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Pattaya announces new public enemy number one - smokers and their deadly cigarettes!

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Personally I welcome any and all anti-smoking campaigns, smoking should be eradicated everywhere. But, what I want to see from this is that they apply the penalties to everyone, and that means to Thai citizens, as well. If not, then this drive is just another front to milk tourists.

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4 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

Still waiting for the 'all out war' on drink drivers that take lives, and cause carnage on the roads !

1 hour ago, jacko45k said:

I saw them breath checking someone yesterday, it was about 11am.


They're doing a lot of breathalyzing at checkpoints around Pattaya nowadays, esp on weekend nights when people are most likely to have had a few. I had to pass one a few weeks ago. 'Twas fast and professional, no problems. The thought of a checkpoint makes me extra cautious whereas in the old days I didn't think about it much.


2 minutes ago, JSixpack said:


They're doing a lot of breathalyzing at checkpoints around Pattaya nowadays, esp on weekend nights when people are most likely to have had a few. I had to pass one a few weeks ago. 'Twas fast and professional, no problems. The thought of a checkpoint makes me extra cautious whereas in the old days I didn't think about it much.


Is it the same as the communal water glass - everyone blows on the same mouthpiece? I would be more worried about catching something.

1 hour ago, dinsdale said:

Complete and total f.......k......n lunatic. The rich can kill and not go to jail but this idiotic campaign with completely over the top penalties is indeed lunacy. 


Serious case of whataboutism there, pal.


Has the Mayor of Pattaya forgot to mention the plastic and other rubbish that clogs drains that causes flooded streets, also the dirty filthy beaches he has the watch over ???   I think this guy should start to prioritize,   rather than gimmicky crusades.


I’m reading this while travelling behind a Lorry belshing out black acrid diesel smoke, thinking yeah right this one lorry is the equivalent of 50000 smokers (estimate) are we maybe looking in the wrong place first and I’m a non smoker.


A troll post and reply removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

5 hours ago, webfact said:

Cigarettes and smokers were deemed the new enemy - both of the public and the environment.

"Life is a tale told by an idiot" has profound meaning once those in Thai government open their collective mouths.  As mentioned previously, there are far worse things not being addressed in Pattaya, so why not introduce an easy to solve, non problem to save face.

4 minutes ago, Juan B Tong said:

6 months max.  Then it will be on the books but not enforced.

You can't drive on the beach walk, but I see it every day especially by the cops.

And without helmets!!!!

2 hours ago, captspectre said:

Smoking is now a major crime in pattaya, yet the raw sewage that is being dumped into the ocean everyday is not? you would have to be brain dead to swim near the beach in pattaya. just last month there was a major story on thai visa concerning this.


More whataboutism. Very and inevitably TVF. I say no more as it's infesting the thread . . . .


The cool thing is that cigar and pipe smoking isn't mentioned. :tongue: Get a pipe & baccy from Friendship. Cigarista is ready when you are:



But bring lots of money if you actually go there.

2 hours ago, trogers said:

It's considered smoking when two guys share a toilet...

They could finish painting the damn building first!  haha  I would have thought getting motorcyclists to wear helmets was a more urgent priority not to mention an absolute cash injection to the government.  500bt a person, thats got to be 1000 people a day in any one city alone easy, 500,000bt a day! Thats 182 million bt a year if they cracked down per city in Thailand!!!  In one year everyone would be wearing helmets and that saves lives, not this ridiculous notion of fining tourists smoking.  Also if they think ts a disgusting and damaging habit, why ban e-cigarettes and vapes!


smoking in any place whether covered or open where the public is admitted has been illegal in Thailand since the law was passed in 2008.

the fine was 2000 baht for the perpetrators and 20.000 baht for the manager/owner.

smoking in public is banned in most countries but there is a certain few people who think that they are allowed to smoke as the police do not enforce most laws in Thailand. they probably are the same clowns you see driving the wrong way down a one way street or driving their motorbikes on the pavement at a speed that makes pedestrians jump out of their way. there are also smokers who have principles and manners who will have their smoke away from none smokers (you know like nipping outside

or going out on the balcony) I have read that nicotine addiction is quite close to heroin addiction (stats) and know how hard it is to get clean. as I once was an nicotine addict. I think having a place where you can have a smoke is a good idea... they used to have them in the airports .

but where ever you go you will get people who think the laws do not include them  as they are special.    


Wonderful news. Thanks to inconsiderate smokers and their secondhand smoke, I am dying of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)


FINALLY! Now start finding smokers inside restaurants and bars. These idiots who light up while I'm eating my food should be shot on site. I am serious.


It is all about priorities.  How about drivers and their deadly habits and sewers and their deadly bacterial loads (in the local seawater) ahead of smokers?    Oh I know why.......  This one is cheap and easy to police and quick and simple to collect fines...   Yep.  Money is the priority.  I wonder how vigorously Thai smokers are going to be policed when tourists are an easier target to fine and have more money?


P.S. I am not a smoker.  I hate smoking.  But I also hate stupid priorities.  When do they expect to prioritise the installation of a sewage treatment plant commensurate with the population of a major tourist destination?


And give the non-smoking public clean smoke free air to breathe and cleaner beaches to enjoy. 


the way things are going there wont be any smokers to fine, high baht, low exchange rate, priorities all wrong= no tourists (well of any caliber) 

flash in the pan id'e say just like the smoking ban in Pattaya mentioned earlier ???

2 hours ago, captspectre said:

Smoking is now a major crime in pattaya, yet the raw sewage that is being dumped into the ocean everyday is not? you would have to be brain dead to swim near the beach in pattaya. just last month there was a major story on thai visa concerning this.

I'm with you.  I see priority 1 as rubbish removal and water protection.  Protecting the food supplies and tourist attractions is far more important that helping people curb their smoking habits.

4 hours ago, trogers said:

I would have thought driving kills more. Does the mayor sees more carnage on the beaches than the roads?

Unfortunately, you are wrong, strange as it seems( I reckon) even in Thailand where there is a carnage on the roads smoking kills more than cars.

Tobacco harms the health, the treasury, and the spirit of Thailand. Every year more than 74600 of it's people are killed by tobacco-caused disease, while more than 265000 children and more than 10581000 adults continue to use tobacco each day. 




If really care about environment then all shops should start to charge money for their plastic bags and also sell reusable environmentally friendly bags

then soon all Thais going to bring their own shopping bags and recycle them to avoid additional costs.

i completely doubt cigarettes buds will block any drains but surely plastic bags do. 

Also heavily tax all plastic bags.

ban all pesticides that killing us here.

57 minutes ago, Tchooptip said:

Unfortunately, you are wrong, strange as it seems( I reckon) even in Thailand where there is a carnage on the roads smoking kills more than cars.

Tobacco harms the health, the treasury, and the spirit of Thailand. Every year more than 74600 of it's people are killed by tobacco-caused disease, while more than 265000 children and more than 10581000 adults continue to use tobacco each day. 



Yes, but will the visitors to Pattaya see the local Thai smokers fined for smoking infringements in proportionate numbers to Falangs?

58 minutes ago, Tchooptip said:

Unfortunately, you are wrong, strange as it seems( I reckon) even in Thailand where there is a carnage on the roads smoking kills more than cars.

Tobacco harms the health, the treasury, and the spirit of Thailand. Every year more than 74600 of it's people are killed by tobacco-caused disease, while more than 265000 children and more than 10581000 adults continue to use tobacco each day. 



How many live 24/7 on the beaches and inhale secondary smoke and die?


You are spinning stats on addicts and their families. What fatalities out of that 74k arise from catching smoke when visiting the beaches?


Compare that to the stats while on the roads of Pattaya.

1 hour ago, hawker9000 said:

LOL    Death by a thousand cuts and still the smoking addicts don't get it, and offer us up one deflection piled on top of another.  Epic lame.  For politicians, smokers are the easy target that everyone loves to hate.  You just can't go wrong with an anti-smokers campaign.  Too bad smokers couldn't get with the program back when they had the chance to be courteous and considerate toward the non-smokers, but instead swaggered about boasting about their inalienable "right" to smoke, and blowing the stench in everybody's face.  And now the screws keep turning, ever so slowly but inexorably.  Boo-hoo and suck it up.


OK, lamo's.  Now sing us that ridiculous old song about our backyard BBQs, internal combustion engines, dirty socks, and whatever...   






Ok “lamo” here ya go….


Put a non-smoker in a room for 1 hour with 100 smokers and everyone walks out alive.  Put 100 non-smokers in a room for 1 hour with an idling automobile and no one walks out alive.


My great-grandfather smoked his entire adult life and lived to be 100 years old.  He rolled his own tobacco cigarettes and I knew him as a child.  Manufactured cigarettes contain dozens, if not more, additives and chemicals designed to increase the shelf life, burn rate, etc. etc. and some even spiked with nicotine to increase the possibility of addiction and thus help to insure a long term customer base.


I will never understand why some TVF members only seem capable of posting comments designed to antagonize others.  Maybe you should try smoking.  It might help you calm down a bit.  Recalling many of your other posts you definitely need something.


22 minutes ago, gamini said:

Wonderful news. Thanks to inconsiderate smokers and their secondhand smoke, I am dying of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)

yes blame everything else except your own bad diet and habits and other environmental discharges that you are breathing in - passive smoking is not your issue - not even close

9 minutes ago, JKfarang said:


Ok “lamo” here ya go….


Put a non-smoker in a room for 1 hour with 100 smokers and everyone walks out alive.  Put 100 non-smokers in a room for 1 hour with an idling automobile and no one walks out alive.


My great-grandfather smoked his entire adult life and lived to be 100 years old.  He rolled his own tobacco cigarettes and I knew him as a child.  Manufactured cigarettes contain dozens, if not more, additives and chemicals designed to increase the shelf life, burn rate, etc. etc. and some even spiked with nicotine to increase the possibility of addiction and thus help to insure a long term customer base.


I will never understand why some TVF members only seem capable of posting comments designed to antagonize others.  Maybe you should try smoking.  It might help you calm down a bit.  Recalling many of your other posts you definitely need something.


Forget your life & death strawman argument, what about people who are allergic and get headaches from the stench or do not want to sit beside a disgusting smelling person on a bus subway etc.  I like the idea about locking the smokers away in some room though!

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