has. But I've no complaints. Wise is cheaper and faster than SWIFT transfers ever were for me, and the process is simple and transparent, no unexpected third party intermediary charges. Just always remember to plan ahead and allow a little extra time just in case. .
  2. Bizarrely I've just received an email from Wise apologising for the delay and saying the money will be paid to my account by Jan 5th!!
  3. Yes I have investments, over the last 20 years they've given me an average annual return of a little over 10%. That's more than sufficient to afford me a comfortable lifestyle, I'm not a greedy man and I don't want the additional risk.
  4. Money arrived overnight, Krungsri SMS time stamps it as 30/12/21 03:48hr which is a little strange.
  5. And the quality of posts had declined accordingly, it appears to have regressed into some sort of children's play group.
  6. It's probably a combination of month end, year end, and holiday season. I sent money from Singapore yesterday, usually the transfer takes seconds, yesterday I was advised money would arrive in my Krungsri account Thursday 30th. Transfer from HSBC to Wise with PayNow took seconds, so the delay isn't with my bank, the delay is with Wise and its Thai partners. It's usually Dee Money that completes my transfers, I presume the issue is with matching the transfers. Both banks were open yesterday morning when I started the transfer, and the reason is general living expenses, so no requirement to flag a a foreign transfer. I'm sure it will arrive on Thursday if not before, I've no dire emergency.
  7. A scientific theory is NOT a fact, rather it is an explanation that fits the currently available factual data. There can be several competing theories or a single established theory. Either you misunderstood your science teacher, or your science teacher wasn't very good. Science isn't a belief, science is evidence driven. Theories are accepted or dismissed on the weight of evidence. That acceptance or dismissal can change with the addition of new data. .
  8. I made a resolution many years ago not to make New Year's resolutions, I've managed to stick to it.
  9. But science isn't democratic, 'opinions' don't carry equal weight. Someone might hold the Earth is flat, but that is a proposition the weight of scientific data has clearly demonstrates as incorrect. So to accord it equal weight is wrong. Most of the people arguing online have no understanding of how the scientific process works. They point to earlier position science has held to suggest inconsistency, but as with the Earth being considered flat, or the Sun revolving around the Earth, they are positions later scientific data has disproved, so science moves on. Science isn't fixed, positions change as our ability to gather relevant data improves.
  10. Responsibility for what, having a capable genomic testing facility?
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