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The 5 signs to look for that you should go home and leave Pattaya


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  The 5 signs to look for that you should go home and leave Pattaya




Living away from home and especially in Thailand in places like Pattaya can be moments of pure bliss, you are living the dream, right? But is everyone really living this dream life and are there red flag warning signs that you are better off jumping on a plane and getting back home?


This vlog playfully but with an air of seriousness looks at the warning signs that perhaps you are better off back home than in Pattaya.


We are have different standards and acceptable living conditions, but if you have succumbed to a 3k baht a month studio with no aircon and a cold, broken shower or even possibly a large barrel you need to fill with water. You know the type, studios in the same block as the workers of Soi Baukhao, then this is sign number 1. Your not living the dream, go home.


Sign number 2.  When you complain on one of the many online food groups when a breakfast costing 99 baht and that it is too expensive or the tea is not tetleys. Perhaps a member of staff didn’t courtesy for you too? Remember you do have the choice to buy a more expensive breakfast, but perhaps you are watching your sedang a little more than you should. I even see one guy complain to a restaurant that his curry serving was not big enough – it was a 149 baht meal deal that came with naan, rice and half a pint of beer. What does the guy want?


Full story: http://www.inspirepattaya.com/pattaya/5-signs-look-go-home-leave-pattaya/


-- © Copyright Inspire Pattaya 2018-01-06
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No. 6

You find yourself waiting for the Thaivisa email to arrive in your inbox so you can quote and reply to the comments of other posters rather than thinking of something original, interesting or amusing to post.

Edited by Juan B Tong
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We are have different standards and acceptable living conditions, but if you have succumbed to a 3k baht a month studio with no aircon and a cold, broken shower or even possibly a large barrel you need to fill with water. You know the type, studios in the same block as the workers of Soi Baukhao, then this is sign number 1. Your not living the dream, go home.

But unfortunately you can't afford to go home because that studio with no aircon and and crappy utilities is going to cost you 30k baht (or somewhere between $700 to $1000 / month in a seedy part of most US cities).  And a partitioned, shared cargo container in the bad part of West Oakland will cost you, well, more they you can afford.  Yeah, go home!  Right.....

Obviously another diatribe written by the "Anti-Cheap-Charlie" constituency of the 'desirable' expat  community.

Perhaps a better approach would be to write articles on how to economize on limited incomes while in Thailand.  And by the way, I lived in a 1,200 THB Thai apartment for the better part of seven years, and not out of economic necessity, but because I simply choose to live simply and to live in a 100% Thai community.  And I had no A/C, but I did have a hot shower.  It's amazing how quickly the human body will adapt to temperature changes.  BTW - we didn't have A/C when I grew up.  Not a lot of people did.  And I lived next to normal, average Thai people: taxi drivers, shop owners, bar girls, retail clerks, students, old people, restaurant workers, factory workers - 'you know the type.'  Wait a minute.  What type are those?  The commoners who are beneath you?  No better than those awful Cheap Charlies?
If you're tempted to say, 'yes', you should try immersing yourselves in Thai culture first. 

So what's the path that we can collectively take to go from disparaging our fellow expats who are living economically, either by choice or necessity, to actually supporting them and their choice of lifestyles?  "You should just go home!", is an immense cop-out and and exercise is elitism. 

Climbing down off of one's high-horse and developing a sense of empathy for others may be a good start.  Writing articles on how to economize and live a fulfilling life at the same time within the LOS may be another.  But to keep hammering on the Cheap Charlies Go Home bandwagon is counterproductive, and to be honest, rather offensive too. 

Edited by connda
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17 hours ago, Inspire said:

are there red flag warning signs that you are better off jumping on a plane and getting back home?

I doubt that Pattaya is the problem and leaving would simply mean transporting you and all your well-traveled baggage to a new location. 


17 hours ago, Inspire said:

perhaps you are watching your sedang a little more than you should.

Probably good advice to keep your "sedang " in your pants & out of sight.

Edited by Suradit69
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18 hours ago, Inspire said:

I even see one guy complain to a restaurant that his curry serving was not big enough – it was a 149 baht meal deal that came with naan, rice and half a pint of beer. What does the guy want?

Ok - I am going out on a limb here - - did he want more curry? 

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4 hours ago, Juan B Tong said:

No. 6

You find yourself waiting for the Thaivisa email to arrive in your inbox so you can quote and reply to the comments of other posters rather than thinking of something original, interesting or amusing to post.

How long before you move out of Pattaya?? :smile:

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Article reminded me of the breakfast thread whinging about the price of some breakfasts and people boasting about their daily purchase of beer from 7/11. Seems there are a few that should be,on their way home according to this article.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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There is no doubt that many expats from the UK have taken a big hit because of the fall in the £ after the Brexit vote. If they were living close to the edge before, they must now have straitened circumstances.

It is sad that the OP rejoices in others' misfortunes and passes it off as humour. 

Going home is neither an option or a solution; I hope the £ turns around soon.


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For years I have noticed on this forum that probably the most used word is "cheap", whether be advice for cheap Restaurants, flights, taxis, bars, cheapest way to get from A-B, hotels, condos, female escorts,the list is endless.

I wonder why !

i would hazard a guess that non of these "cheap posters" are retired businessmen, airline pilots or even senior management, those positions resquire education and abilities to lead and make decisions , which leaves me wondering who, what and abilities those requesting "cheap have".

of course The answers will be my home currency lost value, I needed money for a medical emergency,  but was not insured, my loyal thai wife whose name is on the property deeds has cheated on me and kicked me out.... by the way I am nearly 70 and she is 25 and I cannot understand  why she took those actions, but never mind I am sure she still loves me !

alcohol solves these problems, hence the number of dirty, poorly dressed imbibers camping outside the 7-11's.... it's not what you are it's who you are that's important.


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A lot should go home as they are simply uneducated thugs, who are unnecessarily aggressive, rude, boorish and make the place unpleasant for those around them. Steroids, tattoos, no manners, no class, no style, and invariably a noisy motorbike, cargo shorts and a wife beater.

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5 hours ago, UnkleMoooose said:

A lot should go home as they are simply uneducated thugs, who are unnecessarily aggressive, rude, boorish and make the place unpleasant for those around them. Steroids, tattoos, no manners, no class, no style, and invariably a noisy motorbike, cargo shorts and a wife beater.

Enough about the Thais, what about the farangs?

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If you cannot afford Pattaya, then move into Bangkok, live cheaper and

travel to Pattaya, Hua Hin and other locals on occasion to breath the fresher

air. If you are a senior then the Bangkok scene is nice, because you can save

on things like suntan lotion. Food and drinks are cheap and so is taking the

buses, which have routes and are available 24 , 7. My Thai relative has an apartment

building where the rent is dirt cheap, and it is one block from a Big C store.

Just saying that Pattaya is not the only place to live at.


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13 hours ago, tryasimight said:

Got to have been written by a Pom...curry..... really?? 

I can't understand this fixation with curry.  I thought fish and chips was the staple diet. 

Not anymore cobber ....

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16 hours ago, DipStick said:

For years I have noticed on this forum that probably the most used word is "cheap", whether be advice for cheap Restaurants, flights, taxis, bars, cheapest way to get from A-B, hotels, condos, female escorts,the list is endless.

I wonder why !

i would hazard a guess that non of these "cheap posters" are retired businessmen, airline pilots or even senior management, those positions resquire education and abilities to lead and make decisions , which leaves me wondering who, what and abilities those requesting "cheap have".

of course The answers will be my home currency lost value, I needed money for a medical emergency,  but was not insured, my loyal thai wife whose name is on the property deeds has cheated on me and kicked me out.... by the way I am nearly 70 and she is 25 and I cannot understand  why she took those actions, but never mind I am sure she still loves me !

alcohol solves these problems, hence the number of dirty, poorly dressed imbibers camping outside the 7-11's.... it's not what you are it's who you are that's important.


A lot of guys don't understand the difference between "retired early" and "stopped working".  


Edited by impulse
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I live since forever in Bangkok and I used to go from time to time over the weekend to Pattaya. Obviously it can be fun for a weekend, and probably even fun for a few weeks of holiday. But I wouldn't want to live in Pattaya. The reason for that is that the amount of totally f%$*ed up people there is a lot higher than i.e. in Bangkok. There might be some relative normal people living there, but they seem to be the minority. So living in Pattaya means living in a crazy town with lots of crazy people and that does not make it easy to stay sane.

In Bangkok, and I am sure also in other parts of Thailand, there are crazy people but they are not the majority. And that makes live outside of Pattaya more enjoyable for every day. We still can party if we want - and worst case up to Pattaya for a few days...

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