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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. Absolutely raging. Particularly at Makro parking lot and lone pickup drivers. No joke, I still saw one driving alone with the mask on. Well maybe the dust filter of his AC is lacking
  2. About traffic chaos. An optician and wife from the district town drove down 560 km to Pattaya for the long weekend! Crazy isn't it?
  3. Don't tell nonsense. I can open it with or without a script blocker. Never any registering. If I open it without any blockers in Chrome incognito window I get the usual popup offer to subscribe for an ad free access. Close that box and that's it. Completely normal these days and found on many sites. Nowhere near a "paywall".
  4. Forgot! It's a long weekend and Thai tourists from Bangkok and elsewhere (upper middle class, government officers etc.) don't care about bar closures. It has become a firm rule that long weekends are even worse in traffic than ordinary weekends. Late Friday influx starts. Saturday noon, absolute chaos towards Central parking garage. Monday before noon, exodus starts. So report back on Tuesday Foreign oversea tourists don't contribute that much to the traffic chaos. It's not limited to Pattaya. A mate just came back from Udon Thani. Seemingly all wheels on the road.
  5. So did I. Seems I was always too stupid to fill them Ordered 60 m of a 3 mm strong string and have a simple disk. But I only do a bit of edge trimming and cutting. The half meter weed jungle at the sister in laws plot is a job for the son (4 stroke Honda, saw disk).
  6. As far as I know there are still only two active motorways (#7, #9)? In the Bangkok area there are tons of "expressways" (toll) which are prohibited. Also some major bridges in Bangkok are prohibited for motorbikes. Apart from that I don't know what else might be prohibited. Some roads I would definitely avoid with motorbike like the crowded highways towards Bangkok.
  7. In Google maps click the respecting symbol. Example picture is in German but should be obvious. As you can see they won't send you towards motorways 9 and 7 as they would do for car. Instead going highways 304 and 331 (better anyway).
  8. What s.cks is the fact that hotels haven't got the idea to lower at least a bit. (the ones I check) Areca Lodge fully booked on days around mid June! Hard to believe...
  9. Forecasts (non Thai) say there will be 5 mm to 25 mm increasing over the next week. Still nothing to worry about. Slight decrease in temperature but still not comfortable. (minimum of 27 C is not a relief)
  10. This for sure not! Bloody hot and humid. Very little "cooling" down through the night. 100% AC when in hotel room you can bet. Even hardened expats moan about it. Elderly friend in Jomtien says AC 24/7. I was there in March (until 15) like you and I see some current vlogs. Big difference/downturn. Don't be fooled by the usual traffic chaos that seems to be a year round situation. The Russians won't be in your way in central Pattaya and even Jomtien looks like a ghosttown in the midday heat. Russians are in Phuket in high numbers because there a nonstop flights (cheap I assume). Pattaya is more expensive to travel from Russia.
  11. Don't want to spoil the fun but I am afraid this thread in this forum will run into problems. Of course there are places that you look for but naming here is a no no.
  12. And checking the real sender address. Often difficult on such gadget apps. On web mails you usually have to hover over the sender address. Obvious spam if you look at the sender address: Legit sender address, just advertising:
  13. Both my ladies at the breakfast table have become tolerant Daughter just stopped corn flakes with milk long ago. Not sure why.
  14. Absolute morons and ticking time bombs. Could have happened to me. Years ago overtook one of those annoying creepers in a "sporty" manner. Wow got he excited, followed me up... Creeping or speeding. Few drivers in between.
  15. Heard about and on the list for visit this month. So far Friendship was hard to beat.
  16. Correct. The example from the OP makes no sense. Plastic cheese is not imported and available everywhere. What I call cheese (Swiss, French, Italian) is indeed expensive. I am happy to find a noname Gruyere (Swiss) at Friendship Pattaya for 1100/kilo. TOPS only has ridiculously expensive brand name product for 3500/kilo. Just one example... Fresh soft cheese at BigC has become crazy: a triangle of Brie (Casino) from about 170 to over 300 (for 200? gr). Most other soft cheeses are sealed plastic. Won't ripe to any taste. Recently bought a stinky Esrom (Denmark) for a mate at Friendship for 1600/kilo. And this type is very hard to find in Thailand.
  17. And connecting from Chiang Mai - Bangkok - Vientiane - Savannaket is 18 hours upward.
  18. A very detailed report about Savannakhet which seems most popular. Flying? The only direct flight from CNX to a Laos city that I could find is to Luang Phrabang (errors excepted). Makes no sense. All other flights will go through Bangkok. Closest for flying would be Vientiane. But in any case: passing the border on land is usually cheaper and for Savannakhet the only useful option.
  19. Not what I refer to. The video is a lenghty thing similar to the online training. When I did a licenses from scratch it was a PITA. Crowded room, tiny screen, blurry age old videos. More than an hour. Never saw that instruction video for the physical tests. At our office it's just good old explanation by the officer. DO the e-learning!
  20. A proven fake. Read this months ago. What else would you expect? And I also would not bet a Dollar on the first one. In the times of AI and video-shop for dummies I hardly believe any of that stuff. Recently I needed a minute to realize that a stunning youtube video is from some realistic game
  21. As written: Do the "DLT e-learning" to get a QR code (certificate). Saves you from sitting/watching videos at the office (which might be a bottleneck). Only physical tests and taking picture.
  22. With the higher price level in Bangkok they might fit better?
  23. Ah yes! Good reminder. "Bling" AND "Warehouse" you refer too?
  24. So true. My thought always. Might work in the bible belt but not in Pattaya.
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