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Video: Public outrage as shocking footage shows security man dragged under the wheels of doctor's car


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9 hours ago, bangrak said:

The video is just disgusting, really horrible! That's murder!!! Dr Yorn, you're a shame to all human beings, when you don't get the death penalty, the guards should make a pot to have you disposed of!

Yes I agree. A crime is a crime and that is intentional endangering of life. Possibly attempted murder. Attempted intentional manslaughter. Something along those lines. INTENTIONAL being the key word. Reckless driving does not cover it. 

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9 hours ago, AlexRich said:

That’s pretty disgusting for anybody, but for a medical doctor to do something like this is beyond belief. I hope that he spends a lifetime in a jail. I suspect however that he’s already shaved his head and booked his room in the Temple ... throw a few bucks at the guard’s family ... and back to work a week on Monday.


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The General could go a long way to making himself popular if he takes decisive action on this high profile incident, rather than leave it to the normal umm and ahhhing until it fades away. He wont though as next time it might be one of his buddies or family.


I wonder what or if army conscripts who generally come from backgrounds similar to that of security guards have any thought as to this being how many of the Phu Yai's think of them.

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Did anybody notice at the 6 second mark on the video there is a car at speed traveling in the wrong direction according to the arrows on the road. Pity he didn't have a head on with the doctor before he hit the security guard.

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51 minutes ago, dotpoom said:

The well worn  "s - - m - - g".... rears it's ugly head again.

Can you please list,  the appropriate new words we should use ?

I would like to use stronger words to describe this person,   but forum rules 

prohibit this.


Maybe this one fits well.

if i say,  Traffic wardens, whats the first word,   most normal people think of ?

That's what describes some of the drivers and riders of Thailand,  very very well. :thumbsup:


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Not to detract from the horrendous crime ..... but in another example of madness in the same video .... This street is clearly a one way street - you can see the arrows on both lanes - Then a whole bunch of cars and motorbikes are clearly driving the wrong way down the one way street? 

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10 hours ago, z42 said:

Jeez that is horrendous ?


This doctor deserves to be strung up for that. The family of the victim should NOT accept money, nor should that be an option to forego a very harsh custodial sentence.



But of course they will accept the money and he will not get a very harsh sentence.



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This is about as bad as it gets. I read somewhere else that the doctor is 'willing to shoulder the young security guard's medical expenses'. Like the problem is solved. This sadly is what it will all boil down to - money. And you'll get the usual idiots who say ,"well, this is how they deal with it. Pay money". People can't be forced to pay compensation and go to prison? Is that really so hard? 


Reminds me of a time I was waiting for a motorcycle taxi. About 8 at night and there was a young university girl in front of me in the queue. Waiting a few mins and some guy walks out from what looked like a factory wearing trousers, shirt and tie and just pushed in front. Usually the taxi riders are quite good when it comes to who's first but they just allowed him to do it. The university girl says something along the lines of, "Oh, I thought I was next". Not in an angry way. But in a genuine I'm-confused way. 


Anyhoo, I start to pay attention more and the guy who pushed in starts yelling something like, "I've worked here x years. I get a motorcycle every night. I'm a manager and don't like being talked down to by a student'. He got more and more vitriolic as he spoke. Genuinely indignant this young woman said that she thought she was next. I jumped in and told him he was being rude and he'd pushed in. He said 'nothing'. Got on the bike and gave me the stink eye as he went past. 


The scary part was his attitude. This thinking of he's better than someone else based on their social status or job, etc. The fact he got so angry that someone said something to him about him doing something wrong. Multiply that feeling because that person is a doctor and you have people who genuinely believe themselves to be more important and valuable than others, and this is the kind of nonsense you get. People who believe themselves to be better, and sadly, people who believe themselves to be worse. 



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11 hours ago, z42 said:

Jeez that is horrendous ?


This doctor deserves to be strung up for that. The family of the victim should NOT accept money, nor should that be an option to forego a very harsh custodial sentence.



lets see if this scum bag goes to be a monk to make merit !!!!!

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8 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

The authorities (and 'Boss' himself) are hoping that everyone will forget about his crime and move on to the next outrage.


Hopefully, people will continue to mention this POS in the context of road deaths and flight from justice at every available opportunity. With any luck it might prompt someone to hunt him down and make him answer for his crimes (those that have not been allowed to expire).


Apologies for going off topic.

you are absolutely not off topic.
I think this thread is not about gazing at a horrible video, but about attitude.
My guess is the guy was so drunk he did not even notice that he hit someone.
Stiff Sentencing is the only thing that will teach people to obey the rules,
And, of course, police should not have authority to decide whether to take a driver to Court, they should be obliged to do so. (in case of Refused Alcohol and drugs test, >0.8 on road alcohol test, no driving license, physical injuries, etc.)
Then, when Judges are Just, and not just a judge, many desirable things will fall in place.

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This is just a brutal murder. A doctor involved in drunken driving. It seems that he is leaving the hospital. Probably the scumbag was drunk while on duty?? This all happened on the hospital premises. Many questions to be answered but will go unanswered. Poor victims will be forced to settle the matter with some currency notes.. such a shame to the Doctors' fraternity. 

Edited by Jasonron
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Holy Sh!t ! 

That guy better have been completely blotto drunk and off his gourd. He must have been. The front of the car appears to show damage from smashing into the gate - more than hitting a person. So it is possible he was so drunk he thought he was driving over the fence? And not getting out to look means he was probably really drunk. I would at least get out to look to see if my car could drive after such a collision. 


On the other hand if he saw the guard or knew he hit him this is murder. He intentionally drove over him. Look at the blood on the road. OMG


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In a country where corruption is endemic, money rules and the top down class system is alive and well this kind of thing will always happen. So often the upper income earners in society commit horrific crimes and "seem" to go unpunished as long as the wallet if full. I hope Thai people will wake up one day and feel the shame of this and demand an end to an unfair and unjust application of the law.


I hope in this case, just for once some justice prevails and this man (so called Doctor) feels the full force of the law.

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12 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Friends of the victim ... said that the driver of the car is a famous doctor:

Thailand in a nutshell. If he's 'famous', he's important, at least to any number of goggle-eyed Thais. The fact that no one beyond Thailand's borders - and quite possibly those of the DoH - has ever heard of him is irrelevant.

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This is clearly attempted murder as the car repeatedly drives forward over the victim. But it isn't unusual for those who knock someone down to then try to kill them. Then there is no hospital bill to pay and often there were no witnesses (victim) to tell the tale. But now we have CCTV, a fact that fortunately many haven't woken up to yet as their brain is still in the last century.

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No defense but the driver had to be drunk beyond measure.  But if you watch the video, you see many people drive right by. Not one stopped.  Even the two people on the motorbike that were right there, saw the car damaged, the body on the road.  Nobody did nothing.  Disgusting

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