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Trump says 'I'm not a racist,' willing to reach deal on DACA

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 Trump is an Idiot who poisons the well.

To get back on subject (DACA) I believe that amnesty for innocent children that had no choice in being brought here , and are now here, is the only viable and fair option.

    BUT, amnesty has being done in the past, and  as evidence today suggests, that unless  measures are taken to prevent more children from being brought   illegally into this country, we are going to be looking at  the same problem in a few years again. 

  But Trump is an Idiot who poisons the well  !!!!! his communication skills is atrocious.

They say that " Politics is the art of telling someone to F#*% themselves in such a way that they say Thank you" Trump is managing to achieve the opposite.

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Trump said: "No. I'm not a racist. I'm the least racist person you will ever interview."


The most worrying thing about this statement is the increasing evidence of metal derangement in the US president.

A normal person would simply say "I'm not a racist", but this sad excuse for a human being is progressively loosing the plot. He is always "The greatest", "The leastest", "The mostest", "The sanest Genius" etc etc etc. The men in white coats are surely preparing to take him away to "The little house on the hill" where he can spout his idiocies to any other patients willing to listen. Poor America.....what an embarrassment. 

5 hours ago, lannarebirth said:

I brought it up because the poster who claimed "I am not a racist" caught hell from a reply that implied that because he said that he must be a de facto racist. It is not the first time I've seen it either. It seems to be the go to response to someone stating that about themselves.

If someone has to claim that they're not a racist, it's usually because they've done something which caused them to be accused of such.  It's sort of like Roy Moore having to claim that he didn't date teenage girls in his 30's.     

8 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

surely you can tell the truth without having a leftist label stuck on you ?

Leftist label?  No trump is a racist, a bigot and a homophobe.  Nothing leftist about it.  But what "truth" are you referring to?  Trump says he didn't say it so what truth do you mean?

8 hours ago, daoyai said:

I don't see him as racist, the charge is often made against him without evidence. I am willing to change my opinion, convince me.

Do some focused reading, I guarantee you be convinved inside 10 minutes.

6 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:


Nixon said "I'm not a crook"


I don't believe either of them....

And Clinton


"I did not have sexual relationships with that woman"




You can't make this up.  How do you have these two headline side by side?

Trump: Program protecting young illegal immigrants 'probably' dead;
and then,
Trump says 'I'm not a racist,' willing to reach deal on DACA
Just saying that the main stream media in general is, well, rather schizophrenic right along with the denizens of The Swamp. 

You can't make this up.  How do you have these two headline within the same TV email, separated by on other post:

Trump: Program protecting young illegal immigrants 'probably' dead;
and then,
Trump says 'I'm not a racist,' willing to reach deal on DACA
Just saying that the main stream media in general is, well, rather schizophrenic. 
Just his usual trolling and gaslighting. He's trying and somewhat succeeding in changing the public's concept of reality. This is very dangerous because it might become hard to return to any kind of normality even after he goes away. The sooner the better.

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8 hours ago, daoyai said:

I don't see him as racist, the charge is often made against him without evidence. I am willing to change my opinion, convince me.

Ditto.  Although there are some great people from Haiti, (I don't know them), I'd surely call that state a heckava hole.  Guess I'm racist too.  They prob have nice beaches too!

2 minutes ago, ToS2014 said:

Ditto.  Although there are some great people from Haiti, (I don't know them), I'd surely call that state a heckava hole.  Guess I'm racist too.  They prob have nice beaches too!

Again it wasn't only about the vulgarity. It was a combination of a president using that vulgarity along with most importantly the CONTEXT of his patter of suggestion people from struggling nations that aren't white aren't welcome or indeed should be DEPORTED and his voiced desire for more immigrants from the WHITEST nation anyone can imagine -- NORWAY. That's so dated though, he really is a relic, people from NORWAY rationally don't want to come to a messed up country like the USA that doesn't even offer health care to all it's citizens.

Yes, totally RACIST.

I don't really think anyone seriously thinks that a private citizen describing a struggling nation as a shithole or areas of the USA or other countries as shitholes is necessarily racist in itself. It isn't. Again, the context and the lack of DIPLOMACY from a president. 

9 hours ago, daoyai said:

I don't see him as racist, the charge is often made against him without evidence. I am willing to change my opinion, convince me.

The Trump haters will never listen to anything to the contrary ( I never saw such an OTT display of absolute hatred as on US tv over this ), and will always use anything, true or not to beat him with, so IMO Trump should just ignore them all, not even mention it ( why get sucked into playing their game- it just makes him look weak ), and just make the offer- DACA for the wall. The politicians can argue over the rest at their leisure. If they won't give him a Wall/ DACA bill to sign, just let DACA expire, like he said he would.

If the Dems won't pass the spending bill, that's on them if the government shuts down.

Time for Trump to man up or get out of the way. This is his only chance to get the wall, and if he bottles it his base will never forgive him. Soooooo, it's the wall or say goodbye to Trump.

Personally, I think Pence would sort things out better anyway, and he doesn't have the baggage. A good start would be replacing Sessions with someone that can do the job.

8 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Again it wasn't only about the vulgarity. It was a combination of a president using that vulgarity along with most importantly the CONTEXT of his patter of suggestion people from struggling nations that aren't white aren't welcome or indeed should be DEPORTED and his voiced desire for more immigrants from the WHITEST nation anyone can imagine -- NORWAY. That's so dated though, he really is a relic, people from NORWAY rationally don't want to come to a messed up country like the USA that doesn't even offer health care to all it's citizens.

Yes, totally RACIST.

I don't really think anyone seriously thinks that a private citizen describing a struggling nation as a shithole or areas of the USA or other countries as shitholes is necessarily racist in itself. It isn't. Again, the context and the lack of DIPLOMACY from a president. 

I agree that the POTUS should not have said that, I also agree that it shouldn't have been leaked from a meeting.  Further, I don't recall healthcare being a government provided commodity, like all the other socialist like programs.  Social Security was one of the biggest steps, in my humble opinion, that socialist ideals took root.  It was supposed to be a 'work for your retirement' program, now millions of citizens and not, receive bennies from Uncle Sam.  Guess my overall idea is that I worked for mine, why do I have to pay taxes from my retirement pension for those that haven't worked 1 hour for similar benefits?  Rhetorical question intended, although I'm sure I'll get pounded by those that believe that socialist programs are so great.  Probably why they are living here and not their home countries to dodge their own tax man.  


I digress from the original topic; however, I still don't recall in all my years of (paid for) education that the government HAS to provide me with healthcare.


Just read through the list tha poster 2005- put into the record-well done-I remember most of Trump's quotes and in my mind he is not only racist; but a bigot and prejudiced.  He actually seems himself as a superior person because of his wealth and looks down on everyone else who is a person of color; poor; disabled; gay;  and on and on.


Trump actually believes he is not a racist and he believes he is the most non racist person ever yet his own words and actions show just the opposite.  He was able to get away with most of this behavior when he was simply a rich real estate developer in New York. However,  he is now the President of the US and every word a President says has meaning.  


What is most disturbing is that he appeals to a fringe element in the US who also believes he is one of them and his actions and rhetoric gives others who are indeed overtly racist and bigoted a license to come forward and act out against  people of color or others simply because Donald Trump does the same thing. When he has an opportunity to actually separate himself from this fringe element- he does the opposite and  refuses to condemn them.


This is truly a sad chapter in American history.  While Trump's policies both domestically and internationally are bad enough; his intolerance and  racist rhetoric is unbearable.  His mantra of make America great again is now being viewed by the World as make America White Again.


Good grief- now we have a poster who claims Social Security is Socialist and people like myself who are getting it are freeloaders and didn't work for it.  


I got news for you- I worked for 50 years and had 7.65% of my salary deducted to pay for Social SEcurity and Medicare just as every other working American did.  I and everyone else getting Social Security earned it.  Yes, if a person becomes disabled before they reach retirement age- they do get disability payments.  Would you deny the disabled the ability to live and eat?

As far as Healthcare- it is a human right- every industrialized country in the World provides it to all their citizens -except one- The USA.

It is no wonder that Trump has the support of the ignorant;  the selfish; racists; misogynists; and on and on.  

While everyone is entitled to their own opinion- sometimes I am truly shocked at how out of touch some people are to reality.

1 hour ago, dunroaming said:

And Clinton


"I did not have sexual relationships with that woman"



And Kennedy wasn't having sex with Marilyn Monroe..


You will be hard pushed to find a President in the past who wasn't screwing somebody!  And then you have Obama who was for once a thoroughly decent man, whether you think he was a good president or not.

1 hour ago, ToS2014 said:

Ditto.  Although there are some great people from Haiti, (I don't know them), I'd surely call that state a heckava hole.  Guess I'm racist too.  They prob have nice beaches too!

In the 1980's I lived in Boston, Mass. for a while.  I can tell you the place is a real sh*thole, drug dealers, drunks, strip joints and hookers.  Don't think that sounds right?  Well it was but I am referring to an area locally known as the "warzone" and it was all of those things.  However to call Boston a sh*thole would be way off of the mark.


Then again for nearly fourteen years I lived in Thailand and that was just an enormous brothel and all the women there could be had for the price of a couple of beers.  Everywhere you look there are criminals, paedophiles and drug addicts and murderers and lowlifes and.....  I have heard that said more than once by people who really believe it.  We all know that Thailand is very diverse and there are certainly places like that but also it is a beautiful country with many kind, creative decent people, both Thais and ex-pats. 


It's simple enough, you don't call a country a sh*thole unless you are an ignorant moron.

8 hours ago, isaanbanhou said:

I'd love to see you use the "n" word around say 125th St, NYC. I suspect you would find out how offensive blacks would find it.

Danish not Norwegian I take it


8 hours ago, lannarebirth said:

You wouldn't be using it around me either

I know I'm in a minority here, but I think if the n word were allowed to be used by everyone, not just blacks, then the word would lose its significance.  

The word 'naughty' used be an incendiary word which would incite men to unsheath their swords and start fighting.  Now, it's a benign little word.  Same for God damn.  


The less the number (and gravity) of offensive words, the better the world would be.  


The word 'black' to describe people with dark complexions, is accepted nowadays. In 40 years it could be a no-no. It could happen that dark skinned people in the future will take grave offense at being called black.  They might equate it with 'black magic' or ''black heart" or being dirty.    ....Similarly, the word negro was ok when it was used, decades ago.  Then 'colored' replaced 'negro'.  Now, neither word is allowed.  


For me personally, there is no word which can offend me.  There are words (if they were aimed at me) which might annoy me - if, for example someone called me trashy, stingy, ugly or whitey ....it wouldn't offend me, but would more likely get me wondering where they got that impression, and how I might improve my image.  As for being called 'whitey' or 'cracker', ....that might make me smirk.   Actually, though my ancestors were mostly nordic, my skin color is a shade of brown darker than many Thais.   

8 hours ago, isaanbanhou said:

I'd love to see you use the "n" word around say 125th St, NYC. I suspect you would find out how offensive blacks would find it.

I can handle myself well enough in black neighborhoods, thanks.  I spent much of my boyhood in Washington DC - interacting with black friends, playing music, shooting hoops, taking trips together, picking up girls of all colors, etc.  One of my best buddies, 30 years ago, was a Belizian. I hung out in Belize with him and his family.  They were as black as the print on this page - lovely folks. 


Don't assume, just because I'm not negroid, that I don't know how to interact with folks in a predominantly black neighborhood.  People of all shades of skin color need to shed their 100 lb instant-offense packages they carry on their backs - and join in with the big ugly mess called humanity.   The more a person is free from being offended, the freer that person is.




I also grew up around black people and while I hear the N word amongst African Americans, I would never, ever use it. As a white person it just does not go over to most black people as something other than a racial epithet,  Used by a white person, it simply reminds a person of color of the origin of the word as a pejorative.  Black people use it to make fun of it and take the sting out of the meaning but it has way too much history behind it for a white person to use it- even in jest. Why use any type of language that may be offensive to someone else. And that is exactly what Donald rump does not understand. He continues to offend people becuase he refuses to understand hat other people have feelings.

13 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

I also grew up around black people and while I hear the N word amongst African Americans, I would never, ever use it. As a white person it just does not go over to most black people as something other than a racial epithet,  Used by a white person, it simply reminds a person of color of the origin of the word as a pejorative.  Black people use it to make fun of it and take the sting out of the meaning but it has way too much history behind it for a white person to use it- even in jest. Why use any type of language that may be offensive to someone else. And that is exactly what Donald rump does not understand. He continues to offend people becuase he refuses to understand hat other people have feelings.

I see what you're saying - up to a point.  

What if you're in a dark room, where people can't see each others' skin color?  (btw, my voice can sound exactly like a black person's).


What you say (about the n word) is applicable in present times, but was not applicable in earlier times, and may not be applicable in decades to come. Profundity of words change over time.  Peoples' attitudes and perspectives change over time.  


120 years ago, if you'd called a black man 'black man'  he might take great offense and grab a knife and want to stick in your throat.  


40 years from now, using the word 'black' to describe a group of people with darker-than-average skin, might be as offensive as using the word 'negro' is today.


I'm not afraid to speak and interact with people with dark skin, and discuss the same things we're discussing here on this blog.  I would try to get the message through:  The more things/words that offend you, the more messed up you make your lives.  I could teach people (except maybe Arabs, who grab their daggers at even a hint of bad air), that if they want to feel good, one of the first things they should shed is their grip on words/ideas that will offend them. 


Feeling genuinely free is a big step beyond feeling good, but that's a more lofty topic for another time.   First things first.


There are plenty of words that people of color can't or should not use and that is any word that is considered offensive to other people. My family came from Italy- we don't like to be called 'Wops' or 'Dagos' and no black person I have met has ever used the term. I would imagine that Jewish people feel the same regarding certain terms directed at them as well as other nationalities or people of color. If a term offends someone else- why use it?


“I’m not a racist. I just play one in this reality shitshow called The Presidency. They’ve signed me up for for seasons, can you believe it?”

2 hours ago, dunroaming said:

In the 1980's I lived in Boston, Mass. for a while.  I can tell you the place is a real sh*thole, drug dealers, drunks, strip joints and hookers.  Don't think that sounds right?  Well it was but I am referring to an area locally known as the "warzone" and it was all of those things.  However to call Boston a sh*thole would be way off of the mark.


Then again for nearly fourteen years I lived in Thailand and that was just an enormous brothel and all the women there could be had for the price of a couple of beers.  Everywhere you look there are criminals, paedophiles and drug addicts and murderers and lowlifes and.....  I have heard that said more than once by people who really believe it.  We all know that Thailand is very diverse and there are certainly places like that but also it is a beautiful country with many kind, creative decent people, both Thais and ex-pats. 


It's simple enough, you don't call a country a sh*thole unless you are an ignorant moron.

lol way OTT. That area was called the "combat zone " it was about 2 blocks by 2 blocks in size. By the end of the 80's Chinatown just grew into it. Now the Ritz Carleton residence is in the MIDDLE of it. My college buddies and I would go there a lot in the mid eighties and just joke around with some of girls there who were harmless, even on a Saturday night there were never that many. Nothing like Thailand in 2018. You must be from Maine, New Hanpshire or VT to think it was the war zone !  BTW where are all the "creative " types in Thailand? 

6 hours ago, Berkshire said:

If someone has to claim that they're not a racist, it's usually because they've done something which caused them to be accused of such.  It's sort of like Roy Moore having to claim that he didn't date teenage girls in his 30's.     

No, none of the examples I read were anything like that. I think it's because people on the internet say things that they'd never ever say in real life where there are consequences for saying unproven, hateful things about someone else.

5 hours ago, ToS2014 said:

I agree that the POTUS should not have said that, I also agree that it shouldn't have been leaked from a meeting.  Further, I don't recall healthcare being a government provided commodity, like all the other socialist like programs.  Social Security was one of the biggest steps, in my humble opinion, that socialist ideals took root.  It was supposed to be a 'work for your retirement' program, now millions of citizens and not, receive bennies from Uncle Sam.  Guess my overall idea is that I worked for mine, why do I have to pay taxes from my retirement pension for those that haven't worked 1 hour for similar benefits?  Rhetorical question intended, although I'm sure I'll get pounded by those that believe that socialist programs are so great.  Probably why they are living here and not their home countries to dodge their own tax man.  


I digress from the original topic; however, I still don't recall in all my years of (paid for) education that the government HAS to provide me with healthcare.


You need to work at least 40 quarters to receive Social Security benefits. And if that is all you worked your benefit is going to be pretty meager.

18 minutes ago, Opl said:

"Trump’s fear of AIDS seems to have been acute. He reportedly abandoned his relationship with his mentor, Roy Cohn, when the former aide to the red-baiting Senator Joseph McCarthy was diagnosed with AIDS; the clearest example is the link that seems to exist in his mind between Haitian immigrants and AIDS. "



There was a lot of irrational hysteria in the earlier years of the HIV pandemic. Many people thought it might even be airborne.  In my book, distancing from that despicable villain Roy Cohn is a good thing, but for a bad reason. 

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