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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. Did the following: PC, W10 no additional virus scanners or net nannies etc., no VPN, 3BB fiber. Opened Chrome incognito window ("pure" Chrome installation no extensions/addons). Get first link, ignore Google warning about big and can not virus scan. Downloaded. LIGHTNING fast, around 700 Mbit/s. So likely mirrored in Thailand. Oppo_R11s_CPH1719_EX_11_A.04_171109.zip 2,97 GB (3.192.668.552 Bytes) All fine. Unpacked: This "ofp" thing is a whopping 6.6 GB: 6.676.389.376 CPH1719EX_11_A.04_171109.ofp
  2. Oh come on! Krung Thep Aphiwat Central Terminal. Give that to the stupid tourists who don't know that Krung Thep is where they are ???? Bangkok Central Station would be to trivial. The late name change story with 30 million Baht for new metal letters was a brilliant corruption story. Before it was Bang Sue Grand Station. Also very cosmopolitic. Signs were already hanging.
  3. Forbidden 403 often caused by location Thailand. But after half way? Strange. A proper VPN doesn't break the bank and worth independent from this specific problem. I will try the complete download later without and with VPN.
  4. Something very wrong with your camera (white balance). https://www.google.com/search?q=british+passport+2023 (select images) Screenshot from official government passport site: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/hm-passport-office
  5. It's blue by official rule. Good for testing color blindness. If you Google for pictures you can easily get puzzled. Sometimes it looks a bit of blue but mostly black. Too much for most graphic cards Made in Poland BTW. 100% blue isn't it: #2e364f Hex Color Code (errors excepted)
  6. What a country where it's a complete normal fact that drivers don't pay their fine. Can you try that in your home country? Lawless and corrupt in all levels.
  7. Would you tell what your typical electricity consumption is? Units per month?
  8. And 25 times 30 is 750 not 600 Gives roughly 27 months. A bit more than two years. If assumptions are realistic(?) then worth any time. Particularly as the units are 12 years old. Realistic? Maybe a bit too optimistic?
  9. Important hint as I was asked which of two Google accounts I want to use.
  10. On the PC (not AIS) the download started. I canceled of course. Just got a warning from Google that the file is too big for virusscan (3.1 GB). (I wouldn't touch any custom ROMs with a barge pole) On my Android mobile (AIS) "strange things" happen. Get here and no idea how to continue:
  11. Complete utter nonsense. No idea what EasyNet means to you. And this will be discontinued from July 14th. What the thread is about. For me EasyNet is a website to access accounts that you have with SCB. I have a savings account and multiple fixed deposits over time, currently one. All being accessible via EasyNet website or SCB app. Mastercard/ATM with the savings account. Don't tell me what I have on the desk, Think it's time to add to my list.
  12. Feel well informed. Just got this. A message for each account and I only have two active.
  13. All my accounts are traditional with bank book AND internet access. Or do I get you wrong? Next time you have a problem with laptop and banking better ask here ???? I can/could use it on PC and laptop. Using app mostly though.
  14. This wave arrived Thailand with some delay. I remember it was a plague in my last country more than 10 years ago. Bank branches mutating to insurance offices.
  15. If you refer to the "accessibility" feature then this is quite likely. The banking apps do not work if any kind of screen recording/screenshot features are on. I tried to get around by using Android screen recorder. What I get is a black screen. SCB refused to work with USB debugging on. No other app ever complained.
  16. Which ridicules all the "rip off Gogo" posts. Deescalation is not exactly their style. On the other hand they will not start a fight for just words. The article said that the Russian tried to fight/push his way out. That is not a good idea. Getting physical in any way is plain stupid. The one and only case where my bill was padded I got somewhat angry but didn't get up from my seat and told them to call the police. Mamasan taking the position of the stupid waitress without even checking what has happened. In the end another waitress confirmed that my bill was +1 from another group. Last visit to this bar.
  17. This idiot again. I suspected it from the headline before reading the post.
  18. You find some useful info in the thread from 2019 linked below. There are many threads about the topic, some very old but seems nothing has really changed. The main thing that is missing from your list is this "vehicle passport" (purple color as I remember). And at the Laos border you need to do a special insurance. Some easier requirements for Laos: no romanized plate required and no "T" sticker.
  19. Lesson learned Handbrake plus first gear for manual (likely here) P for automatic. For serious slopes even a wedge or similar.
  20. And at 3:30 AM you can assume that the bill was more than small change. Don't they have travel guides in Russian where they learn what the little container with the paper strip is for?
  21. Online banking only is my understanding too. At the counter you are still identified by a human from your passport. I have Bangkok Bank, SCB and Kasikorn and not yet got the slightest hint. Last transfer was some 49k I could move around some 100k between accounts but... no. Wait and see. On the other hand: I remember been pictured at SCB and Kasikorn at some visits months ago. Maybe prepared?
  22. Of course. No news. And don't think that some copy of your passport photo serves the task. The picture is used for biometrics/facial recognition for which certain quality is required and stored digitally.
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