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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. From where do you know what I think? From the night before and still unconscious at 10:30 AM in the sun? Awoken and disoriented? No shirt, no shoes and no trace of the "party" they had? What the hell of a stuff they consumed?
  2. Sorry if it's a stupid question: you are in possession of the car registration book ("blue book") and you are the registered owner? (I am really not familiar with the procedures of financing a car)
  3. It's many years (if not a decade) ago that the "ghost/crazy lady" was wandering around the Soi 7/beachroad area. In extreme mental condition shouting aggressively, talking to herself. Completely white-faced (what probably gave her the name "ghost lady"). She earned some publicity. Vanished unnoticed.
  4. From what I read elsewhere it was probably his intention to jump. Spectacular suicide. They could grab and fix him. Off to the madhouse. Sure 700 ft/2xx m is a small difference in air pressure compared to the ground. Why didn't the poor folks cover their face/nose with the hands? Would be my idea.
  5. ? If you leave the country without reentry permit your Non O is void. No action to be taken.
  6. So it was not a punter as I suspected. In Thai news there are many details about the decent of the girl from a regular job to drug addicted bargirl with a violent "boyfriend".
  7. It's obviously a honorary consulate. Neither does the consul have immunity nor is the consulate off limits for law enforcement. Income from the work as h.c. are tax free. Seems that's all. And you can stick a nice CC on the Mercedes ????
  8. As written: if the spam is shown in your normal/unread folder you can not do more than mark as spam. Not just delete. If they are in the spam folder you have nothing to do. As spam filters are not perfect you still have to check the spam folder for legit mails. 12 per day is not that exceptional. If it gets overwhelming: check where you used this address and step by step change to a new address and give up the spam infested. Then be very careful whom you give the new address. Use some extra junk addresses for newsletter and other irrelevant registrations. For Gmail there are tricks to find out who distributes your address: https://www.thewindowsclub.com/gmail-address-tricks (should I say that I came upon a registration where the "+" sign in the address was not accepted)
  9. I had this the year before and it might be perfect if you live in cities, population centers. But there is no doubt that the coverage/signal strength of AIS nationwide is still better. That's why I changed.
  10. >Historic< street It's so amusing to the read the wording avoiding what the "700 singles" are all about.
  11. Stop the draining after volume used up? There are methods to limit mobile data usage with setting on the phone. I guess this will vary depending on phone model. I remember from the past that I got a warning message from AIS after 10 Baht drained. Why you don't get that? No idea. As others wrote: 800 MB is nothing if you watch video/IPTV etc. I now have a one year AIS SIM (max 300 Mbit/s) with 70 GB per month. As I only use it on the road/trips/shopping and rarely doing video stuff I will never eat up the 70 GB (a bit more then 2 GB per day). 1590 Baht/year.
  12. I do not find an entry in Aviation Herald. So was it wasn't even required to report?
  13. No later than 15 days before current permission to stay ends. There is no reason to wait after entry if you have the money on the bank. Let me be precise: the same day the Non-O visa is issued it is "used" and you get an admitted to stay stamp for 90 days. So of course you can not use this to enter the country. Issued by immigration boss on 2nd August, picked it up on 6th August. Stamp is 90 days from 2nd August. Now I have a one year extension until 30th Oct 2023.
  14. Could also read: I left the gas station in dark night and turned onto the road without proper care. Of course this is pure speculation. Could also be motorcycle headlight dark plus high speed.... Who knows. One gets dull from all these news.
  15. Which will never make it to English language news. Media presence makes the news. Terrible full speed pickup crash at a traffic light in our district town, three dead and many injured in a bus. Never appeared anywhere in English.
  16. Am I the only one who doesn't get what the post is about? ? Legit mails can end in a spam folder. Not unusual. "archive" may be a nicer word for it.
  17. Yesterday saw pictures of empty walkaways at Suvarnabhumi, people saying immigration counters empty... A bit contrary to the euphoric tourism increase news. And yes the airport shuttle never really stopped just a lot less during Covid. I remember at the peak times of 2019 it drove every 12(!) min .
  18. A bit strange that you open another thread on this topic after the lenghty discussion from end of March? TTB
  19. I voted for No/Yes. No for the look as it becomes more and more difficult to find pictures that are not silly filtered to the point where they look like barbies or cartoon figures. With the weight: it seems the fattys have given up lying too much. Maybe the "I am a beautiful fatty" trend has reached Thailand. Good you left out age Some get younger from year to year. Real age 42, age in 2021: 36, last age: 32 (real life example)
  20. Sure you can. It's not that primitive as assumed above. The SW is smart enough. Let's hope the topic starter comes back and I don't ride another dead horse.
  21. Story in a Thai source is absolutely shaking. Maid heard yelling and shouting from the room, saw a man rushing out. Saw blood stains on the corridor. "Must have been cat's blood". So the deceased lay in the room for two more days. Mother previously had urged the victim to return home to Buriram after being jobless. She refused. Full face clear picture, full name and home address of the victim included
  22. Off Soi Buakhao at the corner the fresh market. Often drove or walked there. Shocking to read this. Freelancing carries higher risks. Hope they find the scum.
  23. Can't remember I had this much fuss in the province when transferring stamps.
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