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Congresswoman says Trump told widow of fallen soldier 'he knew what he signed up for'


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30 minutes ago, coulson said:

What if the real story from the family was on CNN?


Would you then wait for the real story from the man himself?


No, once either of the people who either said it or it was said to them, which would confirm it .

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It should be remembered, especially at the highest points of power, that the men and women serving in the armed forces are a necessary evil, amassed into armies to clean up the mistakes of politicians.


Unfortunately, this clown, if given the chance to speak, is going to make many more fubars because of his diplomatic posturing in the real world and what that reality means to his armed forces.


For clarity, that is my scary view on the future and mine alone.

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I think Americans, at least those who have been paying attention, shouldn't expect anything resembling compassion from Trump Sr.  


It's like expecting a lamb to act like a tiger.  It's simply not in Trump's nature to feel any compassion for anyone other than himself.  That's why Trump didn't even pretend to care about the devastating fires that hit California.  Everyone (certainly every Californian) knew that whatever Trump said - would be seen for what it is:  merely words that someone else wrote (for the teleprompter) that were made to sound as if he cared.  He doesn't.  Particularly for Californians, who didn't vote for him.  They also weren't fooled by the smear campaign (against HRC) orchestrated by Putin, Trump, Stone and Kushner.

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33 minutes ago, habanero said:

The job of the armed forces is to kill people and break things. True, they could die during the performance of doing their duty.  They know this going forward.



33 minutes ago, habanero said:

"It is what they signed up for".

There's an old saying which goes like this: – "knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is knowing not to add it to a fruit salad".


So let me apply this to the latest fiasco from the orange clown: "knowledge is knowing that death is possible in the Armed Forces because war is what they signed up for; wisdom is not stating that to the dead soldier's family".


The man chump is a reprehensible, unintelligent slob and is not fit for office.

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Democrat Congresswoman totally fabricated what I said to the wife of a soldier who died in action (and I have proof). Sad!


"But Rep. Frederica Wilson defended her statements, saying others who heard the president can corroborate her account. And when she actually hung up the phone, she looked at me and said ‘he didn't even know his name.’ So that's the worst part."



" What Trump did was insult a pregnant widow, and show that he has no respect for the men and women in uniform.

His name was La David Johnson, and he deserves better than Donald Trump."



Edited by Opl
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13 hours ago, habanero said:

Congresswoman says Trump told widow of fallen soldier 'he knew what he signed up for

Hearsay from a Democratic Congresswoman as told on CNN. Think I'll wait for the real story from the family.


Yeah, because, you know, we haven't really seen any instances where The Donald lies blatantly and openly despite lots of witnesses and even video of same...

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16 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

I am eternally grateful to those who have signed up for defending their country and do so with honour, especially those that pay the ultimate price. And I strongly believe that those of us who "stay behind" should honour the fallen and their families.


I am truly disgusted by the callousness of Trump, the guy who shirked his responsibilities in Vietnam with "bone spurs", even if he cannot remember which leg they occurred in.


I have said it before and (unfortunately) need to say it again;


Donald Trump is an ever-expanding cloud of toxic waste that defiles everything it touches


God help us all


Of course I agree with what you say about this dangerous nutter.




QUOTE: "the guy who shirked his responsibilities in Vietnam"

Let's be fair, even towards this orange psychopat.

How many of the filthily rich boys that became president  of the US acted differently?


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15 hours ago, scorecard said:


Also another clear display that he cares only about himself and nothing more, regardless of the circumstances. A selfish arrogant insensitive fool. Surely there are many Americans who totally fit the expected capabilities, behaviors and attitudes required for the job of POTUS. Why do Americans not throw this fool out before he does some very severe tragic damage? 

As an American who's totally ashamed of our so-called president, I ask you this: Please tell me how to "throw this fool out ..." PLEASE.

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16 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I want to add, true or not, this would be one of the milder trump outrages. I'm surprised it even made the news. He does much worse on a constant basis. The danger is that more and more people are seeing trump's bad and BIZARRE behavior as NORMAL presidential behavior. 

45 is diminishing America is every way possible. Honestly I think someone gives him "assignments" of what to attack - which is every thing decent, principled, American. 


He dare not say one unsavory word a/b his leader putin however.

draft dodger.jpg

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15 hours ago, dunroaming said:

Yes he must before he really does screw the USA.

Oh how I agree.


I stated a long time ago - along with many others - he (45) has filled key positions with his devoted regime of un-American supporters. Is bigotry so deep that so many individuals would allow our democracy to be destroyed?


It's apparent the U.S. Congress only cares about themselves by putting party first. I'm dumbfounded.


Well being a "senior" citizen and an Ex Pat I suppose I will not be excessively exposed to the carnage that could follow if this disgusting wannabe dictator continues down his planned, destructive path. 


In a veiled message: I hope 45 gets back what he gives out.

Here's hoping..jpg

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13 hours ago, habanero said:

The job of the armed forces is to kill people and break things. True, they could die during the performance of doing their duty.  They know this going forward.


"It is what they signed up for".

Since you probably only access pro-Trump news sources, you're probably not familiar with all the facts of this case. The fact is that the military had been asking for better backup for these soldiers in Niger and that the backup was refused. So what Trump's reply was really about was trying to evade responsibility for that. You know, the buck stops elsewhere.

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16 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Since you probably only access pro-Trump news sources, you're probably not familiar with all the facts of this case. The fact is that the military had been asking for better backup for these soldiers in Niger and that the backup was refused. So what Trump's reply was really about was trying to evade responsibility for that. You know, the buck stops elsewhere.

Don't try an act like you know what was actually going on in Niger.  I am almost certain my sources are a lot more reliable than yours.  

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Just now, habanero said:

Don't try an act like you know what was actually going on in Niger.  I am almost certain my sources are a lot more reliable than yours.  

I genuinely believe that given the likely news sources you access, you don't have a clue about how the defense department repeatedly denied proper medical support to the troops in Niger.


And why should anyone care about the level of certainty of an anonymous poster who doesn't explicitly cite his sources? 

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Just now, habanero said:

First of all, I am not a "His".

Second,  over 20 yrs working for the DOD as a civilian contractor.

Six years assigned to the Pentagon.

Married to a retired Army Officer 

I am pretty sure my sources would pass muster.

Sorry about the gender assumption. But as for the rest, you do understand that there is no independent way to confirm what you are saying? And how can you rationally expect someone else to accept the judgement of the validity of unconfirmable facts. And you still haven't addressed the issue of the lack of proper medical support for these troops.

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14 hours ago, dogpatch55 said:

Of course they are, no sane person would have voted for him in the first place!

To date bigotry is a cultural issue and the APA has not deemed it a mental disorder. Interesting.

So the bigots who voted for 45 and not "officially" insane. Ignorant? I'd say yes. Bigots? I'd say yes. Deluded? I'd say yes. 

45 is loved by stupid people.jpg

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40 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Sorry about the gender assumption. But as for the rest, you do understand that there is no independent way to confirm what you are saying? And how can you rationally expect someone else to accept the judgement of the validity of unconfirmable facts. And you still haven't addressed the issue of the lack of proper medical support for these troops.

Of course, you can understand that I am not going to name sources. I would think or at least give you the benefit of the doubt that you would understand that.  The only way to know the facts for sure is to have knowledge of what's in the after-action report. This is not something that the press would have access to right away. In some cases, it would even require a request for the report under the freedom of information act. 

 There is no requirement that the public knows what happens on an OP.  The military is not a democracy. They don't have an obligation to go public with any information. Believe me, after sitting in on numerous after action debriefs. The whole story has been told to those that require knowing the truth. The public is not on that list.  Neither are you!

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48 minutes ago, habanero said:

Of course, you can understand that I am not going to name sources. I would think or at least give you the benefit of the doubt that you would understand that.  The only way to know the facts for sure is to have knowledge of what's in the after-action report. This is not something that the press would have access to right away. In some cases, it would even require a request for the report under the freedom of information act. 

 There is no requirement that the public knows what happens on an OP.  The military is not a democracy. They don't have an obligation to go public with any information. Believe me, after sitting in on numerous after action debriefs. The whole story has been told to those that require knowing the truth. The public is not on that list.  Neither are you!

And we know that you are not a complete fantasist how?

And you still haven't replied to the issue of medical support.

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1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

And we know that you are not a complete fantasist how?

And you still haven't replied to the issue of medical support.

It's clear he's a complete something but for obvious reasons I shall refrain from spelling it out.


"Of course, you can understand that I am not going to name sources."

Of course we do, but can't you at least tell us if it was the toaster or the fridge the voices came from?

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Trump's denial of insulting Sgt. Johnson's widow: "I had a very nice conversation with the woman, with the wife.”


with Mrs. Johnson



with the wife of the late Sgt. Johnson



with Myeshia


He didn’t remember her name, didn’t care to, didn’t want to, couldn’t be bothered to. A “soulless coward” indeed.

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