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North Korea's foreign minister calls Trump's U.N. address "sound of dog barking"


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11 minutes ago, Morch said:


Last time I checked US citizens were free to vote, and free to express their opinion of Trump. In Kim's North Korea - not so much. Last time I checked, Trump wasn't executing his relatives in bizarre ways. Meanwhile in Kim's North Korea...I think you get the picture. So no, not same same at all. In the USA there are them checks and balances, missing when it comes to Kim's North Korea. Both behaving like morons doesn't quite cut it.


If the PRC doesn't advertise, or doesn't clearly advertise, how come posters post decisively as to how it will act?

Yes point taken but I am not talking about what you can do in the USA to what you can do in North Korea.  My point was concerning the leaders of the countries.  Now if you want to compare Trumps pussy grabbing and racism against Kim's approach to family culling then fair enough.  It is not a debate about so called democracy against dictatorship.  That is for a different thread altogether.


However for the sake of balance maybe China should tweet their position over NK along with any appropriate emojis.  Sorry but you really can't seriously compare China's approach to Trumps bizarre rantings

Edited by dunroaming
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1 minute ago, dunroaming said:

Yes point taken but I am not talking about what you can do in the USA to what you can do in North Korea.  My point was concerning the leaders of the countries.  Now if you want to compare Trumps pussy grabbing and racism against Kim's approach to family culling then fair enough.  It is not a debate about so called democracy against dictatorship.  That is for a different thread altogether.


However for the sake of balance maybe China should tweet there position over NK along with any appropriate emojis.


Both are reprehensible in their own ways. Both behave badly, and lead worse. One of them is a temp, the other a fixture. One of them kills people that annoy him, the other just annoys people. But yeah....totally same if one wishes to call it so.

And no, this topic isn't really about analyzing their respective personalities.


God no....I can't figure out even the standard emojis, reading into Chinese ones would be tricky.


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9 hours ago, Maverell said:

What I have trouble coming to terms with is that DPRK has been ignoring UN resolutions and International law for decades. Sanctions have not worked over years and years. China has probably been supporting them more than they let on, and maybe Russia as well. Makes the UN a laughing stock. What's the point of the UN in such instances?

UN resolutions and International law? Since when did USA really follow those laws? You mean when they attacked Iraq and couldn't show the WMD(weapon of mass destruction )as claimed by Bush.

In fact USA must be destroy for world peace. Otherwise too many wars started by them. Go talk to the Vietnam Veterans and the Iraq Vetarans do they believe they are heros? How sad and how they regret, they threw their medals for everyone to see at interviews. A country that misled its people a very cruel government. I really think this time USA will be nuke by N.Korea and this is the first time USA experience the nuclear destruction on their own soil. Well, they ask for it. NO need to sympathize.

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2 hours ago, madusa said:


....In fact USA must be destroy for world peace. Otherwise too many wars started by them. Go talk to the Vietnam Veterans and the Iraq Vetarans do they believe they are heros? How sad and how they regret, they threw their medals for everyone to see at interviews. A country that misled its people a very cruel government. I really think this time USA will be nuke by N.Korea and this is the first time USA experience the nuclear destruction on their own soil. Well, they ask for it. NO need to sympathize.


You can't be serious. 

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20 hours ago, Maverell said:

What I have trouble coming to terms with is that DPRK has been ignoring UN resolutions and International law for decades. Sanctions have not worked over years and years. China has probably been supporting them more than they let on, and maybe Russia as well. Makes the UN a laughing stock. What's the point of the UN in such instances?

Don't forget that the the US has been ignoring, when not vetoing, UN resolutions forever. Ditto Israel. Sanction have proved never to work. NK has offered for years to stop its nuke program in exchange for a peace treaty & cessation of US/SK war games. The US has refused. KJU saw what happened to Iraq, Libya & Syria for refusing US demands - destruction. Hence the nuke program, which is working. NK is still independent, while SK is still a US puppet.

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13 hours ago, Morch said:


Last time I checked US citizens were free to vote, and free to express their opinion of Trump. In Kim's North Korea - not so much. Last time I checked, Trump wasn't executing his relatives in bizarre ways. Meanwhile in Kim's North Korea...I think you get the picture. So no, not same same at all. In the USA there are them checks and balances, missing when it comes to Kim's North Korea. Both behaving like morons doesn't quite cut it.


If the PRC doesn't advertise, or doesn't clearly advertise, how come posters post decisively as to how it will act?

US citizens are permitted to complain all they like - because they're already beaten down like dogs. The rare real protest is stopped by militarized police, eg latest protest against police murder in Ohio. 

The voting system is rigged, your vote doesn't count, the media is corporate propaganda fit only for children, 20% of people are in poverty, homeless, 30% on food stamps, while the military budget is biggest in the world. 

The US has been a fascist state for decades and is now getting worse. Opioid deaths now outnumber murders! People are killing themselves rather than live the "American Dream". 

NK has a brighter future. At least it's looking up. The future US? Go visit Honduras (and pack a gun).

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18 hours ago, midas said:

Which will mean War with a capital " W " when China defends its neighbour as it says it will do but that is probably what the warmongers  want because they will be safe in their nuclear bunkers

Please show a credible like stating China will defend North Korea. LOL.  Can't wait for that one.  Especially consider the new work China is doing to sanction NK.




President Donald Trump announced an expansion of sanctions on North Korea Thursday and praised China for taking action to limit financial transactions with the isolated communist nation.

Dang Chinese warmongers. LOL

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12 hours ago, madusa said:

UN resolutions and International law? Since when did USA really follow those laws? You mean when they attacked Iraq and couldn't show the WMD(weapon of mass destruction )as claimed by Bush.

In fact USA must be destroy for world peace. Otherwise too many wars started by them. Go talk to the Vietnam Veterans and the Iraq Vetarans do they believe they are heros? How sad and how they regret, they threw their medals for everyone to see at interviews. A country that misled its people a very cruel government. I really think this time USA will be nuke by N.Korea and this is the first time USA experience the nuclear destruction on their own soil. Well, they ask for it. NO need to sympathize.

Nice off topic troll post.:bah:

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1 hour ago, jgarbo said:

Don't forget that the the US has been ignoring, when not vetoing, UN resolutions forever. Ditto Israel. Sanction have proved never to work. NK has offered for years to stop its nuke program in exchange for a peace treaty & cessation of US/SK war games. The US has refused. KJU saw what happened to Iraq, Libya & Syria for refusing US demands - destruction. Hence the nuke program, which is working. NK is still independent, while SK is still a US puppet.

Please show a list of UN resolutions the US has been ignoring....forever. LOL.


Please research the list below.  Seems you need an education on how NK has dealt with the international community regarding nuclear weapons. 



SK a US puppet?  Seriously? Too funny.

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Choe Sang-Hun, reporting for The New York Times from Seoul:

Responding directly for the first time to President Trump’s threat at the United Nations to destroy nuclear-armed North Korea, its leader called Mr. Trump a “mentally deranged U.S. dotard” on Friday and vowed the “highest level of hard-line countermeasure in history.”



Trump and Kim should get a room—a padded room!


BTW, “dotard” is a real word, look it up. It’s apt, and way better than “rocket man”

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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

Please show a credible like stating China will defend North Korea. LOL.  Can't wait for that one.  Especially consider the new work China is doing to sanction NK.



Dang Chinese warmongers. LOL

huh :blink: CNN  credible ? :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

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17 hours ago, Morch said:


Oh yeah, lets panic on the force of your scaremongering. Lets not ask what it's based on. You're making a strong claim, stop deflecting if you can't back it up. And no, a newspaper editorial is not a policy statement or an ultimatum. And trying to spin it as if anything hangs on whether I got it right or not is ridiculous.

No it’s not scaremongering it’s extrapolating the possible risks from people taking hasty action.

Okay let’s aside the risk from China at the moment and consider another possible scenario.

For example if America attacks North Korea how do you think Iran (being a close ally of North Korea and a partner in nuclear technology development) would likely react? What if they decide to lob a few missiles towards Israel which I think they have been wanting to do I’m sure for a long time. And what kind of reaction do you think that   could generate from Israel?

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12 minutes ago, midas said:

No it’s not scaremongering it’s extrapolating the possible risks from people taking hasty action.

Okay let’s aside the risk from China at the moment and consider another possible scenario.

For example if America attacks North Korea how do you think Iran (being a close ally of North Korea and a partner in nuclear technology development) would likely react? What if they decide to lob a few missiles towards Israel which I think they have been wanting to do I’m sure for a long time. And what kind of reaction do you think that   could generate from Israel?

First, it's not just America in this.  Any attack would involve several other countries.  Japan and South Korea at the least.


Second, if I was Iran, I'd be really nervous.  They've already had attacks on their nuclear sites.  Right???

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3 hours ago, jgarbo said:

US citizens are permitted to complain all they like - because they're already beaten down like dogs. The rare real protest is stopped by militarized police, eg latest protest against police murder in Ohio. 

The voting system is rigged, your vote doesn't count, the media is corporate propaganda fit only for children, 20% of people are in poverty, homeless, 30% on food stamps, while the military budget is biggest in the world. 

The US has been a fascist state for decades and is now getting worse. Opioid deaths now outnumber murders! People are killing themselves rather than live the "American Dream". 

NK has a brighter future. At least it's looking up. The future US? Go visit Honduras (and pack a gun).


I guess you're a citizen of Trollandia.


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13 minutes ago, midas said:

No it’s not scaremongering it’s extrapolating the possible risks from people taking hasty action.

Okay let’s aside the risk from China at the moment and consider another possible scenario.

For example if America attacks North Korea how do you think Iran (being a close ally of North Korea and a partner in nuclear technology development) would likely react? What if they decide to lob a few missiles towards Israel which I think they have been wanting to do I’m sure for a long time. And what kind of reaction do you think that   could generate from Israel?


For an extrapolation to have any meaning, the premises need to be somewhat sound. The ones used in your "arguments" aren't. Further, each time you make such an "extrapolation", and use it as a basis for the next one, the "arguments" get even weaker.


The whole thing rests on some imaginary simplistic brothers-in-arms attitude.

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3 hours ago, jgarbo said:


NK has a brighter future. At least it's looking up. 


'Too many soldiers to feed': North Koreans fear more sanctions as drought threatens famine

Sanctions and the worst drought for almost two decades threaten to cause severe hardship for millions of people in North Korea, while the country’s leadership continues to plough scarce resources into its missile and nuclear programmes, according to UN agencies and those with contacts in the impoverished nation.

A drought that ravaged crops earlier this summer will leave the North unable to properly feed many of its people, including soldiers in the country’s million-strong army, the groups have warned.

While living standards have improved for some North Koreans under Kim Jong-un’s leadership, many of the country’s 25 million people face a struggle to secure enough food while others risk losing their jobs due to sanctions, according to Jiro Ishimaru, a Japanese documentary maker who runs a network of citizen journalists inside North Korea.


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I think it's highly worth while to read Kim's direct response to Trump.  This is perhaps a first for him.  Very interesting that he mentions dignity and honor.  Not safety or well being for his people. Seems "face" is also of utmost importance to Kim???  Guaranteed it's important for Trump.




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3 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

First, it's not just America in this.  Any attack would involve several other countries.  Japan and South Korea at the least.


Second, if I was Iran, I'd be really nervous.  They've already had attacks on their nuclear sites.  Right???

I don't think it's around's the one that is " really nervous ". I think it's the common denominator one that is stirring up at all this trouble around the world:ph34r:

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