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SURVEY: Do you want Trump to finish his first term?


SURVEY: Do you WANT Trump to finish his first term?  

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" Felix Sater, a Russian-born businessman with financial ties to the Trump Organization, confirmed Friday that President Donald Trump's business was privately negotiating a deal with a sanctioned Russian bank during the 2016 US election."


" The detail first emerged in a status report that democrats on the House Intelligence Committee released earlier this week in response to Republicans' decision to shut down the committee's Russia investigation. The report outlined dozens of leads — including witness testimony, document requests, and subpoenas — the minority said it was not able to pursue."  http://www.businessinsider.com/felix-sater-confirms-trump-pursued-deal-with-sanctioned-russian-bank-2018-3?amp%3Butm_medium=referral   


The Trump Organization negotiating a business deal with a sanctioned Russian bank during the presidential campaign (that's why presidential candidates should make full financial disclosures) and the Republican dominated House investigation refusing to follow up.  Nice job draining the swamp.

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8 hours ago, simple1 said:

In an act of spite, encouraged by Trump, Sessions has fired McCabe 26 hours before his retirement commences, thereby highly likely to forefite many retirement benefits. Pure bastardry which hopefully will haunt both Sessions and Trump.








Yes, you are right, this decision will remain as iconic of Trump's signature

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11 hours ago, simple1 said:

In an act of spite, encouraged by Trump, Sessions has fired McCabe 26 hours before his retirement commences, thereby highly likely to forefite many retirement benefits. Pure bastardry which hopefully will haunt both Sessions and Trump.








I don't see that as an act of spite though that may have been the intention. Firing him was the Inspector General's recommendation.  The Inspector's General are about the only folks in Washington with any honesty or integrity. The Inspector General at the State Dept. is the one who brought to light all the illegal server business in the Sec of States office. He made many recommendations, which went ignored. That study was commissioned by  Sec of State Kerry.

Edited by lannarebirth
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 The fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine comes in to play even more now,because of the big breaking news with the leaker and liar McCabe

Trump’s Lawyer: It’s Time to End the Mueller Probe

The president’s personal attorney hopes Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein follows ‘the brilliant and courageous example’ of Sessions, who just fired Andrew McCabe.



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39 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

What else would a lawyer for that con man say? Mueller's not done. Let him work. It's only reasonable. 

Nah,There are more fish to fry  and they are all anti PT. This was a witch hunt, always was, big story here, the silent conspiring to over throw and unseat the POTUS.

Edited by riclag
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OK, it's looking now that "trump" is fixing to fire Mueller (and also perhaps Rosenstein and Sessions). That would be an extremely dark day in American history. But then what? Constitutional crisis? Meaning what exactly? People in the streets color revolution style? Or perhaps only turning the midterms into an election only about impeachment. 

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1 hour ago, riclag said:

Nah,There are more fish to fry  and they are all anti PT. This was a witch hunt, always was, big story here, the silent conspiring to over throw and unseat the POTUS.

Since when has the Trump opposition been silent about this?  If Trump was elected using illegal means, has committed crimes, or has conflicts of interest, we want him out. 


Don Jr.'s "love it" meeting with Russian representatives for the purpose of getting dirt on Clinton looks illegal to many people.  The Trump Organization engaging in business negotiations with a sanctioned Russian bank during Trump's "Let's be friends with Russia" campaign certainly looks like a conflict of interest, if not a blatant criminal violation of US sanctions against Russia.


You have to have your head deep in the sand (or somewhere else) to think this is a witch hunt. 

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7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

OK, it's looking now that "trump" is fixing to fire Mueller (and also perhaps Rosenstein and Sessions). That would be an extremely dark day in American history. But then what? Constitutional crisis? Meaning what exactly? People in the streets color revolution style? Or perhaps only turning the midterms into an election only about impeachment. 

The only thing we can be sure of is that the spineless Republicans in Congress will continue to back Trump regardless of what he does. 

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3 hours ago, riclag said:

 The fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine comes in to play even more now,because of the big breaking news with the leaker and liar McCabe

Trump’s Lawyer: It’s Time to End the Mueller Probe

The president’s personal attorney hopes Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein follows ‘the brilliant and courageous example’ of Sessions, who just fired Andrew McCabe.



"‘A slip up’; White House ‘not happy’ with Trump lawyer Dowd’s disastrous statement on dumping Mueller. “He has now issued two statements today, one initially saying that he was speaking on behalf of the president and then clarifying later that he was not speaking on behalf of the president, but he was speaking in his own personal capacity.”


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45 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I get it. Even if he's guilty, you don't care. Decent Americans must continue to RESIST such blind loyalty to the authoritarian demagogue in the oval. Rosenstein may be fired. Mueller may be fired. But that will not stop the resistance to the evil rot at the top known as "trump."


Nah,There are more fish to fry  and they are all anti PT. This was a witch hunt, always was, big story here, the silent conspiring to over throw and unseat the POTUS.

PT won't have to fire Rosenstein or Mueller.The IG will be coming out with more damming info such as more bias txting by senior FBI  and DOJ .And than finally perhaps the politicians will grow some and make those FISA warrants available. 

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A bold voice of confidence. I sure hope he's right but as I've said before, where this twisted demagogue "president" divides us to in the end is just not knowable. 




Brennan tweeted to Trump: "When the full extent of your venality, moral turpitude, and political corruption becomes known, you will take your rightful place as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history. You may scapegoat Andy McCabe, but you will not destroy America...America will triumph over you."


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4 hours ago, riclag said:

 The fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine comes in to play even more now,because of the big breaking news with the leaker and liar McCabe

Trump’s Lawyer: It’s Time to End the Mueller Probe

The president’s personal attorney hopes Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein follows ‘the brilliant and courageous example’ of Sessions, who just fired Andrew McCabe.



He wants it to stop because they are getting to close for comfort:



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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

A bold voice of confidence. I sure hope he's right but as I've said before, where this twisted demagogue "president" divides us to in the end is just not knowable. 




Brennan tweeted to Trump: "When the full extent of your venality, moral turpitude, and political corruption becomes known, you will take your rightful place as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history. You may scapegoat Andy McCabe, but you will not destroy America...America will triumph over you."




Well, that is an extremely forceful statement by someone who presumably has a helluva lot more knowledge of events than any of us or even the press. Although TBH, it sounds a bit demagogic itself.


The question was never "would America triumph over Donald Trump" but would America triumph over its current manifestation of itself.

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49 minutes ago, simple1 said:

I am referring to the fact that McCabe was fired, after 21 years service, just 26 hours before being eligible for his full retirement package at the urging of Trump, then subjected to personal vilification by tweet from Trump. Trump is a coward using his Office to insult people.



Well, that's down to how long it has taken this IG's report to come out. Months and months.

I'm not a fan of Twitter or most of the mass social media. I can't for the life of me understand why anyone uses it much less why anyone reads what people write their. Trump is and always has been an A-hole. You sound as if you just discovered that today.


49 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Personally I believe it is telling the anger emanating from those who are not Trump sycophants and have cursed Trump for the damage he is causing. e.g.


Well, there's a lot of stuff at play here. A lot of vested interests. Personally, I choose to  curse the American people. They keep choosing "least worst" candidates and it then becomes inevitable that you end up with a choice between shitty and shittier. Personally, I don't believe Trump is creating any long term damage. Unintentionally of course, his presidency may be a turning point for America, but from what I read here daily I have my doubts. I think everyone is prepared to make all the same mistakes again.


49 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Former CIA director John Brennan, who responded on Twitter to Trump, said, “When the full extent of your venality, moral turpitude, and political corruption becomes known, you will take your rightful place as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history. You may scapegoat Andy McCabe, but you will not destroy America...America will triumph over you.”




Yeah, I saw that. Strong words.

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"trump" on a crazy tweeting roll again.

But that really isn't "news" anymore, is it? 
That's what he does. He wears everyone down with his insanity. It's an evil and tragically effective tactic. It's not going to be easy to fight this dangerous demagogue. Don't underestimate his dark talent.




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"trump's" mental state evolving.

God help us.



A new report on Trump’s state of mind from the New York Times underscores why this should worry us a great deal. Relying on numerous people close to Trump, it says he decided to attack Mueller over the advice of his advisers because he “ultimately trusts only his own instincts,” with the result that Trump is “newly emboldened” to “ignore the cautions of those around him.”



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And he goes even lower in the polls:


Donald Trump's Approval Rating Sets Record Low, Below Even Gerald Ford

President Donald Trump may have seen his approval rating get a slight bump this month, but he is lagging well behind his predecessors at this point of his presidency, a new poll shows.

The NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released on Sunday shows Trump’s approval rating stands at 43 percent, an increase of 4 percent from the same poll taken in January.

Unfortunately for President Trump, the poll shows the majority (53 percent) continue to disapprove of his performance.




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The craziness hasn't even peaked yet ...




Trump Has Become The Mad King

Narcissists are dangerous because they think only about themselves. Megalomaniacs are dangerous because they think only about their power and invincibility. A narcissistic megalomaniac who’s unconstrained—and who’s also president of the United States—is about as dangerous as they come.





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Explaining the un-American VILENESS of the "trump" ideology. It's often said that "trump" lacks much of an ideology. But that's not fully true. He's been very consistent on his toxic white nativist hyper nationalism. No wonder he relates to Putin. American can and should be better -- may we end this dangerous flirtation with authoritarian idiocy ASAP. 




Michael Gerson: We are not 'globalists,' we are Americans

The Trump administration is not only an affront to decency and the rule of law; it is an assault on America's self-conception. In Trump's view, the United States is a nation like any other nation, defined by ethnicity and oriented toward narrow interests. An American president not only admires Russia; he wants us to be more like it, in both conduct and self-image. Trump's form of extreme nationalism makes us ordinary -- just another power scrambling for advantages.





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