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Helping the wife - why keep a dog and bark yourself - what do you think .

Once Bitten

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3 hours ago, gamini said:

Stupid post. Who is he asking? Wealthy expats, medium well off, poor expats. Wealthy ones have live in servants. Others have daily servants others have part time. many have none.

Agreed, stupid post...yours. You managed to 6 sentences and didn't even address the question.


Shall we take that as a NO? :biggrin:

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3 hours ago, oxo1947 said:

My wife isn’t talking to me because apparently I ruined her birthday.


 I’m not sure how I did that –

I didn’t even know it was her birthday….....:omfg:






I made a little listing of all the family names and birthdays a few years back, about half of 1 X A4 page. Nice border around the edges.Put it on the side of the fridge, hardly noticed.


It was taken down quickly:


       'people might think everybody in this house is old and can't remember things.'





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A man doing "housework" in Thailand? Simply not customary. How many Thai men have you seen doing "housework"?
No wonder Farangs make such desirable husbands. They pay for everything and do half of the work on top of it!
In the eyes of a Thai, a combination that can't be beat. Is this where the expression "stupid Farang" originates from?

I myself was never allowed to do any housework by Thai wife. With the result, that I started to feel like a kept sex-slave. I felt so used, so degraded, so cheap, so useless.
To escape this hellish configuration, I had to start shacking-up with European woman again.:partytime2:


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13 hours ago, Once Bitten said:

Personally I enjoy helping my wife in any way I can . I consider it a partnership where we both do what we can to help each other .

In a partnership it's usual for each partner to contribute the same amount of cash to the project.

I'm guessing you contribute all the cash, and she contributes all the spending.

That's the way most Thai women operate.

I'm happy to be proven wrong though?


My own dear wife tells me she's only for the bedroom, and if I want someone to cook and clean I should hire a housekeeper.

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7 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Then said women should not have married said men.

A man really needs a woman who can interpret his needs. Three of my biker buddies stopped by unannounced this afternoon. My wife let them in, led them out to the gazebo in back and brought them cold beer. She then came upstairs and got me, bringing a cold beer. As soon as our beers were emptied, she brought new cold ones; then, she served us lunch. The wife and I were heading to our grandson's birthday party that afternoon, but she found time to entertain my friends; we still made the party. 

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I think each relationship varies.

I do the shopping in town, gets me out and about, but this doesn't include food item which come daily from the market.... she shops there, I fix things. Other than that, I am similar to your friend.

If I had to do many things myself I would be wondering why I needed a partner at all.

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5 hours ago, smotherb said:

A man really needs a woman who can interpret his needs. Three of my biker buddies stopped by unannounced this afternoon. My wife let them in, led them out to the gazebo in back and brought them cold beer. She then came upstairs and got me, bringing a cold beer. As soon as our beers were emptied, she brought new cold ones; then, she served us lunch. The wife and I were heading to our grandson's birthday party that afternoon, but she found time to entertain my friends; we still made the party. 

"A man really needs a woman who can interpret his needs". Amazing, most man would never arrive at this conclusion. But as I read the post: Wife making sure that the "biker-buddies" are well supplied with booze in the gazebo, plus making sure that "hubby" gets an adequate supply of the same stuff upstairs, plus cooking for the treasured guests, plus visiting family and all this in a days work.

Clearly, an angel, knowing to interpret a Farangs needs. Even tolerating "guests" that she probably considers as "white trash".
In a situation like this, let's hope the Farang does not run out of money during his lifetime.


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My wife is head teacher of her school so is out all day from 8am to 4 or 5pm .  I am expected to do all the housework , hang out the washing , be DIY handyman , water the garden and mow the lawn ; heaven help me if the floor is gritty or a speck of dust is seen .  I have always been handy about my home and garden , so nothing new , but sometimes feel bullied .  One would think that in a poor rural Isaan village one could find a woman to come in and clean the house ; but poor women either don't want to do it or have no idea how to clean a house .

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Without reading all posts I’m just reflecting over those first ones. 


I’m not helping my wife. Well, she’s not my wife...yet, but that’s not the point. 


I do laundry, cleaning and all kind of things. 

I’m just not calling it “helping” my wife. 

It’s my duty to do the <deleted> cleaning after my self. I’m probably making a bigger mess than my wife. 

So I would rather say that my “wife” is doing my job or helping me when she’s cleaning, mopping or whatever she do to keep the house look good. 

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10 hours ago, MaeJoMTB said:

In a partnership it's usual for each partner to contribute the same amount of cash to the project.

I'm guessing you contribute all the cash, and she contributes all the spending.

That's the way most Thai women operate.

I'm happy to be proven wrong though?


My own dear wife tells me she's only for the bedroom, and if I want someone to cook and clean I should hire a housekeeper.

My “wife” have approximately the same income as me, which is not bad at all. 

We could probably afford to get someone to cook, clean and even feed us, but we don’t have that kind of mentality. 

I couldn’t stand being treated as an infant, especially when I have time to do things my self.  

I rather do some household work than watching TV and drinking beer. 

If there’s nothing to do in the house, I have no problem getting even 2‰ watching cartoons. But then I’m done and satisfied with my achievement

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16 hours ago, amvet said:

Unless Muslim Thais don't like the smell of beef.  Try minced pork and you will be a success.

My third wife was a Muslim. She was a real fashion fiend.


"Owl dear; how does the new dress look?" Pruning herself in front of the mirror. "It looks great dear," eyes still on the footy, "really great."


"You are not even looking darling!"  This time I looked over. "It looks great love, but you are putting on a bit of weight. You're not preggers are you?"


"No silly; that's just my new bomb belt. Picked it up at the mosque this morning; cheap. Very fashionable."


"But you can't see it. It's under your dress." "Well it's the 'in' colour in town.  What would you know anyway?!"


Women!!! Back to my footy.


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I know I said "cleaning" was out of bounds. Well, I've just been asked to do some "cleaning".


Said cleaning involved one of the pits on our drainage system which was overflowing. Of course due to the river level it was full of black, greasy, stinky "water" with interesting (luckily white) bits floating on it :sick:


Had to take a shower just to get dirty.

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2 hours ago, Once Bitten said:

Some great comments and thoughts , must go now as I've got to take the wife's underwear out of the washing machine and hang it on the line to dry before she gets home :whistling:

As long as you originally removed said underwear from her body with your teeth, the rest is perfectly in order.

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8 hours ago, swissie said:

"A man really needs a woman who can interpret his needs". Amazing, most man would never arrive at this conclusion. But as I read the post: Wife making sure that the "biker-buddies" are well supplied with booze in the gazebo, plus making sure that "hubby" gets an adequate supply of the same stuff upstairs, plus cooking for the treasured guests, plus visiting family and all this in a days work.

Clearly, an angel, knowing to interpret a Farangs needs. Even tolerating "guests" that she probably considers as "white trash".
In a situation like this, let's hope the Farang does not run out of money during his lifetime.


Well, I always hope the farang does not run out of money in his lifetime. However, I believe you may have drawn the wrong conclusions. First, my wife probably understands the farang a little better because she has spent many years in farangland and other places in the world where we have lived and worked. Secondly, she would likely do well without me, since she has not only our investments, but her own social security and pension--she is educated, had a career, and contributed to our investments. Third, she actually likes my biker buddies, she enjoys riding and actively supports all our biker activities. Forth, and perhaps most important, although she may not be an angel, she is an intelligent and capable woman, and not too hard to look at, either. As I said, a man needs a woman who can interpret his needs.

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Op basicaly he sounds like hes a mans man. Living in the 60's and 70's. Chain the little lady to the kitchen sink go down the pub and return blathered and expect his food on the table. Basicaly a usless lazy pathetic man.

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31 minutes ago, jeab1980 said:

Op basicaly he sounds like hes a mans man. Living in the 60's and 70's. Chain the little lady to the kitchen sink go down the pub and return blathered and expect his food on the table. Basicaly a usless lazy pathetic man.

Only useless if he isn't providing all the money.

Not to mention the Thai wedding vow (for the woman) is 'to serve'. 

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Maybe you should start a Poll to report the Nationality of those bums that only look at their wives as servants.  Just have the posters reporting them name their countries of origins, that would give a demographic of where the worst of the worst are.  To what end??  Dunno, I have a suspicion we would be pleasently surprised to see what country's they come from.

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5 hours ago, smotherb said:

Well, I always hope the farang does not run out of money in his lifetime. However, I believe you may have drawn the wrong conclusions. First, my wife probably understands the farang a little better because she has spent many years in farangland and other places in the world where we have lived and worked. Secondly, she would likely do well without me, since she has not only our investments, but her own social security and pension--she is educated, had a career, and contributed to our investments. Third, she actually likes my biker buddies, she enjoys riding and actively supports all our biker activities. Forth, and perhaps most important, although she may not be an angel, she is an intelligent and capable woman, and not too hard to look at, either. As I said, a man needs a woman who can interpret his needs.


That's a two way street.


The man has a responsibility to know and understand and fulfill his wife's needs also.


It's called equality and it also means respect in both directions.


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3 minutes ago, scorecard said:


That's a two way street.


The man has a responsibility to know and understand and fulfill his wife's needs also.


It's called equality and it also means respect in both directions.


What, in all I said, led you to conclude I do nothing for my wife or that I need a lesson in reciprocal respect? She does things she knows I like because she loves me and wants to please me. Similarly, I do things I know she likes because I love her; but neither doing manual labor nor giving her money is what she wants from me. Once again, I repeat, a man needs a woman who can interpret his needs.

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50 minutes ago, scorecard said:


That's a two way street.


The man has a responsibility to know and understand and fulfill his wife's needs also.


It's called equality and it also means respect in both directions.


You are assuming a lot, which tends to be the norm on here. My girlfriend waits on me and wants to spoil me but it is reciprocated in other ways by me. No one can give every example on here of what they do in return and many just highlight what their partner does for them. It's wrong to assume it's always a one way street. 

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56 minutes ago, scorecard said:

It's called equality and it also means respect in both directions.

Equality is Marxist social engineering, probably with the aim of destroying the west.

It ain't real, and it doesn't work, unless you form a society based around bailing out the disastrous results.

Which would be welfare, for single women, single mothers, transfer of assets from men to women, and a system to support your national population when women refuse to breed. Then you would need another policy to sort out the dysgenics of the situation ...... (the more capable women working without breeding and the inferior women breeding profusely, and all of them choosing the worst of men to breed with)

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On 10/27/2017 at 10:05 AM, petermik said:

He,s just an idle slob sorry.......he doesn,t want a wife just a servant :whistling:

I heard she loves him and wants to do things for him. If that is true, what is your problem?  I can understand that, that is the reason my wife explains when others ask why she does so much for me. Yet, she does not need me financially and I certainly do not consider her my servant. In many relationships in the East, it seems the man provides the money and expects the woman to provide the housework. That seems a common equitable relationship where two people have reached an agreement and live their lives that way. In the Western world, both partners may provide the money and both partners share the housework. That too is an equitable relationship that works. However, if the man provides all the money and does all, or even a share, of the housework too, what, prey tell, does the woman do? One poster said his wife told him her job was in the bedroom, if he wanted housework done he needed to hire a maid. I would recommend a full-service maid in that situation.  However, it seems many on here do not realize there is much more to a relationship than just money and housework. 

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