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Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘s---hole’ countries

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He is quite simply UNACCEPTABLE. That was obvious to the majority of the country at election time already --




No, Not Everything Is Racist

But Donald Trump Is


A president who keeps saying bigoted things and pushing bigoted ideas, despite repeated warnings, is a bigot. A party that continues to excuse him is a bigoted party. And a country that accepts him is a bigoted country. Don’t be that party. Don’t be that country.




Putting aside all the hard evidence that Trump is a racist, anyone who continually repeats "I am the least racist person ever.", followed by "Some of my best friends are black." is a racist.

21 hours ago, Peterw42 said:


And don't forget that foreign aid is only given where the USA can get something back. Either monetary or other ways.

51 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

He is quite simply UNACCEPTABLE. That was obvious to the majority of the country at election time already --



Really, the fact that he was unacceptable was known 30 years ago. Ironically, it was the Democrats who made him seem acceptable by foisting such a horrible candidate on the electorate. Should have been the biggest Democrat win in history. Instead...

5 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Confirmed by Lindsay Graham, leading REPUBLICAN.

In the press conference yesterday, it wasn't even denied. They were making excuses for it.

It happened folks.

Anyone that doesn't see that is not dealing with reality.





A picture would have made his point better. A diplomat he is not.




Many people play roles in their professional lives.  An actor may play a role as a racist scoundrel in a movie, but when he gets up on stage to accept an award at a ceremony, he won't continue that role.  He'll act like a gentleman.


Trump plays the role of president.  He said during the campaign "I can act like a president, watch me, ha ha ha."   He's a card-carrying member of the Actors' Guild.  Now he is prez and he influences a lot of people and affects US domestic and int'l policy.  


He's in his 70's and can't control his mouth, and probably not his bowels either.  He's got to play the role of president.  The alternative is what's unfolding now:

>>>  large portions of Americans are angry at him.  

>>>  most country leaders ww, including America's long-time friends, are turned-off to him.  His invitation to the UK has been withdrawn.  Every African country is turned off to him and the US, and that will affect many things, not just business/economics

>>>   Same for any countries which are poor and/or have a dark skinned populace.  India, Indonesia and others.


If a father in a family tells an adopted child that she's is inferior to his white kids because she has darker skin, how would that make the child feel?   

On 1/12/2018 at 8:01 AM, mtls2005 said:

Statue of Liberty plaque, "The New Colossus"... in part


"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


The "Statue of Liberty" is properly called "Liberty Enlightening the World." Note that. It is not "Liberty Inviting the World." The statue was completed in 1886. Emma Lazarus' poem was "attached" to the pedestal in 1903. At any rate, the US should make immigration policy to benefit Americans, not foreigners, and not because somebody stuck a poem on some statue's pedestal 17 years after it was built.

19 hours ago, alex8912 said:

I'm glad I read this on TVF first. It will be the perfect weekend to take a holiday and not watch CNN.  It must be non stop. 

Purple haired resistance members can spew vitriol and colorful language that would make a Sailor blush.


But in this case, they go into their fake shock and moral outrage act.  I bet they are referring to shit hole as "The S word".  President Trump just said the "S word"!!?  Gasp!  OMG!  The children, the children, cover their ears! OMG!  He's a monster!  An orange monster!". 


Wait for it.....


He's a Mother bleeping bleepty bleep liar!  I hope he bleeep dies, that mother bleepty bleeeeepppp!   :crazy:

16 hours ago, Silurian said:

Some "s**thole" pictures from the "s**thole" country of Haiti...



images (1).jpg

images (2).jpg


hmmmm .... nice shithole    !     is that anywhere near Porte Prince ...  :shock1:

8 hours ago, riclag said:

 It appears that  many people here Disagree strongly!   PTrump  has never supported Neo Nazis.When I was taught in school, Nazi's and hating Jews went together.His son in law is a Jew and he allies with Israel.  He never said "'Why can't we have more white people"

I know PTrump, there is no racist bone in his body. He and his  base could care less whether your , black, white, yellow, grey, red, pink and green,.We don't want you to come to America unless you have skills or can assimilate.

Yeah, right. 

4 hours ago, greatwhitenorth said:

thank you for proving my point.

Obviously, I didn't prove your point (if that's what you call it) but, anyway, right back at you, Mr Originality. 


What a shame that you couldn't come up with just one thing that demonstrates Trump actually causing harm to the US.

7 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

Obviously, I didn't prove your point (if that's what you call it) but, anyway, right back at you, Mr Originality. 


What a shame that you couldn't come up with just one thing that demonstrates Trump actually causing harm to the US.

Trump could sneeze and they will come up with a reason he is bad for sneezing.

Headline: trump spreads flu virus

21 hours ago, Just Weird said:

"..after he has done so much harm to America".

Really?  Harm such as...?   Some just people have no idea at all, do they?

Harm?  Where to start?

He wants to open up US coastlines for oil drilling.  What could get harmed by that?!

He wants to send brown-skinned kids out of America.

He's influencing American kids with ideas that lying and cheating are good things.

He debases women and people with dark skin.


.....shall I go on?

1 hour ago, John Drake said:

The statue was completed in 1886. Emma Lazarus' poem was "attached" to the pedestal in 1903.

1886?  That's a year after Trump's grandfather (from a shithole country?) came to the US looking for a job.


1 hour ago, janclaes47 said:

Donald Trump cancels February visit to UK

He cancels trip for the same reason he wouldn't go to Correspondents Dinner.  He's a coward.  He knows he would be loudly ridiculed.  He only goes to events with tightly controlled audiences which will shout praises at him - and a token (and paid?) black man standing directly behind him with a sign saying 'blacks love Trump'.

Just now, boomerangutang said:
1 hour ago, janclaes47 said:

Donald Trump cancels February visit to UK

He cancels trip for the same reason he wouldn't go to Correspondents Dinner.  He's a coward.  He knows he would be loudly ridiculed.  He only goes to events with tightly controlled audiences which will shout praises at him - and a token (and paid?) black man standing directly behind him with a sign saying 'blacks love Trump'.


Right, if that previous RIGHT OUT LIE of yours that the invitation was withdrawn doesn't stick, then try another flame.

3 minutes ago, janclaes47 said:

Right, if that previous RIGHT OUT LIE of yours that the invitation was withdrawn doesn't stick, then try another flame.

It wasn't a flame. I heard the trip was off, so I assumed the Brits withdrew their invitation. I could have been wrong. 


Many times, Trump and his staffers have tweaked news to feather their own nest.  For examples;  More than a few times, when a Trump staffer has resigned in anger, Trumpsters will immediately announce that person had been fired.


Trump eagerly wanted to go to the UK.  He had asked for a fully regal procession.  Ms May has recently been publicly pissed off at him.  Probably the Queen also.  They and any intelligent Brits were starting to see that a royal Trump cavalcade through London would likely draw loud angry crowds against him, and thereby tainting his hosts.


It's quite likely the Brits withdrew their invitation.  If that bothers you, well, so be it. Sorry to say 2018 will be a bothersome year for Trumpsters, because there's no place for Trump and his fans to go but down down down, ....in a flames and a shitstorm.

On 1/12/2018 at 7:02 AM, Samui Bodoh said:

"...“Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” Trump said, according to these people, referring to African countries and Haiti. He then suggested that the United States should instead bring more people from countries like Norway, whose prime minister he met Wednesday..."


Or put another way, 'Why can't we have more white people?'


It is truly sad to see the US being dragged down to the level of this idiot. I sincerely hope that Americans will get their act together soon and rid themselves of this...'thing'. There is a very long list of things to respect about the US, but it is impossible to do while this racist is in the White House.


Good to hear that the Donald is living up to his campaign promises. He's already spoken unofficially of removing the Cellers Act of 1965 in place of the Pro-White one so I don't know why people are getting their panties in a twist. :)

7 hours ago, simple1 said:

You're being utterly ridiculous with your right of centre rhetoric. The report was from the Victorian Crime Statistics Agency, 



There are 380,000 blacks of African origin, versus 23 million others, in Australia, roughly a ratio of 60 to 1.  If there was a middle easter category, or I chose to include Pacific Islanders, the figures would appear even worse, but this is what we have to work with.


The ABC published raw data without taking into account per capita crime rates, e.g.,


Car theft, 1822 by Australians, 129 by blacks, a ratio of 14 to 1 (4+ times greater than Australians per capita); Aggravated burglary 415 versus 48, a ratio of almost 9 to 1 (almost 7 times greater than Australians per capita); Aggravated Robbery 526 versus 126, a ratio of 4+ to 1 (15 times greater per capita).


So the Victorian Crimes Statistics Agency has shown that African blacks have committed crimes at disproportionately higher rates, and that is why Trump doesn't want people from those $hitholes in the US, just as most Australians don't want them there, but successive politicians of different colors have caved in to pressure by minority and left groups.


We can always rely on the ABC to skew the discussion toward the left.

39 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:



So the Victorian Crimes Statistics Agency has shown that African blacks have committed crimes at disproportionately higher rates, and that is why Trump doesn't want people from those $hitholes in the US, just as most Australians don't want them there, but successive politicians of different colors have caved in to pressure by minority and left groups.



Below is what you originally claimed, which is false as proven by the Agency statistics.


"Australia has a law and order problem. Black africans and middle eastern races are largely the problem"


Your claim as to knowing Trump's motivation for his "shithole" description of African nations is based on which quotes from Trump?

58 minutes ago, altcar bob said:

I agree with Trump.When it comes to living alongside these whatever Trump likes to call them,its thanks ,but no thanks. Snowflakes will melt like butter

Does Trump consider that he has more "merit" of being born into a rich, white American family than a Haitian from a poor country? It seems that yes ... This contempt of class should logically disgust the popular classes.
Otherwise, it's unless "merit" is less of a class issue for these people than skin color. an idea  that legitimately should disgust any human being.
When they served as slaves they were insulted but welcome, when they were colonized they were insulted but it was they who were invaded, when they become independent they are still insulted. But you had to leave them alone in their misery, they disturbed nobody and asked for nothing, since you seem to despise them.


48 minutes ago, Opl said:

Does Trump consider that he has more "merit" of being born into a rich, white American family than a Haitian from a poor country? It seems that yes ... This contempt of class should logically disgust the popular classes.
Otherwise, it's unless "merit" is less of a class issue for these people than skin color. an idea  that legitimately should disgust any human being.
When they served as slaves they were insulted but welcome, when they were colonized they were insulted but it was they who were invaded, when they become independent they are still insulted. But you had to leave them alone in their misery, they disturbed nobody and asked for nothing, since you seem to despise them.

When blacks make up the entire US Olympic basketball team, and the US wins, every American, even rednecks celebrate those boys - at least for the length of time it takes them to swill a beer or shoot off a few rifle rounds in back yards. 


Same, when enjoying jazz or r&b.  Redneck whites can whistle along with a hundred great songs written and performed by black and brown skinned people, .....but would they allow those same folks to move into their neighborhoods?   That's another tune.

4 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

He's in his 70's and can't control his mouth, and probably not his bowels either.  He's got to play the role of president.  The alternative is what's unfolding now:

>>>  large portions of Americans are angry at him.  

>>>  most country leaders ww, including America's long-time friends, are turned-off to him.  His invitation to the UK has been withdrawn.  Every African country is turned off to him and the US, and that will affect many things, not just business/economics

>>>   Same for any countries which are poor and/or have a dark skinned populace.  India, Indonesia and others.  

"He's in his 70's and can't control his mouth, and probably not his bowels either".

A great example of your lack of any kind of credibility.


"large portions of Americans are angry at him"

That goes with the territory and means nothing,  every President has many that don't like him.


"His invitation to the UK has been withdrawn".

Nonsense.  He cancelled it.

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