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"Soi of Sex" life revealed: Why arresting Thai sex workers is not the answer


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In 20+ years of going to 12 step meetings, I have met and befriended dozens of former hookers back home.  I never met one that talked about fond memories of the good old days when they sold sex and thoroughly enjoyed the life.  They talked about how they'd all laugh and joke and convince each either that they were having fun.  But they never looked back with fond memories.  At least, none that I met.


Go figure.


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2 hours ago, SpeakeasyThai said:

I think farming possibly would be oldest profession in the world actually. People need to eat.


Your view prostitution is the oldest profession in the world, is that an excuse that justifies yourself to pay money to an unfortunate female to feed your craving for sex ?


Farming came a lot later than the oldest profession IMO.


Back to the hunter/gatherer days. Back to the time when something was traded for something. Then somebody taught them how to talk............................:sad:



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43 minutes ago, darksidedog said:


To return to the grist of it though, I don't recall bringing the question of the morality of prostitution into my post. I simply pointed out the financial reality of the situation. It would be a wonderful world if all sexual relations were based purely on love, but it is a very naive person who believes that will ever be the case.


How do you define love?

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5 minutes ago, 4evermaat said:

How do you define love?

Please don't go there..............so many variations on a theme, different things to different people and so on and IMO a single definition can not cover it; so a never ending discussion!

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6 minutes ago, 4evermaat said:

How do you define love?

I know not addressed to me, but in my view it is one of those words that people very often misspell l u s t and pronounce something very different again.


It is a very good question though......................:thumbsup:

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1 hour ago, darksidedog said:

Well I do hope you are going to apologise for that, because actually, No, I don't use prostitutes. I am a prison visiting volunteer and I work with a lawyer and I have had the same girlfriend for 9 years. I am also very hygienic and not in the slightest bit overweight.

To return to the grist of it though, I don't recall bringing the question of the morality of prostitution into my post. I simply pointed out the financial reality of the situation. It would be a wonderful world if all sexual relations were based purely on love, but it is a very naive person who believes that will ever be the case.


+ 1 for an apology. 

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11 minutes ago, xylophone said:
19 minutes ago, 4evermaat said:

How do you define love?

Please don't go there..............so many variations on a theme, different things to different people and so on and IMO a single definition can not cover it; so a never ending discussion!


I'm not even going to attempt to define love, but if she won't do it for free, that ain't it.


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6 minutes ago, impulse said:


I'm not even going to attempt to define love, but if she won't do it for free, that ain't it.


The interaction, or the feeling that one or several of the parties involved may feel from the interaction?

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5 hours ago, car720 said:

Prostitution has many forms.

Think on this one.  I cannot remember one mother anywhere in the world, that I have met, that has not at one time said to her daughter,  " be sure to marry a rich man".

Thank you very much ..you are absolutely right as I have had this debate many times and its funny how people ..especially "normal" women will deny it...Bottom line is the man pays...either you give her the money directly into her hands or you support her and buy her things...either way the man dishes it out..and in many cases after the coiple splits..he still has to pay....

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6 hours ago, chrisinth said:

And if spine needs more tingling, go down the road a bit further to Ban Chang for a quiet afternoon beer..................:wink:


6 hours ago, oxo1947 said:

I was having a causal relationship with a working Rayon Girl back in the  early 90s……she came home after one nights work  with 3,200 baht…  I asked her who gave the 200 Baht-- They all did she said.




Seriously though—try to keep away from Rayon girls…. The word --Map-Ta-Put -- would send shivers down anyone’s spine who knows that area.......:coffee1:

6 hours ago, oxo1947 said:

I was having a causal relationship with a working Rayon Girl back in the  early 90s……she came home after one nights work  with 3,200 baht…  I asked her who gave the 200 Baht-- They all did she said.




Seriously though—try to keep away from Rayon girls…. The word --Map-Ta-Put -- would send shivers down anyone’s spine who knows that area.......:coffee1:



You are referring to they are walking cancer time bombs? Used to do some factory tank jobs almost 20 yrs ago there. Yuck is right!

You are referring to they are walking cancer time bombs? Used to do some factory tank jobs. Yuck is right!

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21 minutes ago, Lingba said:

Thank you very much ..you are absolutely right as I have had this debate many times and its funny how people ..especially "normal" women will deny it...Bottom line is the man pays...either you give her the money directly into her hands or you support her and buy her things...either way the man dishes it out..and in many cases after the coiple splits..he still has to pay....

Not quite right.


As far back in history we can go, the men in 99.99% of marital relationships has been the protector, the worker and the provider. That`s how it was in my parents, grandparents and in the generations before days. The men worked and provided and the women took care of domestic issues and brought up the children. That`s how it was and by no stretch of the imagination could these wives be described as kept women.


Then once the women`s lib came on the scene shouting equal rights and equal opportunities for women, burn their bras in protest and all that crap, it changed the scheme of things that has created more discontentment among married couples resulting in 50% of marriages ending in divorce and many one parent families usually 100% custody given to the mothers. 

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5 hours ago, oxo1947 said:

Then my Grammar after a few red wines is lacking ThaiWai.... but no I am not blind about Ban Chang unless the world property market magazine which all investors read is blind... There latest Headline this month is


The Thai city of tomorrow isn't Bangkok


Now where do you think they are talking about---they have just discovered what you apparently can not see.....they rate the best property buys all around the world.....not just Thailand...as I said what little town comes number 7 in the world for the best place to buy...but then again...I'm blind

Let me guess, it's Nakhon Nowhere. Lol.

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Raise the minimum wage to a "living wage" and some of that problem could disappear . The current minimum wage is a little over $1/hour. That's why in most Western countries the hookers are often drug addicts who can't hold a job. Women with average skills can earn enough to live on. Why can't the government see that? Because they are afraid that the businesses will move to other SE Asia countries with lower wages than the new rate. It's all of SE Asia that has this mentality and why hookers are so commonly found in this area. It's economics that lead women to be sex workers. 

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3 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

But there is a difference being making love either being in an intimate loving relationship or a couple just being physically attracted to each other and making out and commercial sex.  The commercial sex industry involves women, sometimes men, treating their bodies as products and becoming public conveniences for the servicing of men. Sorry to bring you into the reality as these are the sordid facts.  This is what the morality issues are all about. Prostitution is a filthy business, there are no doubts about that and can assure you that no prostitutes will ever be nominated for awards for their outstanding services to humanity.

You need to read the post I was refering to in order to understand the context of my reference to morality.

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I have lived in Thailand 20 years, speak fluent Thai and travelled all around the Land of Smiles...The Thai approach to sex for sale was created by Thai men (not farangs) - ever notice when a Thai guy wants to go out it is to soapy massage, or coyote bars but when he wants to go out and possibly meet a non pay for play he goes to a Thai bar or club? Unlike many farang bars where working girls many times outnumber non working Thai women, for Thais the separation is very clear. Pay for play in Thailand is built into the system/structure of society - and it is a society built by Thai men. Farangs did not create it, don't control it, and just are along for the ride so to speak.

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7 hours ago, oxo1947 said:

Then my Grammar after a few red wines is lacking ThaiWai.... but no I am not blind about Ban Chang unless the world property market magazine which all investors read is blind... There latest Headline this month is


The Thai city of tomorrow isn't Bangkok


Now where do you think they are talking about---they have just discovered what you apparently can not see.....they rate the best property buys all around the world.....not just Thailand...as I said what little town comes number 7 in the world for the best place to buy...but then again...I'm blind

I bought my ex-wife a nice sized tapioca farm right off the highway in Maptaput in 1976 as a divorce present - hope she was smart enough to hold on to it - might be a good reason to get back with her...............NOT!!   :whistling:

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I was in Germany in the 60"s and the 70" and there was the sex street and perfectly legal it was monitored by government officials and the sex workers were medically observed as a requirement for them to keep working, they where in windows and all to do was go up and deal the cost of the so call work to be carry out.

Why not doing same in all other part of this world???

That way evry one all happy.

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5 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

But there is a difference being making love either being in an intimate loving relationship or a couple just being physically attracted to each other and making out and commercial sex.  The commercial sex industry involves women, sometimes men, treating their bodies as products and becoming public conveniences for the servicing of men. Sorry to bring you into the reality as these are the sordid facts.  This is what the morality issues are all about. Prostitution is a filthy business, there are no doubts about that and can assure you that no prostitutes will ever be nominated for awards for their outstanding services to humanity.

I have to disagree. Prostitutes shower much more frequently than the rest of the population.

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5 hours ago, chrisinth said:

Farming came a lot later than the oldest profession IMO.


Back to the hunter/gatherer days. Back to the time when something was traded for something. Then somebody taught them how to talk............................:sad:



Like when the women traded sex for a good clubbing?

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11 hours ago, ThaiWai said:

Making prostitution for consenting adults illegal is nonsense and oppressive to women primarily. Keep your holy books out of their beavers. 

they are doing a good service , sometimes lonely men come to thailand to have company of a women , and the women makes some money which helps both of them and helps abit of love in the world , whats wrong with that ? wish there was more love in the world !!!

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5 hours ago, thaigirlwatcher said:

Raise the minimum wage to a "living wage" and some of that problem could disappear . The current minimum wage is a little over $1/hour. That's why in most Western countries the hookers are often drug addicts who can't hold a job. Women with average skills can earn enough to live on. Why can't the government see that? Because they are afraid that the businesses will move to other SE Asia countries with lower wages than the new rate. It's all of SE Asia that has this mentality and why hookers are so commonly found in this area. It's economics that lead women to be sex workers. 

Not so, hookers can be found in abundance in practically ever country of the world, only in Thailand it`s simply more publicised, mainly because of it`s past reputation that makes those in western countries still believe Thailand is the sex capital of the world. Thailand is there in the high number of prostitutes rankings but it`s no longer at the top of the list.


Do you really believe that just by providing a living wage (how would you describe a living wage?) that it would persuade a substantial amount of women not to enter prostitution? I very much doubt it. It`s not just economics that is the problem. This is now a highly competitive world, the competition for decent paying jobs is enormous and many who come from poor and under privileged backgrounds are simply not able to compete with what skills and qualifications many companies expect from their employees these days. So these women see prostitution as a means of fast tracking the system whereas they can earn reasonable incomes without having to go through higher education and achieve qualifications and degrees, with less pressure and what they consider is making easy money just by laying on their backs.

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