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British expat who doused girlfriend in petrol and set her on fire reportedly arrested in Thailand


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Appalling sick mind set to even think of such a thing....yet alone to do it.

This poor inn end will suffer for 2rest of her life with disfigurement,  operations and countless skin grafts. This will only patch up her body and not repair it. 

Think of the pain of a small burn from a toaster or the grill. Now multiply that a thousand times.


My god...... what must she be going through. 


You scum Iredale. You rotten low life. 

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6 minutes ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

Hmmm....it seems that British are also spoiled children when it comes to rejection. 

OMG did you really just say that? so the Brits can't handle rejection because a whole one of them couldn't, jeez!

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6 hours ago, watcharacters said:






I'd just vote for  lifetime  solitary confinement   until he goes mad.    Then possibly slow execution.    Let the highest bidder be the one to administer the punishment,     Sell tickets  to the torture to make up for the cost of having housed him. :smile:


Incredible that a person could do such a thing to another but we all know there were  people like Hitler and  Joseph Stalin.






Just on the historical allusions there- I am not sure if either Hitler or Stalin did anything like that to anyone.  As for their supporters- well that's another matter.  But......point taken.

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5 hours ago, colinneil said:

Disgusting piece of s++t ,makes me ashamed of being British, when i read things like this.

He deserves to die very slowly.

Never be ashamed of being a Brit, acid is being chucked about all over the UK at the moment, not by you, me or 55 million other brits, but what you could be ashamed of is all the do-gooders who come up with excuses for these sick b—-stards

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2 minutes ago, cookieqw said:

Never be ashamed of being a Brit, acid is being chucked about all over the UK at the moment, not by you, me or 55 million other brits, but what you could be ashamed of is all the do-gooders who come up with excuses for these sick b—-stards

So you're saying 10 million Brits are chucking acid about? and I've never heard one "do gooder" making excuses for it.

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i have noticed

3 hours ago, Machiavelli said:

What a quality loser! So many of these types in SEA. 

i have noticed this too up here in Chiang Mai.  a lot of ex-millitary types who are pretty messed up psychologically.  some are really hostile, from various countries.  sad, what service to your country can do to the mind. they come to LOS to live and drink up their pensions.  i know of a couple up here who receive over 5K$ a month from uncle sam for PTSD,  but at what a cost? it's just money.  and it is the middle and lower middle classes who are targeted by the military for recruitment.  the people i knew with brains and $$$ got out of the draft.

Edited by malibukid
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10 minutes ago, cookieqw said:

Never be ashamed of being a Brit, acid is being chucked about all over the UK at the moment, not by you, me or 55 million other brits, but what you could be ashamed of is all the do-gooders who come up with excuses for these sick b—-stards

Although 3 minutes previously, you were suggesting dousing a person in petrol and setting fire to them

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Met a lady in Australia at a hospital i was staying at She told me her husband threw petrol over her and lit her up because  he could not stand other guys looking  at her She was young and pretty but half her face was burnt and scard . Scum bag This guy who did this in Hanoi is being sent back  I think be good chance the Vietnamese will deal with him in proper manner  They are good at that

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No doubt male egos are as fragile, probably doubly so on account of the culture of extraction - but who knows? Maybe Nguyen taunted him. Challenged his masculinity in an assortment of ways. Teased him that there's nothing he could do about it and made him feel small in comparison to the new guy because she could.


All of you so quick to judge, note that you're right to damn him for his actions, but there's an asterisk with that: we all have our limits and are capable of doing horrible things like this. You're not superior by your condemnation of him, just blinded. Private Dancer is not a fantasy novel.


That said, he deserves what's coming to him. If he has any sense, he'll head them off at the pass and kill himself considering the price he'll pay for justice of killing a local in a place like Vietnam.

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3 minutes ago, seminomadic said:

No doubt male egos are as fragile, probably doubly so on account of the culture of extraction - but who knows? Maybe Nguyen taunted him. Challenged his masculinity in an assortment of ways. Teased him that there's nothing he could do about it and made him feel small in comparison to the new guy because she could.


All of you so quick to judge, note that you're right to damn him for his actions, but there's an asterisk with that: we all have our limits and are capable of doing horrible things like this. You're not superior by your condemnation of him, just blinded. Private Dancer is not a fantasy novel.


That said, he deserves what's coming to him. If he has any sense, he'll head them off at the pass and kill himself considering the price he'll pay for justice of killing a local in a place like Vietnam.

" we all have our limits and are capable of doing horrible things like this".....speak for yourself, no way am I capable of doing such a thing.

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7 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Mr Evans ,his friend is giving him a slew of excuses,drugs,ailing parents,

when really nothing excuses such a barbaric act,you lose faith in the human

race,when you hear things like this  happening quite often ,by weak men

who cannot stand rejection.

regards worgeordie

The guy is 53, LSD was used in the 60ies and 70ies. You can't blame drugs for what this guy did and i don't think that he's on acid the night before.


        Let her friends and relatives deal with "the problem.".

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You have to be either on drugs or on a hard come down to do something this insane! My heart goes out to the poor girl and hope she can make a recovery. What a beastly and deprived thing to do to another living thing. Even if it is drugs there is no excuse because he made the decision to use them. He should never see the light of day again!

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