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Everything posted by Stocky

  1. It's the same one as shown on Google Maps, just near the Nakarin Hospital.
  2. You certainly do if travelling out of Hat Yai which is a dark red zone. You need proof of vaccination, or a negative test, or a hospital note saying you've had it. I think the provincial orders on travel trump whatever SRT may say. .
  3. No Omicron Cases DETECTED In Thailand SO FAR.
  4. Curious. My wife has had Covid, she was registered for vaccination but caught it before her vaccination date. She's been able to travel, this last week to see her parents in Prachuap (taking the train), the document she received from the hospital on being discharged, saying she'd had and recovered from Covid, was accepted when buying her ticket. If you can prove you've had Covid that's acceptable for travel within Thailand.
  5. No your UK account won't work in Thailand. It seems when you sign up you're assigned to a regional cell, so if you move out of your region it won't work.
  6. +1 for InvadeIT support, they're very good at answering questions about the products on the website. Also good at follow-up support on stuff you buy. And if worse comes to worse they are good with returns too.
  7. Given Omicron, wishing you a Happy Christmas 2022 is possibly quite prescient.
  8. Thai Smile flying from Hat Yai 4th November had "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas" on their taxi and landing play list.
  9. Wine in a box, sick in a bag.
  10. Will they fix the drains with adequate 1000 year event storm drainage? If not it's a complete waste of time.
  11. Both are classified as 'flawed democracies' in the Economist Democracy Index, though so is France. Botswana ranks 33, Singapore 74. Same same but different.
  12. It may have diamonds, but Botswana is a democracy, diamonds haven't created a kleptocracy. It is a country investing in its future, it spends twice as much in terms of % GDP on education than Thailand.
  13. Why? Botswana is Africa's most peaceful and well run democracy, and I think its oldest. It's also the least corrupt country in Africa ranking 35th in the global Transparency Index, Thailand sits at 104.
  14. It certainly is. Clearly your marvellous German banking system has blinded you to the fact that other countries are far less transparent when it comes to international money transfers - lucky you. It's the transparency of Wise transactions that are the appeal to me; that I end up with more money is a bonus.
  15. Wise is significantly easier than using the banks, either from my UK or Singapore accounts. Wise tells me exactly how much I will get. Using the banks I'm invariable at the mercy of 'intermediary' bank charges that can appear weeks after the event, and then you never exactly know what exchange rate you'll get when the money arrives. I don't need foreign transaction tagging, I just send money to cover living costs, so Wise is never an issue and just so, so convenient.
  16. If you absolutely need proof of an international transfer best to use SWIFT. Wise is a P2P banking, your money doesn't leave your home country. Wise just matches the amount with a partner bank in the destination country looking to make a transfer the in the other direction. Wise's partner bank makes a domestic transfer.
  17. Muppet! I'm fairly sure she was photographed against a green screen and the stylised background of flag colours and Bangkok skyline added afterwards. She may very well have been totally unaware of what the final photo would look like. No doubt the press photos for the other competitors will follow a similar format.
  18. No, just proof of being double vaccinated, they want to see how many jabs, what vaccine, and date of last jab. As you're a recent arrival if there was any paperwork clearing you to travel on, having that handy would help. I only have experience with Thai Smile, other airlines and travelling out of Don Meaueng might make some difference, but the basic requirement of either fully vaccinated or a recent PCR test are the same. No quarantine required in Hat Yai, just have to scan the QR code for Songkhla Care and enter details of name, address and contact number. Hat Yai is still a Dark Red Zone, we have an 11pm to 3am curfew, all pubs/bars are closed, and restaurants aren't allowed to serve alcohol. Many of the hotels remain closed, so if you are intending staying at a hotel I'd book before hand. .
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