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The noise is to much.

marko kok prong

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This has been the worse New year lead up i have had in six years here,there are at least 4 parties near me,one which started on the 29th,last night was horrendous the booming bass going on until about 1am only to restart about 5 am,i have had about 6 hours sleep in 2 days, it's got so bad i am going up to where i am building a house,a good mate lives next door, he has another small vacant house opposite mine,so i am taking my sofa cushion,pillows a quilt and a fan and staying there until the second when it will all be over.

  It is just a cacophony of noise from the different parties how any one can enjoy it is beyond me and why the 5am start ?

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I understand you OP.  But, this is just something we have to tolerate if we want to live here.


Same for me... had to move away from my last house as noise so bad.. sometimes at 5.30 am ear splitting base and the most terrible old country Thai songs repeated over and over again for several hours.


Then the drunk neighbour who liked to sit in his garden for hours on end most days drinking whisky with the doors to his pick up truck open with the base music blasting out.


My new place it quieter, if you can ignore the packs of howling and barking dogs, the honking of a flock of geese in the early hours, the village announcements at 5.30am, the car and bike engines revving up, the parties that seem to go on more and more frequently, the screaming children who never seem to go to school and the blasts from the village temple, the pick up trucks selling various things over loud speakers, fireworks, traditional banging drums, trumpets and cymbals, welding, sawing, hammering, construction work, loud radios,  etc etc etc. 


Most of the time I don't mind it, but like you this run up to new year seems worse than normal.. we have had a party (or 2 or 3) each night for nearly a week now... a huge party last night for a wedding, with a gang of big bikers with their Harley's, but as least they hired a professional singer, so not as bad as the karaoke the night before.  



Edited by jak2002003
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Probably a wedding that you hear near you.....That's the wedding schedule.....

There's a LOT of weddings that happen over New Years as it's about the only extended time families can get together......

Part of the price of living here & enjoying everything else.....

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1 hour ago, Gecko123 said:

This may be why Wichianburi didn't make it onto the list of the top 5  places to retire in Thailand. :smile:

I dunno about that. See more elderly foreigners here than I ever did living in Bangkoks suburbs.  Think I'm in Pattaya somedays.




That new Big C is proving to be an additional magnet for just about everyone within a 50 k radius.


Blissfully quiet at our house though which suits me since I'm not very sociable.


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Wasn't noisy all the time, but when them thar country folk do a dead ceremony, wedding or any other reason for a party, they close the soi and do it loud and long. 


We were only 37 kilometers out from where we are now.  Except for a few bad times, I do miss the openness of the other house, set on 1.5 rai, fish ponds, dogs, cats, chickens, various, mature fruit bearing trees, big sky at night, lots of stars.  But cleaning up all that space was a daily chore, usually 1-2 hours, then a bigger effort a few times a year.


Here in the moo baan, can't see much, houses are chock a block, but it's quiet and very convenient to all the various options available in and around the city.   Doing the garden/clean up takes 10 minutes every few days.  Maybe an hour or two once a month for bigger jobs.  Big difference!

Edited by 55Jay
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Thailand. L.O.N. Land Of Noise.


Getting so bad in the village I live that I am looking at making one of my rooms sound proof and spending all day in there.

No idea how to go about it though.

Not really sure who to ask as Thais enjoy noise and will probably think I am nuts to even think of it.


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Interestingly (or not), midnight on NYE was greeted in our village by total silence and darkness (OK there was the rumble of fireworks in the distance but they were not visible) just like any other evening.


There had been music earlier in the day (and there was on the 1st) but not overly loud and was all off when it went dark.


Yes, we are in Thailand, although I sometimes wonder if we are in a parallel universe.


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13 minutes ago, fusion58 said:

I can sympathize.


I guess I finally had to accept the fact that, as a foreigner in Thailand, I'll always be a persona non grata except when they're reaching into my wallet.

Call me a cynic, but does that not apply to good Thai people too?


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