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Russian beaten up by lady boy and woman in Jomtien - but Facebook posters turn on the tourist for assuming they are Thai

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2 hours ago, Mickmouse1 said:

Thai no do zis.Thai peace loving popular no agglession.them bloody folinals flow a close the bolder yes but not Thai. ..Bloody lucky he did not say yes and end up committing suite by jumping from his room's balcony????

Terrible Thai accent pal

4 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Really? Thai people are capable of unbelievable levels of aggression very swiftly, with minimal, if any provocation. Maybe they should visit Nong Plalai prison and see how many of their countrymen are in jail for exactly this sort of behaviour before making such dumb comments.

They will never know because they are dwelling in the well!


what pees me off is, he was attacked by a MAN !! get it. they got bloke genes strong as an ox, will never know where the LADYBOY , expression came from. LADYMAN fits the bill, just got back to BKK  on the bus had one coughing her/his guts out for 2.5 hours. you can't disguise a man's cough ha ha


"Thai people would not do such a thing"


Of course it's always foreigners that are to blame, don't want to lose face. What's this "fallen out of love with Pattaya", you have to be in love in the first place, Pattaya is the worst place I have been to in Thailand and it is not getting any better it seems.


Where are all the hard men these days? I remember back in the 1960s/1970s there were all these tough bastards around who would kick your head in and bust your teeth down your throat if you looked sideways at them. All you ever see in Thailand is some big solid farang guy down at the police station covered in blood or lying in the hospital because a LB has given him a whacking. Can't any farang fight anymore? I know many farang get jumped by 4,5,6 Thais. Well there's nothing a man can do in that situation. But a LB and a gal. Didn't it occur to this guy to smack a fist right into the bitch's face and knock then dirtbag out cold. 

59 minutes ago, Sakeopete said:

LOL if I had 33 Baht given to me every time I read "another nail in the tourism coffin" in the last 15 years I could buy myself an over taxed Benz. They don't call this country Teflon Thailand without a reason. No matter what happens tourist keep pouring in. The only thing that would stop tourists is blocking Facebook and actually enforcing prostitution laws. Even then there would still be zero dollar Chinese tours.

"tourist keep pouring in"


So you believe the TAT figures given out rather than your own eyes, or the bar/restaurant/hotel owners?

5 hours ago, webfact said:

Another woman Ben Benjamas went further: "Some foreigners bring it on themselves and deserve what happens. Thais wouldn't do this sort of thing unless foreigners looked down on them first.


This incident and article are quite revealing ... I have lived in Thailand for 16 years, 13 of which in Jomtien, and here's what I have observed :


1/ Countless times I saw white guys telling Thais off in a very rude manner, and displaying what can only be called a 'post-colonial' attitude, especially when the white tourist or expat decides that he/she is being 'pestered'. Problem is, the 'pestering rules' are very different here, and to realize that we only need to note how Thais react to pestering : they put up with it with a smile - or not - but they do not tell the person off. We might find that strange but it's a typical example of behavioural difference due to a different cultural background. Do many white people look down on Thais ? Yes, unfortunately, many do. We can deny the fact but the fact is stubborn, and Thai Visa is jam-packed with comments that use individual incidents to rant viciously against all Thais, in the stupidest fashion.


2/ Are all Thais innocent victims of the Big Bad White Tourist ? Of course not. There are violent people in this country, there are thugs, there are arrogant a-holes, just like in any country, and to make matters worse there is a great deal of anger that festers within Thai society, made much worse in the past 10 years by the political situation. Turning this kind of anger against foreigners is, unfortunately, a typically human reaction and Western countries are themselves confronted with an orgy of xenophobia, so who are we to tell the locals that it's not the right thing to do ?


3/ There is a growing paranoia among Thais, and their 'traditional' way to react ie passive aggressiveness is quickly turning into active aggressiveness. Absurd stereotyping is blooming, and walking around with a white face around here is a very different experience from what it used to be, until a few years ago, when things started to change rapidly. One fact I notice again and again : until recently, if you smiled at a Thai person, anywhere and any time, that person would immediately reply with a smile too. Now, I cannot count the instances when I smile and get nothing in return. Sometimes it's even worse than that : I see eyes filled with belligerent spite. It's sad and makes me want to leave ...



5 hours ago, Kerryd said:

Uh huh. Beach Road (beach side I'm guessing) at 4am - "just heading back to his room".


It's not hard to imagine what really went down. Most likely the same thing that happens, a lot, to certain people that like to "stroll" along that area at that time.

Looking for a cheap encounter that doesn't require a bar fine. Probably expecting hi end go-go bar quality at cut-rate freelancer prices and then, when they discover the "girl" is really a boy (or used to be) they go off their rocker.
Not the first time a punter has realized that "she" is more "he" than he is and lost his cool. Not the first time a "she" has shown that "she" still has a lot of "he" left in him, regardless of "cup" size.

Years ago someone (on ThaiVisa) once quipped that nothing good ever happens on Beach Road after 2 am. That came about after a number of similar incidents in that area had been reported over a short period of time.

I've walked along both sides of Beach Road during the wee hours of the morning, drunk as a skunk and too stubborn to take a taxi (once I had even decided that I was simply too drunk to try and ride on the back of a moto taxi so I walked from soi 7 to South Pattaya road and then up to TukCom and a couple more blocks to my apartment). Rarely was I ever even approached, let alone propositioned by any of the "attractions" that inhabit that area.
On the very rare occasions that someone did try, I would offer a polite "no thank you" or "mai ow khrap" and that would be it.

Once in awhile I used to leave Walking Street after various venues (like public libraries and tea shops and other classy places) closed and I'd go to the MacDonald's on Beach Road, get some take out and then sit on a bench on the beach side of Beach Road (down from where the old pier used to be) and watch the "activity" that went on in that area.

I swear, there was a lot more entertainment going there every night than there is on those scripted, fake drama shows they try to push as "reality TV".


Always a hoot to see an Indian guy trying to barter a freelancer down on price and then notice that he has 4-5 friends hiding around a corner across the street gesturing at which "girls" he should talk to. Of course, there are more than a few sots reeking of spilt beer and puke wandering along like they are hi-so lords, looking down on everyone and making snide comments in the belief that no one will know what they are saying. 
And then there are those that know exactly what is going on there and prefer that kind of interaction. Throw in a few "newbies" that happen along, probably coming out of the bars when they closed but not ready to call it a night yet and not knowing any better (about what to expect).  

Obviously, not everyone that goes to that area (at that time) gets into trouble, but I'm sure that of the ones that do get into trouble, a lot of them bring it on themselves (are the cause of it). 

(Wasn't there a thing awhile ago where the police were trying to push all the "attractions" off of Beach Road and into Walking Street ? I remember just after it started there were a lot of very unhappy business owners complaining about it and I guess over time things have just gone back to "normal".)

Imagine how boring this place would be without all the "after dark" activities !

You nailed it, suffice to say I would imagine things will go the same way as the did in Phuket, i.e. move the ladyboys out as they have done. Bad for business for some.


Thai ladyboys in Pattaya are crap!...And above all : they are Thai.  I've been attacked in a robbery about 4 years ago by 2 of them...but fortunately, I was the strongest.

5 hours ago, Kerryd said:

Uh huh. Beach Road (beach side I'm guessing) at 4am - "just heading back to his room".


It's not hard to imagine what really went down. Most likely the same thing that happens, a lot, to certain people that like to "stroll" along that area at that time.

Looking for a cheap encounter that doesn't require a bar fine. Probably expecting hi end go-go bar quality at cut-rate freelancer prices and then, when they discover the "girl" is really a boy (or used to be) they go off their rocker.
Not the first time a punter has realized that "she" is more "he" than he is and lost his cool. Not the first time a "she" has shown that "she" still has a lot of "he" left in him, regardless of "cup" size.

Years ago someone (on ThaiVisa) once quipped that nothing good ever happens on Beach Road after 2 am. That came about after a number of similar incidents in that area had been reported over a short period of time.

I've walked along both sides of Beach Road during the wee hours of the morning, drunk as a skunk and too stubborn to take a taxi (once I had even decided that I was simply too drunk to try and ride on the back of a moto taxi so I walked from soi 7 to South Pattaya road and then up to TukCom and a couple more blocks to my apartment). Rarely was I ever even approached, let alone propositioned by any of the "attractions" that inhabit that area.
On the very rare occasions that someone did try, I would offer a polite "no thank you" or "mai ow khrap" and that would be it.

Once in awhile I used to leave Walking Street after various venues (like public libraries and tea shops and other classy places) closed and I'd go to the MacDonald's on Beach Road, get some take out and then sit on a bench on the beach side of Beach Road (down from where the old pier used to be) and watch the "activity" that went on in that area.

I swear, there was a lot more entertainment going there every night than there is on those scripted, fake drama shows they try to push as "reality TV".


Always a hoot to see an Indian guy trying to barter a freelancer down on price and then notice that he has 4-5 friends hiding around a corner across the street gesturing at which "girls" he should talk to. Of course, there are more than a few sots reeking of spilt beer and puke wandering along like they are hi-so lords, looking down on everyone and making snide comments in the belief that no one will know what they are saying. 
And then there are those that know exactly what is going on there and prefer that kind of interaction. Throw in a few "newbies" that happen along, probably coming out of the bars when they closed but not ready to call it a night yet and not knowing any better (about what to expect).  

Obviously, not everyone that goes to that area (at that time) gets into trouble, but I'm sure that of the ones that do get into trouble, a lot of them bring it on themselves (are the cause of it). 

(Wasn't there a thing awhile ago where the police were trying to push all the "attractions" off of Beach Road and into Walking Street ? I remember just after it started there were a lot of very unhappy business owners complaining about it and I guess over time things have just gone back to "normal".)

Imagine how boring this place would be without all the "after dark" activities !

You are so right about a polite rejection. I suspected this guy rudely rejected their offer and possibly swore.

6 hours ago, Kerryd said:

Always a hoot to see an Indian guy trying to barter a freelancer down on price and then notice that he has 4-5 friends hiding around a corner across the street gesturing at which "girls" he should talk to. Of course, there are more than a few sots reeking of spilt beer and puke wandering along like they are hi-so lords, looking down on everyone and making snide comments in the belief that no one will know what they are saying. 
And then there are those that know exactly what is going on there and prefer that kind of interaction. Throw in a few "newbies" that happen along, probably coming out of the bars when they closed but not ready to call it a night yet and not knowing any better (about what to expect).  

If I didn't know better, from that rather detailed description of the coconut bar 'scene', I would peg you for one of, "...those that know exactly what is going on there and prefer that kind of interaction."


But you missed out on pigeonholing the 'never bought sex in my life' types who, for some inexplicable reason, have washed up in Pattaya, eschew the 'bar scene' but feel that they simply must do their daily exercise by walking on Beach Road in the wee small hours.

2 hours ago, janpharma said:

Thai ladyboys in Pattaya are crap!...And above all : they are Thai.  I've been attacked in a robbery about 4 years ago by 2 of them...but fortunately, I was the strongest.

Plus you had the advantage of" home" field...:shock1:


I thought ladyboyism was a restricted occupation reserved for Thai citizens.  The local bill would surely arrest any foreign ladyboys robbing and beating up foreign tourists without a work permit stating that stretch of Beach Road as their place of work. 


7 hours ago, joebrown said:

I'm not sure whether you're usually a farang basher, but your post leads me to believe you might be.

Of course this incident would never have happened had the farang not been in Thailand at the time, so on that basis he is culpable. 

Exactly, a farang basher and Thai apologist.


The suggestion by a Thai that some foreigners deserve a good kicking is spot on.  As a foreigner living more than 14 years here in Jomtien, I have seen the very ugly side of foreigners who truly deserved a good hard kick in the ass.  I am embarrassed by the way some foreigners handle themselves by getting drunk, picking fights, getting unruly, or truly mistreating or disrespecting local Thais.


Don't get me wrong.  Many Thais are to blame, too.   This just proves there are the good, the bad and the ugly in both foreigners and Thais.



1 hour ago, Guy360 said:

The suggestion by a Thai that some foreigners deserve a good kicking is spot on.  As a foreigner living more than 14 years here in Jomtien, I have seen the very ugly side of foreigners who truly deserved a good hard kick in the ass.  I am embarrassed by the way some foreigners handle themselves by getting drunk, picking fights, getting unruly, or truly mistreating or disrespecting local Thais.


Don't get me wrong.  Many Thais are to blame, too.   This just proves there are the good, the bad and the ugly in both foreigners and Thais.



14 years here in Jomtien and you still think the locals have respect for you.

Thanks for the laugh !!!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup:

Sorry to burst your bubble you live in,  but they despise you to the core in the tourist areas of Thailand.

Also advocating assaulting tourists,  what are you like. :1zgarz5:


6 hours ago, Yann55 said:


This incident and article are quite revealing ... I have lived in Thailand for 16 years, 13 of which in Jomtien, and here's what I have observed :


1/ Countless times I saw white guys telling Thais off in a very rude manner, and displaying what can only be called a 'post-colonial' attitude, especially when the white tourist or expat decides that he/she is being 'pestered'. Problem is, the 'pestering rules' are very different here, and to realize that we only need to note how Thais react to pestering : they put up with it with a smile - or not - but they do not tell the person off. We might find that strange but it's a typical example of behavioural difference due to a different cultural background. Do many white people look down on Thais ? Yes, unfortunately, many do. We can deny the fact but the fact is stubborn, and Thai Visa is jam-packed with comments that use individual incidents to rant viciously against all Thais, in the stupidest fashion.


2/ Are all Thais innocent victims of the Big Bad White Tourist ? Of course not. There are violent people in this country, there are thugs, there are arrogant a-holes, just like in any country, and to make matters worse there is a great deal of anger that festers within Thai society, made much worse in the past 10 years by the political situation. Turning this kind of anger against foreigners is, unfortunately, a typically human reaction and Western countries are themselves confronted with an orgy of xenophobia, so who are we to tell the locals that it's not the right thing to do ?


3/ There is a growing paranoia among Thais, and their 'traditional' way to react ie passive aggressiveness is quickly turning into active aggressiveness. Absurd stereotyping is blooming, and walking around with a white face around here is a very different experience from what it used to be, until a few years ago, when things started to change rapidly. One fact I notice again and again : until recently, if you smiled at a Thai person, anywhere and any time, that person would immediately reply with a smile too. Now, I cannot count the instances when I smile and get nothing in return. Sometimes it's even worse than that : I see eyes filled with belligerent spite. It's sad and makes me want to leave ...



A well written "summary of the state of affairs", I find. Especially paragraph 3 mirrors what I have experienced myself over time.
Compared to 10-15 years ago, the "charm" of Pattaya has mostly vanished. Replaced by a fierce darwinian "survival of the fittest" contest. (More Thai's competing for less Tourist $/£/Euro's in Pattaya).

A vicious circle, likely to get worse.



Don't smile at random Thais and you won't notice a thing. I know I've been here too long. I just filter stuff out. Except when I can't when I had to confront those horrific ladyboys threatening to push me in traffic like the other night for not being interested. 


In other words, negative local stuff that isn't directly threatening my life just doesn't rate to me as worth caring about. That's a LOT of filtering. 

13 hours ago, webfact said:

Another woman Ben Benjamas went further: "Some foreigners bring it on themselves and deserve what happens. Thais wouldn't do this sort of thing unless foreigners looked down on them first.


sadly…this is social media…where every retard in the world has a right to voice and opinion…and if a handful of people take up the chorus…then that's the right way of thinking. Pathetic……which is why i refuse to twitter, Facebook or instagram…..idiots galore.

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