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Trump clashes with sports world over player protests, invitation


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45 minutes ago, amvet said:

I don't agree with you and you throw the race card eh?  Black people didn't vote for Trump.  Enough of the electoral college did.  Trump won and the candidate supported by the overwhelming majority of blacks lost.  Grown men who run around in skin tight pants and head butt each other for money are not going to be the most eloquent spokesmen for a cause.   


Blacks and minorities are trying to make it a racial or PC fight when it's not.  Your comment is a good example. 


Professional athletes get paid to run and jump.  Not my first choice  in judging a politician.  If I actually ever went to a football game I'd stop but the last one I attended was when the seats were free in college. 


I've married a black woman and an Asian woman and a white woman.  I don't really think of myself as racist. 

Not particularly successful at marriage either, are you?   And all the evangelical preachers who get caught with a male hooker doing drugs in a hotel room aren't gay either, are they?


The athletes have as much right to express their opinion as the welfare-driven Kentucky guy with no teeth and married to his cousin is.   



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"Trump made the reason for his fight with the NFL clear on Sunday. The President is attempting to hide behind the flag to dodge the growing darkness of the Russia scandal"



"When Donald Trump tweeted for a boycott of the NFL if team owners didn’t fire players for protesting racism, Trump may have broken a law that is punishable by a fine, jail time or both – and Trump may have further disqualified himself from serving in public office."


Edited by Opl
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7 minutes ago, Opl said:

"Trump made the reason for his fight with the NFL clear on Sunday. The President is attempting to hide behind the flag to dodge the growing darkness of the Russia scandal"



"When Donald Trump tweeted for a boycott of the NFL if team owners didn’t fire players for protesting racism, Trump may have broken a law that is punishable by a fine, jail time or both – and Trump may have further disqualified himself from serving in public office."


Are you saying the 'Russia thing' isn't fake?   Who'd a thought?


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1 hour ago, amvet said:

I don't agree with you and you throw the race card eh? 

I don't really think of myself as racist. 


Do you consider the "quotes" you provided, listed below,

that you claim you heard in "interviews with the players" that you "listened to", not racist?

 amvet said:

1.  Dude's a chump. 

2.  Jive turkey. 

3.  I didn't vote vote but if I did it would not be fo dat honkey. 

4.  The next 64 interviews were non verbal.


No use of "the race card" there?


P.S. How is an "interview" non verbal ? Hand signs? :blink:

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15 hours ago, inThailand said:

The majority of people will not stand for this on the field and if they vote with their wallet, attendance or viewing ship the owners and NFL most likely will stop it.

They can protest all they want off the field. 

I am not an American so comment in complete ignorance. But really why bother to play the national anthem at all if its going to be create division? We only play the National Anthem in most European Countries when National States are playing each other, not when cities or  regions are playing. Seems needlessly "Group Mind" to me.  

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44 minutes ago, flipflop99 said:

I am not an American so comment in complete ignorance. But really why bother to play the national anthem at all if its going to be create division? We only play the National Anthem in most European Countries when National States are playing each other, not when cities or  regions are playing. Seems needlessly "Group Mind" to me.  

Perfect solution and escalation combined. Stop playing the national anthem. I find it amazing that a single man created this fire storm about racism by police. This will go down as one of Trump's more stupid moves. He thought by threatening boycott by his fellow crackers it would force the owners to go against the players. Problem is he understands those owners as little as he does the players. Those guys are all genuine super rich, unlike him, and can well afford to take a financial hit by standing behind their players. The black players too are willing to take a hit because they themselves have felt the ugliness of racism. The white players standing with them are what team is all about. 

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Donald Trump hasn't always been a fan of the NFL. Has his experience as majority owner of the New Jersey Generals of the United States Football League left him bitter enough to strike out at the NFL?

New Jersey Generals of the USFL



Trump's mistake was encouraging the new league to make a bad decision by attempting to force a merger with the NFL.


"In September 1983, the New Jersey Generals were sold to real-estate magnate Donald Trump. sold to Trump for a price of between $5 million (Trump’s number) and $9 million (most published reports). So, clearly for like $8.5 million or something."

Donald Trump USFL Football Team


"In 1985, the USFL voted to move from a spring to a fall schedule in 1986 to compete directly with the NFL. This was done at the urging of New Jersey Generals majority owner Donald Trump and a handful of other owners as a way
to force a merger between the leagues. As part of this strategy, the USFL filed an anti-trust lawsuit against the National Football League in 1986, and a jury ruled that the NFL had violated anti-monopoly laws. 


In particular, the USFL claimed the NFL conspired to ruin the Invaders and Generals. The USFL sought damages of $567 million, which would have been tripled to $1.7 billion under antitrust law.


However, in a victory in name only, the USFL was awarded a judgment of just $1, which under anti-trust laws, was tripled to $3.[2] 


This court decision effectively ended the USFL. The league never played the 1986 season, and by the time it folded, it had lost over US$163 million."

United States Football League



"When President Trump lashed out at players who kneel during the national anthem, he took aim at an organization that he's clashed with on multiple occasions."

Trump NFL History


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10 hours ago, Slip said:

The person you responded to said 'some neo-nazis attended' and you correctly called him out on that.   For anyone who is interested in seeing just what these people are attempting to justify and apologise for see the following link.  Warning it will distress decent thinking people.  (But not all posters here apparently).


Might I also suggest reading:


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20 hours ago, inThailand said:

The majority of people will not stand for this on the field and if they vote with their wallet, attendance or viewing ship the owners and NFL most likely will stop it.

They can protest all they want off the field. 

You are absolutely correct. They have no right to protest on private property.


The First Amendment states, “Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech.”  It says nothing about private action or reaction.  Thus, it is a public misconception that free speech or expression extends to the workplace.  It does not, as the U.S. Supreme Court has consistently ruled.    

Any business, as long as it is not connected to the government, is entitled to fire an employee for his or her speech and conduct within the workplace. The NFL and its teams are privately owned.  They are not constrained by the principles of the First Amendment. 
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8 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

It's about the rate

"Young black men were again killed by police at a sharply higher rate than other Americans in 2016, intensifying concerns over the expected abandonment of criminal justice reform by Donald Trump’s incoming administration.

Black males aged 15-34 were nine times more likely than other Americans to be killed by law enforcement officers last year, according to data collected for The Counted, an effort by the Guardian to record every such death. They were also killed at four times the rate of young white men."


See what happens when you don't listen to police

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8 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

It's about the rate

"Young black men were again killed by police at a sharply higher rate than other Americans in 2016, intensifying concerns over the expected abandonment of criminal justice reform by Donald Trump’s incoming administration.

Black males aged 15-34 were nine times more likely than other Americans to be killed by law enforcement officers last year, according to data collected for The Counted, an effort by the Guardian to record every such death. They were also killed at four times the rate of young white men."


Blaming Trump how funny and uneducated it happened during Obama.  Oh wait you think it is just under Trump what a joke

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Hillary tried to make the last election about race and gender bias but blacks didn't vote.  The 7-percentage-point decline from the previous presidential election is the largest on record for blacks. Blacks did not come out and vote for Hillary.  Now everybody who didn't vote has a case of guilt feelings and is trying to use other avenues to attempt change like football stadiums. 


The time to change leaders is during elections in the voting booth not at football games when big dumb guys are supposed to run around in tight pants and butt heads. 


Get over it.  You all lost and the media is trying to stir up a frenzy for ratings and you are dumb enough to buy it. 


The time for change is the next election not the next sports contest. 

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9 hours ago, attrayant said:


No it wasn't.  It's a statement of protest, less drastic than flag burning (which has twice been ruled by the Supreme Court as constitutionally protected speech).

Yes they are protesting racism. 45 doesn't want Americans to protest his racism.

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2 minutes ago, amvet said:

Hillary tried to make the last election about race and gender bias but blacks didn't vote.  The 7-percentage-point decline from the previous presidential election is the largest on record for blacks. Blacks did not come out and vote for Hillary.  Now everybody who didn't vote has a case of guilt feelings and is trying to use other avenues to attempt change like football stadiums. 


The time to change leaders is during elections in the voting booth not at football games when big dumb guys are supposed to run around in tight pants and butt heads. 


Get over it.  You all lost and the media is trying to stir up a frenzy for ratings and you are dumb enough to buy it. 


The time for change is the next election not the next sports contest. 

Some sense at last!  thank you

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7 hours ago, Credo said:

Wow.   And your point is what?


Not standing when the American Anthem is played is a sign of disrespect to the United States.  It is like flag burning and shoe throwing and is meant to show disrespect.  If those neanderthal types wanted to disrespect Trump they should have voted against him which most obviously didn't.  They'll have another chance in 3 years. 

Edited by amvet
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2 minutes ago, inThailand said:

What would have been the response if a white guy was killed by a black guy and a white football player kneeled down in protest? Who would be crying foul?

No one.  White guys get killed by black guys all the time.  It has nothing to do with football or the National Anthem. 

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21 hours ago, Jingthing said:

LeBron James stickin' it to the racism dog whistling super TROLL in chief clown potus.:post-4641-1156694572:





 How about someone with a little more insight than you. Listen and learn.....


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21 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Too real so you got nothing. 

You obviously have been out of the country for too long.  You need to get real about things back in the U.S... Stop getting all your facts on liberal media and leftist social media.  Wake Up.......Before you say it, No. I don't live by the word of Fox news. Actually I believe they are as Fake as the main stream media. But, because I still have many interest back in the states, I travel back and forth extensively. I get to see first hand what is going on. I don't just sit over here wonder what would be a good state to live in and if they have Obama care......Sorry, but I did a little digging up on you. "my bad"

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1 hour ago, inThailand said:

What would have been the response if a white guy was killed by a black guy and a white football player kneeled down in protest? Who would be crying foul?

Mate, it would be the end of the world if your scenario ever happened. News outlets would go into meltdown, cities would burn, it would be the end of American life as we know it. 


 But then whites are not going around killing blacks, as the numbers prove. 




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2 minutes ago, Scott said:

This could have a catastrophic effect on the sale of beer and hot dogs!

Well that's a given, but beyond small fry financial hits, these black sportsmens very unsportsman-like behavior is causing a huge societal division. It is essentially an overt display of black supremacy which is very divisive. Hope Trump comes down hard on these team owners, I can think of a few ways he can do this - threats to look into their tax returns with a telescope for starters. Let's get sportsmanship back into sports.

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