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Prayut warns that he would be ‘more aggressive’ without embattled Prawit


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The photo – which showed the 72-year-old retired general shielding his eyes with his hand, displaying what appeared to be extremely expensive accessories .

Blinded by the bling  .Taxi for the General and one for the trinkets meter running. 

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If corruption at the top is glossed over, then simply stop pretending. 
His own people can now see though the charade.  That's a sad testament of the power of power to corrupt those who say they're incorruptible.  If that's true, than do the right thing.

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Deflection at its best, (well the best he can think of)

The people that you chose to represent by your coup want answers

Your right hand man has been implicated in a possible fraud

That alone is reason enough for your people to raise questions regarding your 'relationship' with the accused, he's your right hand man that you put there.

They deserve better, much better than you offer them 

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4 hours ago, ezzra said:

it will bode not well on his close mates

hahahha.....do you think it was only one time that Prawit got that watch on his wrist? Do you think his gang mates did not see it before?

And they did not ask him!

So in total there is a bunch of liars on top

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2 hours ago, thaifan01 said:

You hit the nail on it's head, no doubt about that.

But there is a mayor difference between a 10-year old kid and that guy - he is the top-guy and he got the power to do <deleted> he want to do. Without any consequenses at the moment. 


At the moment. Here's hoping.

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4 hours ago, thaifan01 said:

Unfortunately it seems that you  are right. I was hoping, back in 2014, that they took the battle against corruption seriously, but now I really have my doubts.

The corruption and the consequences of it is an rotten apple, which destroys Thailand and the people. 

When you realize that your leaders and the elite don't care about the laws, you start thinking "why should I follow the law".


I think it is improving and a work in progress. Can't expect a country like this to turn a full 180 degrees within a matter of years. Nonetheless the public is helping and putting pressure on these civil servants, we are moving towards the right direction.

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3 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

Sure you be agreessive and strong hiding behind article 44, trampling on human rights, computer crime act, attitude adjustment, corny corruption agencies and aligned police force. Without all that you just a small town bully with an inferiority complex. 

In some ways it would be better if he behaved according to type. At least then he'd be out in the open, without the fig-leaf of civilisation which the international community chooses to see. Why Thais put up with this creature I can't imagine. Force of habit I s'pose, they've had lots of practice living under coup d'état governments.

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3 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

Sure you be agreessive and strong hiding behind article 44, trampling on human rights, computer crime act, attitude adjustment, corny corruption agencies and aligned police force. Without all that you just a small town bully with an inferiority complex. 


He is certainly an interesting case for study. I wonder what a psychiatrist would make of him.

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

 . . . claimed that some of the allegations against his deputy, General Prawit Wongsuwan, targeted their relationship and people would like to see the two of them SEPARATED.

No, you dumbo . . . the people would like - in fact, they'd be tickled pink - if the TWO OF YOU would be separated . . . separated from the once proud, but now shamed nation that is Thailand. "Clear off, the pair of you," is the clear message that these media sessions are trying to tell you. Don't you get it, after nearly 4 years of trying to bully your people into submission?" I'd tell him straight, given the chance, 'cos he gets me so wound up . . . ughhhh!

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6 minutes ago, Lampoon said:


He is certainly an interesting case for study. I wonder what a psychiatrist would make of him.

Depends. If the psychiatrist's clients include Hun Sen, little rocket Kim, Mugabe and other dictators, he will be just a regular bloke. 

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So which is it really that shines his personality if his side kick gets thrown under the bus: General Dr Jeckle and then when excited a General Mr. Hyde? or is it simply off the leash and an article 44 General Atilla the Hun? I hear more every week of disenchanted Thai people complaining.


Time for these unpopular self imposed characters to step down. The 4 year honeymoon is way more than over. 

Edited by holy cow cm
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5 hours ago, thaifan01 said:

Unfortunately it seems that you  are right. I was hoping, back in 2014, that they took the battle against corruption seriously, but now I really have my doubts.

The corruption and the consequences of it is an rotten apple, which destroys Thailand and the people. 

When you realize that your leaders and the elite don't care about the laws, you start thinking "why should I follow the law".


Power corrupts and absolute power. . . etc.

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The problem here, is that because the administration has been spouting alot of this anti corruption drivel for so long, there are people who actually buy into it. It is deflection, and nonsense. This is one of the most corrupt administration in recent history. The fortunes the guys at the top are earning, would stagger most minds. A very expensive watch? One days earnings for him.

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3 hours ago, thaifan01 said:

You hit the nail on it's head, no doubt about that.

But there is a mayor difference between a 10-year old kid and that guy - he is the top-guy and he got the power to do <deleted> he want to do. Without any consequenses at the moment. 

Whilst yes he does have a lot of power the ongoing longevity of the status quo and the military's position at the top thereof is the most important thing.

Prayut et all would be allowed to go so far, but if they got to the stage of endangering the military's long term position at the top of the pile by completely alienating the public against them they would be reined in by other military factions/powers before this was allowed to happen.


No group of Generals are bigger and more powerful than the long term interests of the military as a whole.

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Im so scarred!

His little fat penguin looking sidekick looks like hes going to drop dead pretty soon anyway. So Aggression it is!

This is all thais fault. If they cared about their country this loser wouldn't be there. Dont let another dead beat loser that wasnt properly loved as a child in power again thais. He makes this country look bad and robbing the life of everyone.


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Ah! Remember these words. The words of a dictator.general-prayuth-and-the-coup-in-thailand-altagreer-thai.thumb.gif.5b48aed4ca30eea5eb9701d6d97cb44f.gif&key=318464750d569cd6cdf634029da6e20cea2190954c9e3fa8c6ed912c2a6e0af3




    I met a Traveler from an antique land, 

    Who said, "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone 

    Stand in the desart. Near them, on the sand, 

    Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown, 

    And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, 

    Tell that its sculptor well those passions read, 

    Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, 

    The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed: 

    And on the pedestal these words appear: 

    "My name is OZYMANDIAS, King of Kings." 

    Look on my works ye Mighty, and despair! 

    No thing beside remains. Round the decay 

    Of that Colossal Wreck, boundless and bare, 

    The lone and level sands stretch far away.


By Percy Shelley,

English romantic poet and establishment rebel.


Unlike statues, ideas last.


Sent from my KENNY using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app






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6 hours ago, webfact said:

“But I’m strong, and you know that if I had no one by my side, I would become more aggressive and exercise my full power,” Prayut said.


Free translated.


You drop the obvious corruption cases against my cohorts or I start abusing my power once again.

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