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Overtaking bus nearly runs us off of the road


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<Thai police mode>

There was no accident therefore no need to investigate, come back when there is an actual crash worth bothering about

</Thai police mode>


A friend had the front of his car removed by a bus that ran a red light (he was turning right on green), the local plod started proceedings against him for dangerous driving. Charges were eventually dropped but it was a painful time (on top of his busted leg that is).


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If I could post on a thai social media site, I would.   I don't want the GF to do it, since she is the type of normal, clueless person who posts EVERYTHING on social media and it's very easy to figure out who she is, where she lives, etc.   




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24 minutes ago, xerostar said:

In the video it looked like a dual carriageway to me .. (2 lanes in each direction)

If not, then the bus driver thought he was on a dual carriageway ..


No, I am afraid this da... 201 extension is still not ready???

I know this road very well from the past. The bus will have a stop in Chum Phae (district town).

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On 29.9.2017 at 7:24 AM, petesc55 said:

GF says this is a Nakhon Ratchisima-Chiang Khan bus, and I see the number is K197.

The information that identifies the bus is route 808, bus #27.




The licenses plate seems to show "10-490".

Even with that information: what can you do?

Even on the highest management level you will not experience more than a shrug of the shoulders.

I can't count how many such experiences I had over the years, be it with buses, trucks or pickups. Worst is driving at late dawn when they don't switch on the headlights. Light is for finding the road :crying:


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1 hour ago, Alfa said:

You don't get anything by applying anywhere. Than they tell you , nothing happened, you have survived, no accident. 

You can not change anything because of the peoples behavier is like that here. They take big chanses , and even an accident happens they never learn something from it. 

They behave like this.

I've been driving here many years. I do my best that no accident happens and I can go home. I behave like I am ALWAYS WRONG and they are ALWAYS RIGHT. The result is no accident happens. Actually there are no rules in this country, so everybody have their own rules, because I am a foreigner here, I have no rights. 

Look , what is happening at Immigration everytime I go there,,,, NEW RULES. and more money in their pocket. If you say something you don't get your visa even if you are married. BE QUITE.... SHUT UP.... PAY WHAT THEY WANT.... NO RECIEP .... EVEN AT SUVARNAPHUMI IMMIGRATION.....  You get what you want. Go your way. 

BUT YOU WIN AT THE END. You buy your freedom like this and you don't take your time with these noncenses . YOU HAVE MORE LIFE TO LIVE.  LIFE IS SHORT.  BE HAPPY.  IT COSTS YOU A LITTLE EXTRA BUT WHAT CAN YOU DO. ACCEPT IT.  BE HAPPY.

So, by applying your logic where nobody complains, nobody acts when they have been wronged then what happens? More people do wrong (due to no punishment or recourse) and problems escalate, become more numerous and, ultimately, more serious. So, rather than try to prevent it, let’s adopt (your) ‘don’t care’ approach, and if the above (or any other) bus driver hurts your family in the future then don’t be upset when someone tells you to ‘just accept it.’

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2 hours ago, xerostar said:

In the video it looked like a dual carriageway to me .. (2 lanes in each direction)

If not, then the bus driver thought he was on a dual carriageway ..


dual carriageway has a central reserve separating the 2 directions of travel, can be one or 2 lanes or more in each direction.

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Hardly news.  If it was then I could start a newspaper with so many reports of similar driving from persons in charge of trucks, buses, pickups, motorcycles, even buffaloes, between Loei and Udon Thani.  And the near misses are closer than this one.  Just put it down to experience and thank god that you weren't hit.   It pays, when driving in any country, to learn how to be evasive when in charge of any vehicle.  Keep a look out at least 200 metres in front, continually check all rear view mirrors and watch to the sides as well.  It will help your survival rate heaps.  Reporting them, nothing will happen so why cause yourself grief.:wai:

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See this constantly. I just move into the scooter lane as much as possible, stay out of the way. Defensive driving.

Possibly the OP is unaware of flashing lights being the code in Thailand for " Get out of my way, I'm coming through".

The ones that really amaze me are the overtakers on a blind uphill curve across double lines. Dead men walking.

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1 hour ago, bazza73 said:

See this constantly. I just move into the scooter lane as much as possible, stay out of the way. Defensive driving.

Possibly the OP is unaware of flashing lights being the code in Thailand for " Get out of my way, I'm coming through".

The ones that really amaze me are the overtakers on a blind uphill curve across double lines. Dead men walking.



Yeah, I'm also aware that if the driver doesn't kill or seriously injure me with his bus, I need to get out of the way again so he doesn't knock me over running away from the scene of the accident on foot.

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Op.  Highway 201 north of Chaiyaphum is a four lane highway - two lanes in each direction separated by a median.  So the question is, were you driving the wrong way down that highway?  Looks like it.  Opps!

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And how old is that google stuff?    September 2014!

  Do you really think it shows current road conditions, like the lanes to the left being closed due to construction, and all traffic routed to the two lanes shown in the video?   Yeah, I know, that doesn't mean thais won't drive the wrong way, anyway.

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19 hours ago, petesc55 said:

And how old is that google stuff?    September 2014!

  Do you really think it shows current road conditions, like the lanes to the left being closed due to construction, and all traffic routed to the two lanes shown in the video?   Yeah, I know, that doesn't mean thais won't drive the wrong way, anyway.

This is why I asked.  Perhaps there is road construction in that area and traffic has been funneled down the right side of the carriageway - but usually when they do that, they place concrete dividers down the centerline. Or at a minimum they have signs indicating the road in now single-lane in two directions.  So unless someone wants to provide some photo evidence to counter my observation, why would an independent observer not think that you, Op, may have been driving in the right hand carriageway, ie, driving against oncoming traffic?
All anyone needs to do, you included, is to post video of that segment of highway or have someone else corroborate that the section of road in funneled down to two lanes due to construction. 
If that was actually a two lane road, then supply the GPS coordinates with video or pictures verifying it was a two lane road funneled by construction.  Because aerial maps show that segment of 201 North of Chaiyaphum is a dual carriageway with two lanes in both direction.  And since I posted post #26 19 hours ago, suddenly everything got very, very quiet.  Well, except for your comment number 27.  Understand something.  if you are in the wrong, and claim the bus was at fault, and this hits social media - you've just opened yourself to a defamation suit from the bus company if what you claim is inaccurate and you don't have supporting documentation.  Just be aware.  Best to be able to prove your assertions.  That's all. 
I got run off the road driving down a frontage road in my Amphur when they close the Northbound lane of highway 11 and diverted traffic to the frontage road.  Seems that the idiots thought they had both lanes and a truck, lights flashing, forced me off the road too.  So, here in the Land of Stupid-driving, yeah, stuff like this happens.  

Edited by connda
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I was driving, my Thai GF was a passenger.     She can confirm I was not on the wrong side of the road, and has a better idea where exactly we were, and the road construction issue.         The bus company is welcome to sue me.       

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