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SURVEY: Brexit -- Good or Bad Idea?


SURVEY: Brexit -- a Good or Bad Idea?  

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24 minutes ago, taipeir said:

The famous EU red tape that made it 10X EASIER to trade with 500 million trade bloc.

You couldn't make this stuff up!

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That multiplier sounds a bit made up to me.

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1 minute ago, nauseus said:

That multiplier sounds a bit made up to me.

I'm very concerned now. I have two businesses with exports to Germany and France. Had I known I wouldn't be allowed to trade with the EU after Brexit I might have voted differently. 

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The problem with the Brexit /EU debate will continue to be a conundrum until we we have left


Figures, as i was always taught, can always be manipulated one way or another 


Some of the worlds best economists and politicians will argue one way or another and depending on where you are getting your material from can push you one way or another


In the end you come to your own opinion but no one can be deemed incorrect or correct until it happens


Therefore i am staying out of the debate but one certainty is that a 'no deal' will have dire consequences on the strength of the pound. No economist will argue against that



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15 minutes ago, taipeir said:

That article said all major business groups in the UK were for remain.

Read it again.

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The article is titled  EU Red Tape is Suffocating the UK economy.  Read the title again. Does it need more explanation?


The reality is that the UK is now saddled with far greater amounts of red tape – forcing up energy costs and making industry uncompetitive, for example – than used to be the case. The fact that other economies have made the same mistakes (in many cases because of the EU) is immaterial.  It is terrifying that a Tory Treasury no longer sees this.

Edited by aright
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The famous EU red tape that made it 10X EASIER to trade with 500 million trade bloc.

You couldn't make this stuff up!

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

10 x easier?

7 years to negotiate a deal with Canada.
Still in infancy trade talks with Japan.

Your right, you couldn’t make this up.

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The EU is just a big Business cartell lobbied by Big company to sponsored EU MPs. Unelected men put in Power, with no recourse to any discipline or reprimand, who make decisions in secret, in a closed locked room for 500 million people, They want cheap labor by having open Borders, keeping wages down , Yes i good idea to stay in NOT>

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Have you heard the European Commission's latest edict?


The European Commission has announced an agreement whereby English will be the official language of the EU, rather than German, which was the other contender. Her Majesty's Government conceded that English spelling had room for improvement and has therefore accepted a five-year phasing in of "Euro-English".

In the first year, "s" will replace the soft "c". Sertainly, this will make sivil servants jump for joy. The hard "c" will be dropped in favour of the "k", Which should klear up some konfusion and allow one key less on keyboards.

There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year, when the troublesome "ph" will be replaced with "f", making words like "fotograf" 20% shorter.

In the third year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expekted to reach the stage where more komplikated changes are possible. Governments will enkourage the removal of double letters which have always ben a deterent to akurate speling. Also, al wil agre that the horible mes of the silent "e" is disgrasful.

By the fourth yer, peopl wil be reseptiv to steps such as replasing "th" with "z" and "w" with "v".

During ze fifz yer, ze unesesary "o" kan be dropd from vords kontaining "ou" and similar changes vud of kors be aplid to ozer kombinations of leters.

After zis fifz yer, ve vil hav a reli sensibl vritin styl. Zer vil be no mor trubls or difikultis and everivun vil find it ezi to understand ech ozer.



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48 minutes ago, taipeir said:

That article said all major business groups in the UK were for remain.

Read it again.

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No, it doesn't. You read it...carefully!

Edited by nauseus
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1 hour ago, aright said:

I'm very concerned now. I have two businesses with exports to Germany and France. Had I known I wouldn't be allowed to trade with the EU after Brexit I might have voted differently. 

So why did you vote Brexit


Bringing back slavery?


Going to pour organophosphates into the river?


What's your upside?

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2 hours ago, aright said:

I'm very concerned now. I have two businesses with exports to Germany and France. Had I known I wouldn't be allowed to trade with the EU after Brexit I might have voted differently. 

:smile: Honestly, we all make mistakes. And ,to my mind anyway, you were reassured that you'd be trading on the same terms.  Both sides told major porkies.

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6 hours ago, aright said:

This is only one person's opinion dammit. Surely people don't believe these journos, do they? Or maybe they do.....perhaps I'm beginning to understand why the vote went the way it did.

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2 minutes ago, Stupooey said:

This is only one person's opinion dammit. Surely people don't believe these journos, do they? Or maybe they do.....perhaps I'm beginning to understand why the vote went the way it did.



None so blind as those who cannot see EU red tape.

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On 10/22/2017 at 6:26 AM, adammike said:

I live in the Netherlands I have just bought a shirt made in Indonesia another of the same brand from Thailand it's an American brand Royal Robbins,the shops here are full of stuff from all over the world. Next time you are in a supermarket check out where the produce come from.the problem for the UK is it imports more than it exports and can't produce enough food to feed the population,and most of what is produced is owned by foreign multinationals,here's something for you to chew on the crankshaft for the mini crosses the border of the UK and the EU three times before final assembly ,most countries will want to sell you stuff not buy stuff from the UK, and if they do import from the UK they will expect their to have free access to Britain.Brexit is an English tory party <deleted> up and it will probably lead to the break up of the union,almost certainly the end of the welfare state and a free NHS.

I am fully conversant with the British car industry thanks. MINI, RR, Bentley, Nissan, Honda etc.

There is a fair percentage of local parts required, much like Thailand which produces BMW, Benz and Japanese makes in a similar way. The strikes and inept management of the 70s and 80s destroyed the main British car industries, but it has bounced back and now produces more cars than it ever has before that are exported worldwide.

I bought a pair of Nike trainers some your ago when on holiday in the UK only to find on the label they were made in Thailand. That only proves trade and manufacturing is done by the multinationals in the best (up to their quality standard) and most profitable place, and the trade borders don't seem to matter to them in general.


Food, well if you think we will starve you really have lost the plot.


As for Brexit being a Tory expletive up, you are wrong. Corbyn himself was a Eurosceptic Labour back bench nobody for 35 years along with many others. The Tories have Ken Clarke and several others who are pro-EU. It is a cross party thing.


Everyone forgets people will still get work permits and travel to the UK, or to Schengen with a passport, as they do to places outside the EU and UK now.

If the EU demands unrealistic reparations from the UK for leaving, then the WTO rules will keep trade moving until they see sense. Also we could rejoin EFTA don't forget.

Merkel is being pushed by German business to sort it out as they will suffer (25% of their car exports are at stake) and the French sell us food from their subsidized farmers (strange the EU subsidy rules don't apply to them) and the Dutch sell us flowers in huge quantities evidently, just for an example or two.

Trade is not going to stop on the 1st April 2019, that would be an April Fool's Day if it did.


What the problem is on the UK side is simple. The remoaners should accept the democratic result of the (one time) referendum and get together to ensure the exit deal suits the UK and the EU in the future. The longer this squabble goes on the less likely the EU will make a reasonable deal and force the WTO rules into practice.

Time to get with the programme and make it work.


If you really want to stay in Europe you can do what Colin Firth has done and apply for an EU passport; Irish in would think, County Kerry, might be appropriate.

Duel nationality isn't illegal in Britain, but it is for Thais.

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1 hour ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

I am fully conversant with the British car industry thanks. MINI, RR, Bentley, Nissan, Honda etc.

There is a fair percentage of local parts required, much like Thailand which produces BMW, Benz and Japanese makes in a similar way. The strikes and inept management of the 70s and 80s destroyed the main British car industries, but it has bounced back and now produces more cars than it ever has before that are exported worldwide.

I bought a pair of Nike trainers some your ago when on holiday in the UK only to find on the label they were made in Thailand. That only proves trade and manufacturing is done by the multinationals in the best (up to their quality standard) and most profitable place, and the trade borders don't seem to matter to them in general.


Food, well if you think we will starve you really have lost the plot.


As for Brexit being a Tory expletive up, you are wrong. Corbyn himself was a Eurosceptic Labour back bench nobody for 35 years along with many others. The Tories have Ken Clarke and several others who are pro-EU. It is a cross party thing.


Everyone forgets people will still get work permits and travel to the UK, or to Schengen with a passport, as they do to places outside the EU and UK now.

If the EU demands unrealistic reparations from the UK for leaving, then the WTO rules will keep trade moving until they see sense.

Merkel is being pushed by German business to sort it out as they will suffer (25% of their car exports are at stake) and the French sell us food from their subsidized farmers (strange the EU subsidy rules don't apply to them) and the Dutch sell us flowers in huge quantities evidently, just for an example or two.

Trade is not going to stop on the 1st April 2019, that would be an April Fool's Day if it did.


What the problem is on the UK side is simple. The remoaners should accept the democratic result of the (one time) referendum and get together to ensure the exit deal suits the UK and the EU in the future. The longer this squabble goes on the less likely the EU will make a reasonable deal and force the WTO rules into practice.

Time to get with the programme and make it work.


If you really want to stay in Europe you can do what Colin Firth has done and apply for an EU passport; Irish in would think, County Kerry, might be appropriate.

Duel nationality isn't illegal in Britain, but it is for Thais.



That's about the size of it George. The EU is being vague, non-committal and is hedging it's bets because it hopes that brexit will collapse through the work of an alliance of vested interests led by the war criminal and traitor Blair, and the assortment of useful idiots who appear to be led by Vince Cable, ably assisted by the dodgy lawyer (Paul Chambers, Ian Tomlinson) Kier Starmer (who has personally made over £100,000 from the legal challenge to the government's brexit policy led by the pathological liar, Gina Miller).

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11 hours ago, taipeir said:

The famous EU red tape that made it 10X EASIER to trade with 500 million trade bloc.

You couldn't make this stuff up!

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk


What happened to onthesoi? What's beastophile human-hater Christy Sweet up to these days?

Edited by Khun Han
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14 hours ago, taipeir said:

Merkel is going to be kicking UK arse not EU arse talk about getting things 'arseways' lol.

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Merkel will be looking after German interests, she got a reduced mandate.

Kicking UK arse, no will not happen, she knows which side the bread is buttered.


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On 10/23/2017 at 3:26 AM, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:
I am fully conversant with the British car industry thanks. MINI, RR, Bentley, Nissan, Honda etc. There is a fair percentage of local parts required, much like Thailand which produces BMW, Benz and Japanese makes in a similar way. The strikes and inept management of the 70s and 80s destroyed the main British car industries, but it has bounced back and now produces more cars than it ever has before that are exported worldwide. I bought a pair of Nike trainers some your ago when on holiday in the UK only to find on the label they were made in Thailand. That only proves trade and manufacturing is done by the multinationals in the best (up to their quality standard) and most profitable place, and the trade borders don't seem to matter to them in general.   Food, well if you think we will starve you really have lost the plot.


As for Brexit being a Tory expletive up, you are wrong. Corbyn himself was a Eurosceptic Labour back bench nobody for 35 years along with many others. The Tories have Ken Clarke and several others who are pro-EU. It is a cross party thing.


Everyone forgets people will still get work permits and travel to the UK, or to Schengen with a passport, as they do to places outside the EU and UK now.

If the EU demands unrealistic reparations from the UK for leaving, then the WTO rules will keep trade moving until they see sense. Also we could rejoin EFTA don't forget.

Merkel is being pushed by German business to sort it out as they will suffer (25% of their car exports are at stake) and the French sell us food from their subsidized farmers (strange the EU subsidy rules don't apply to them) and the Dutch sell us flowers in huge quantities evidently, just for an example or two.

Trade is not going to stop on the 1st April 2019, that would be an April Fool's Day if it did.


What the problem is on the UK side is simple. The remoaners should accept the democratic result of the (one time) referendum and get together to ensure the exit deal suits the UK and the EU in the future. The longer this squabble goes on the less likely the EU will make a reasonable deal and force the WTO rules into practice.

Time to get with the programme and make it work.


If you really want to stay in Europe you can do what Colin Firth has done and apply for an EU passport; Irish in would think, County Kerry, might be appropriate.

Duel nationality isn't illegal in Britain, but it is for Thais.


Nasty piece of work. The Brits aren't ignoring their long lost Irish relatives anymore and willing to pay good money for the passport too. Maybe the Irish should get them to sing Amhran Na Bhfiann while are applying.  


Meanwhile please keep up this Brexit lark they'll take those jobs and investments lovely jubley.




And County Kerry is paradise compared to most of the blighted post industrial overcrowded UK you gobshite :).



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4 hours ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

Duel nationality isn't illegal in Britain, but it is for Thais.

I must be imagining my sons Thai and British passports then.

And his Thai and British birth certificates.

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Nasty piece of work. The Brits aren't ignoring their long lost Irish relatives anymore and willing to pay good money for the passport too. Maybe the Irish should get them to sing Amhran Na Bhfiann while are applying.   
Meanwhile please keep up this Brexit lark they'll take those jobs and investments lovely jubley.
And County Kerry is paradise compared to most of the blighted post industrial overcrowded UK you gobshite :).
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Excuse my ignorance on not following Eire updates, does Dublin still have 6 part-nationalised banks?

As to the European medical agency eat al, IIRC nothing has yet been confirmed & seeing as Dublin got challenged by the EU over state subsidies towards Apple, do you have any updates on this legal situation?

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18 hours ago, taipeir said:

Nasty piece of work. The Brits aren't ignoring their long lost Irish relatives anymore and willing to pay good money for the passport too. Maybe the Irish should get them to sing Amhran Na Bhfiann while are applying.  


Meanwhile please keep up this Brexit lark they'll take those jobs and investments lovely jubley.




And County Kerry is paradise compared to most of the blighted post industrial overcrowded UK you gobshite :).



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You missed the point as usual.

I am realist not delusional, it is you that needs a reality check.



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11 hours ago, citybiker said:

Excuse my ignorance on not following Eire updates, does Dublin still have 6 part-nationalised banks?

As to the European medical agency eat al, IIRC nothing has yet been confirmed & seeing as Dublin got challenged by the EU over state subsidies towards Apple, do you have any updates on this legal situation?

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And of course Eire voted out in the 1st referendum don't forget, but were given a few worthless promises and made to vote again...



Edited by George FmplesdaCosteedback
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