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You are Going to Die – Are You Ready

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19 hours ago, totally thaied up said:

She has a small piece of stomach left, the spleen is gone and only had about a 1/4 of a liver left.

I thought the liver regrew ......... the only human organ that has that ability.


Edited by MaeJoMTB
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19 hours ago, bannork said:

I dont understand eternity. It means forever, right?  But forever is a concept defined by time, for it means time goes on and on and on and on and never stops.

But when we are dead, are we not beyond time? Time has lost irs meaning, we are no longer in time. So eternity is a concept we cannot apply to when we are dead.

It could be lights on.......... in a sphere beyond time.Far out....

If you want to blow your mind think about what "eternity" really is. Imagine a nothingness that goes on without end, then ask yourself where the elements for the universe came from in that nothingness. Where did they come from, how did they create what we call "life".

Some scientists now surmise that the universe is in fact a sphere, so if correct what is outside that sphere, and where did the sphere come from? Are there more universe spheres?

I like to suppose there is some energy or force beyond what we can see or feel- everything in the entire universe is just electrical energy arranged in certain forms, so where did that energy come from, and why can we "reason" when a dog or a cow can't? It's not as though we use all our brain, so our brains could be as small as a dogs and still work the same.

Question on question ad infinitum.

To finish, as long as the universe exists ( and how long will that be as galaxies all die ) we live on in transmitted light energy, ie if a person on a planet 10 light years away was looking with a telescope powerful enough to see planet earth, 10 light years from now they would be able to see us as we are now.

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12 minutes ago, MaeJoMTB said:

I thought the liver regrew ......... the only human organ that has that ability.


They can be transplanted in portions large enough to keep both people alive, but I doubt they grow to the full size, or function as well as a full liver.

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29 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If you want to blow your mind think about what "eternity" really is. Imagine a nothingness that goes on without end, then ask yourself where the elements for the universe came from in that nothingness. Where did they come from, how did they create what we call "life".

Some scientists now surmise that the universe is in fact a sphere, so if correct what is outside that sphere, and where did the sphere come from? Are there more universe spheres?

I like to suppose there is some energy or force beyond what we can see or feel- everything in the entire universe is just electrical energy arranged in certain forms, so where did that energy come from, and why can we "reason" when a dog or a cow can't? It's not as though we use all our brain, so our brains could be as small as a dogs and still work the same.

Question on question ad infinitum.

To finish, as long as the universe exists ( and how long will that be as galaxies all die ) we live on in transmitted light energy, ie if a person on a planet 10 light years away was looking with a telescope powerful enough to see planet earth, 10 light years from now they would be able to see us as we are now.

 A nice post but it does look like your last paragraph is problematic! 


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7 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

They can be transplanted in portions large enough to keep both people alive, but I doubt they grow to the full size, or function as well as a full liver.

She has enough of a liver to function well, and she is so lucky to be alive. The doctors brought her parents in to say the goodbyes as her lungs were so full of fluid/blood, they said that the next producer of punching her lungs to drain them would most likely kill her before all the other problems that she had.


Her stomach looks like the Death Star blew it to pieces. My wife is only 30, ain't no oil painting to gloat over, but she is a robust woman with a second lease of life. That accident changed her life in a good way. After a year getting better, she started University and straightened her life out. She never worked a bar, but she lived a pretty wild life up to that point with some very wild local friends. I know most those friends now and I am glad she got away from them as they are just too crazy for me. All a lust for young Thai men, booze, fast bikes and much, much worse. 


Maybe for her, seeing like she said nothing after it all after being in a coma, she now lives just to be happy. I cannot blame her in one bit at all.

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I think you need a work permit to die in Thailand legally. As I don't have one it's probably best if I don't die.

Save a lot of trouble with the BIB and immigration.

As it is now , I try to breath surreptitiously when I'm out and about. So far so good.

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7 minutes ago, sirineou said:

isn't funny that all the people that remember past lives were warriors, princes, kings,? noone ever remembers being a trash collector,  a septic tank cleaner ,or even worst a TVF member.

Have to disagree a little here sirineou. Thai3 remembers being  jacko45k as a TVF member in a previous life 55555 

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  • 2 months later...

I subscribe to the health and medicine section of this forum , at 67 years of age  I try and keep my self fit and well and have made what provisions I can for my future demise . But I'm now finding that when I check out the health and medicine section and see what other forum members of my age group are having to deal with , it gets me depressed :sad:

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On 12/15/2017 at 3:41 AM, bannork said:

Interestingly, in our dreams time fades away but we seem to be still present in 3D format, otherwise we would be unrecognizable to ourselves.

Have you recognized yourself in your dreams?

I am just curious as I am pretty lucid as a dreamer but have never seen myself via mirror or any other way.

In fact I have often reminded myself before sleep to try & remember to look down & see what I am wearing in the dream state but never have I remembered to do so.


To the OP it is true we do wonder more about the end as we approach the age we  perceive to be nearing the end.

I am not a organized religion type, but imagine there is some form of continuance. As energy changes forms .

What that is I do not know, but I always say the prize in the end is the same for everyone so I guess we will see.


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On 12/6/2017 at 9:00 AM, swissie said:

Hard to prepare for something if you don't know what exactly to prepare for. Zillions of people have died, but none of those rascals have bothered to come back and give us any clues.

We don't know if they know they are dead anymore than we know we are now alive & not just dreaming right now

Some will say I know I am not dreaming because this life has a theme a continued day after day existence.


Yet we do not know that our dreams do not also have the same.

Because most cannot remember what they dreamed last night much less last week :smile:



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10 minutes ago, meechai said:

Have you recognized yourself in your dreams?

I am just curious as I am pretty lucid as a dreamer but have never seen myself via mirror or any other way.

In fact I have often reminded myself before sleep to try & remember to look down & see what I am wearing in the dream state but never have I remembered to do so.


To the OP it is true we do wonder more about the end as we approach the age we  perceive to be nearing the end.

I am not a organized religion type, but imagine there is some form of continuance. As energy changes forms .

What that is I do not know, but I always say the prize in the end is the same for everyone so I guess we will see.


An interesting question. I don't recall ever looking in the mirror in a dream; but I am conscious in the dream that I am myself,  perhaps in a negative sense in a bad dream in that I might not be fully dressed at some formal occasion etc.and this is causing me embarrassment.

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Yes you are going to die, everyone does. You can run a marathon every, eat only kale and quinoa, and you are still going to eventually take a dirt nap. It doesn't matter how healthy you live or how fit you are (some of the fittest people have died of heart attacks). This is not to say that if you treat your body properly your quality of life while you are still breathing will not likely be better. You are only here on this planet for a very brief moment in time, try to find a balance between healthy living and enjoying life.


Ready or not.

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1 hour ago, Ahab said:

Yes you are going to die, everyone does. You can run a marathon every, eat only kale and quinoa, and you are still going to eventually take a dirt nap. It doesn't matter how healthy you live or how fit you are (some of the fittest people have died of heart attacks). This is not to say that if you treat your body properly your quality of life while you are still breathing will not likely be better. You are only here on this planet for a very brief moment in time, try to find a balance between healthy living and enjoying life.


Ready or not.

Ive recently had this thought running through my mind , here's me who has been on a continuing  diet and exercise routing for over a year , yes I do feel better for it , yes I have lost weight and yes in my mind following this health routine will possibly  increase my chance of living longer.  But following this current health routine has all so taken away a lot of enjoyment I had in the past when it came to my favorite foods and drinks.  


To hopefully extend my life span I have permanently given up on many foods and drinks that I once look forwarded to , foods that gave me endless enjoyment and pleasure but are considered  '' bad ''  for me where my health is concerned .


Now I have thought about reintroducing some of these past '' bad '' foods and drinks in small amounts to my current diet plan , to hopefully make me feel a little better . But when I reach for one of these ''bad '' items on the supermarket shelf , a little voice in my head whispers don't and I start to feel guilty that I was about to wander off my diet plan :sad:


So at what point does some one  like myself who is getting on in years , possibly say to them selves look enough is enough , why not just enjoy your self while you can , you may add a few more years to your total life span by keeping to your overall health plan , but those few extra years may not be happy ones. 


This balancing act on the tightrope of life is not easy :sad:





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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

It occurred to me recently that if we knew for sure there was no hell to be punished in after death, many/ most of us would act very badly.


I know for sure there isn't a heaven or a hell.   Life is merely bioelectricity, once the process of generating electricity stops so does life.  




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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

It occurred to me recently that if we knew for sure there was no hell to be punished in after death, many/ most of us would act very badly.

I'm hoping for enough time at the end for a last minute recantation.

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15 hours ago, MaeJoMTB said:

Not actually true, they all had undiagnosed heart problems and died at quite a young age.

Normally, 30-40 year olds.

My point wasn't that all fit people die of heart attacks, it was just to point out that even very fit people (e.g. Jim Fixx) can die unexpectedly. No matter how you live your life eventually it will end, the key is finding the balance between enjoyment and longevity. 

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We aren't in control of anything although the mind likes to think it is, free will has been scientifically shown to be an illusion, you don't even decide to move your hand. Tests done have shown that test subjects who were told simply to move there hands up or done when they wanted to didn't do so with conscious control although they thought they had, the motoric order 'move your hand' was active seconds before the conscious order was sent to the motor regions of the brain, this test has been replicated many times, using MRI scanners. The mind, 'the me' is the only problem in life, learning to switch it off has been my greatest boon.

You cant control your liver or your stomach or your heart, untrained,you cant even control your thoughts, I cant either but I can switch them off at will now. Control of anything is an illusion, life happens and you are the space in which it happens, acceptance of what is brings peace and serenity.

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On 2/24/2018 at 10:05 AM, Ahab said:

Yes you are going to die, everyone does


I believe in science so in the future we can transfer our brain to a new body , grown in a lab. A copy of ourselves. then just carry on with the same brain so you don't lose your identity. 


If anyone in the future reads this come and pick me up. 






Edited by balo
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7 hours ago, Ahab said:

My point wasn't that all fit people die of heart attacks, it was just to point out that even very fit people (e.g. Jim Fixx) can die unexpectedly. No matter how you live your life eventually it will end, the key is finding the balance between enjoyment and longevity. 

And what you were born with....:stoner:

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