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where have all the smart, nice members gone ?

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1 hour ago, scottiejohn said:

So why are you reading and posting on this forum/site/topic?

The answer to that question is a massive 200-odd words back from the sentence you quoted. Clearly, reading that much text is an absolutely insurmountable hurdle so it's completely reasonable to ask....I had a question about passports and I made a few posts whilst waiting for an answer. This is just following up responses to those.

1 hour ago, scottiejohn said:

There is little point in making vague un-attributable references to sites you cannot mention on THIS forum and then try and compare them/whatever.

I've typed its name out in full. If you're illiterate, that's unfortunate but you can hardly blame me for your inadequacies. Besides, if you don't recognize the site from my description, then it doesn't really matter because you're not going to know what it was like a few years ago.

1 hour ago, scottiejohn said:

The above is just typical of the many pointless comments and posts which drive people away from what should be informative and positive forums/sites

You're right. I should put my efforts into making petty, irritating, nit-picking posts which criticize others but offer exactly nothing of substance or value.

1 hour ago, scottiejohn said:

I am not a MOD

Not yet, perhaps, but the internship looks like it's a howling success so next time an opening arises, your CV is sure to be top of the pile.

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I have not posted for a few months since i was logged out for some reason. I was automatically logged in on my phone for so long which made it easy to post. I didn't miss it and visited the site far less. The Chiang Mai forum seems to have gone downhill quite a bit in the past year. Lots of popular posters have gone. Topics are not as interesting or the replies.

        The site is still useful though. You can get answers, good info, find out things you were not aware about and help others. Ricardo posted a while back about Qatar Airways having very cheap airfares to Heathrow on the new Chiang Mai service. I checked Manchester and got 10500 baht return so thank Ricardo for sharing that information! Another example, MaejoMTB posted a reply about an AIS sim that has 6 months internet access for 600 baht. Totally unaware of that and useful to know. Lots of crap on here as well but just skim through it.

4 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

Where have all the good men gone
And where are all the gods?
Where's the streetwise Hercules to fight the rising odds?
Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed?...


the good men are taken away

by the grim reaper,

and we, that stay,

are the dregs' keeper ?


pining for days

of yore that never were.

complaining that today's a bore.

asking for even more ?


and, the gods we made.

now, their glories, in the shade,

in the shadow of memories'

pliable and unreliable blade ?


is it an absence of the golden age,

or is it just senility's living wage ?


for us: we enjoy TVCM, see lots of good sharing and mutual aide, consider the  moderation benign and pro-social, and, over the years it has led to some very interesting people entering our (non-digital) Human~Orang corporeality. we like it here, as long as we don't expect ... too much.


cheers, o:37;

Giordano Bruno circa 1600CE:

“The beginning, middle, and end of the birth, growth, and perfection of whatever we behold is from contraries, by contraries, and to contraries; and whatever contrariety is, there is action and reaction, there is motion, diversity, multitude, and order, there are degrees, succession and vicissitude.”



As one poster said...in about 5 years time the most senior TV posters will expire. Then what?

TV can't be sold now so later it will be less possible and with the majority of posters gone, is TV going the way of most expat businesses here? Unsellable, so closed.


I will miss the humor and the laughs from the many posts that are just worthless, false, turn into cat fights or my favorite, just re-posting old outdated false info. RIP TV!

20 hours ago, Zooheekock said:

No. Up to the period around the death of DD, the other place attracted a fairly diverse and interesting crowd. There were (at least moderately) well-informed, lively arguments about Thai politics, which I enjoyed, and a large range of other threads on Thai/SE Asian-related life which were well worth reading and participating in. There were of course, a large number of idiots there but the forum had a clear direction and character and sensible, adult (i.e. light) moderation which made participation generally worthwhile. Unfortunately, almost all of the good posters have left or been pushed out, and it's now not even a shadow of what it was only a few years ago. As for Thaivisa, it's always been somewhere to steer clear of, unless you need to know where to get colour photocopies in Lopburi, in which case, it's an unequalled resource.

I loved it during the DD days. The only original posters not banned on there now are the bland and boring ones that I loved trolling at that time. Trolling was an art form and the master was DD RIP.

On 2/1/2018 at 2:14 PM, sanemax said:

Anonymous forums seem to be a thing of the past though .

Just part of the naturally evolving internet , began with E-mail groups , message boards, forums and now its facebook and twitter

I think  you are right and part of this evolution is that people want instant chat like replies direct on their smart-phones. There are some Thai/Bangkok expat groups on Facebook with 60,000 members. They do a much better job as a community than forum based platforms. 

9 hours ago, inThailand said:

... the humor and the laughs from the many posts that are just worthless, false, turn into cat fights or my favorite, just re-posting old outdated false info. RIP TV!


If only our flawed selves could attain such meaningless ! We'd be happier :)



Al007 I think passed away. The guys info on living with cancer was like a heavyweight boxing match with 15 rounds.
Khonkaendave - remember him? Awol
Anotheruser - the food porn guy I think - Awol
AI007 was he the one who went to Calcutta for medical treatment or was he the American who seemed to be struggling getting the right treatment in Thailand and running out of money? Think he had a thread on his prostate treatment?

Forums, any forum are pretty much self-guided to all end up quite similar.




For temporary variety, one often peruses the Blogs:


LOS:  Stickman Bangkok


PRC:  Serpentza the VLogger


"Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those who dare not, are slaves. "


This kind of topic always brings on an "Orang moment" !!

2 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

This forum hasn't got a very good atmosphere / culture. There are better forums, one based loosely around Pattaya, there you can discuss things freely

Like what? The most effective treatment for pubic lice that someone picked up from  Miss Winsok of no known address?  The last US/EU pedophile ring that was  busted had a forum on the darkweb, and  according to the investigators, members were   well mannered helpful people. There's a lesson to be learned from that.


On 2/1/2018 at 3:00 AM, lovelomsak said:

Thai Visa in my eyes is no longer a forum it is a mutual admiration society. It is dominated by people of the same mind only complimenting each other. There is no real forum. If the chosen few disagree with some poster that poster is attacked till the poster leaves.

Ok. Do you really think it  is any different than the good old days. or schoolyards around the world? It's a rough and tumble world out there, pilgrim.


On 2/1/2018 at 3:49 AM, canuckamuck said:

It is my ambition to be the last guy on here.

Oh, I'd say you have already achieved part of the goal of being "last". :sleep:


On 2/1/2018 at 7:57 PM, Rc2702 said:

I cringe when reading anything by inspire pattaya (apart from that one guest author who explained logically why Russians cannot queue)

I never wonder where the intelligent people go though.

You are not alone.  :sleep:  The  people who post their miracle cures and  enema curealls over at the health forum are  special.


16 hours ago, narkeddiver said:

Once upon a time the list of helpful posters was long and my list of ignored users was short

Sadly these days the length of the lists is reversed

People die, I still am in shock over the demise of "Thai Gerd" from Phuket some years ago. He was a German culinary expert with some lovely dogs. I enjoyed his food advice.  I appreciate many members are on death's door, but it irks me that they nicer ones die and the other type, keep on going, and going and going.  :saai:

24 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

Like what? The most effective treatment for pubic lice that someone picked up from  Miss Winsok of no known address?  The last US/EU pedophile ring that was  busted had a forum on the darkweb, and  according to the investigators, members were   well mannered helpful people. There's a lesson to be learned from that.


Ok. Do you really think it  is any different than the good old days. or schoolyards around the world? It's a rough and tumble world out there, pilgrim.


Oh, I'd say you have already achieved part of the goal of being "last". :sleep:


You are not alone.  :sleep:  The  people who post their miracle cures and  enema curealls over at the health forum are  special.


People die, I still am in shock over the demise of "Thai Gerd" from Phuket some years ago. He was a German culinary expert with some lovely dogs. I enjoyed his food advice.  I appreciate many members are on death's door, but it irks me that they nicer ones die and the other type, keep on going, and going and going.  :saai:


2 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:
On 01/02/2018 at 6:57 AM, Rc2702 said:
Al007 I think passed away. The guys info on living with cancer was like a heavyweight boxing match with 15 rounds.
Khonkaendave - remember him? Awol
Anotheruser - the food porn guy I think - Awol

AI007 was he the one who went to Calcutta for medical treatment or was he the American who seemed to be struggling getting the right treatment in Thailand and running out of money? Think he had a thread on his prostate treatment?

I am not sure he was struggling. He used various avenues to get the best value and more professional feedback. Eggs were not in one basket. He wrote an extremely detailed brief on his battle which I am sure would be extremely useful to anyone in a similar position.

People die, I still am in shock over the demise of "Thai Gerd" from Phuket some years ago. He was a German culinary expert with some lovely dogs. I enjoyed his food advice.  I appreciate many members are on death's door, but it irks me that they nicer ones die and the other type, keep on going, and going and going.  :saai:
You seem part of the problem. Some people just don't see it
2 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

People die, I still am in shock over the demise of "Thai Gerd" from Phuket some years ago. He was a German culinary expert with some lovely dogs. I enjoyed his food advice.  I appreciate many members are on death's door, but it irks me that they nicer ones die and the other type, keep on going, and going and going.  :saai:

That kind of makes sense , if you think about it .

All the nicer ones die and you are still here , posting about the not so nice people who are still alive

On 02/02/2018 at 6:05 AM, sanemax said:

What is the general consensus on other forums about TV ?

"Toxic" is the most commonly word used on "R...it".

5 hours ago, tifino said:

Forums, any forum are pretty much self-guided to all end up quite similar.




For temporary variety, one often peruses the Blogs:


LOS:  Stickman Bangkok


PRC:  Serpentza the VLogger

Stickman gave up and went back to the west.


(quote problem-sorry I can't do it properly)

"Zooheeckock" said in post 64

"The answer to that question is a massive 200-odd words back from the sentence you quoted. Clearly, reading that much text is an absolutely insurmountable hurdle."


Only problem being that of the 10 or so posts made in this topic by you, you have not posted 200 words in any of those  posts, massive or otherwise!

In fact the total number of words, before my quote, is less than 120 and your total post amounts to less than 150 words. (before pedants get on board-no I did not sit there and count the words, my computer does it for me!)

(BTW what is so impressive about a 200 word post to make it "massive".

I suggest it is a massive over statement on your part.

On ‎02‎/‎02‎/‎2018 at 4:59 PM, Zooheekock said:

I've typed its name out in full. If you're illiterate, that's unfortunate but you can hardly blame me for your inadequacies

Where have you typed "its name out in full"?  Maybe I have missed something or are you referring to a comment, written in Thai, in post 52 about entrances?

(Thai of course being against the forum rules in this section of the Site! - Playing acting MOD again, which as I have stated, I know I am not!)


On ‎02‎/‎02‎/‎2018 at 4:59 PM, Zooheekock said:

You're right. I should put my efforts into making petty, irritating, nit-picking posts which criticize others but offer exactly nothing of substance or value

For once I massively agree with you!

You appear to be doing such a massively good job with your posts in this forum that I am sure you can hold a mutual appreciation society meeting with the OP in your local branch of COSTA/Starbucks et al.

On ‎02‎/‎02‎/‎2018 at 4:59 PM, Zooheekock said:

The internship looks like it's a howling success so next time an opening arises, your CV is sure to be top of the pile.

Thanks for that massive endorsement!

Do I have your permission to quote this on my next (never) job application?



PS;  The OP, "Zooheeckock" and others are serving a massive public service by giving me, and a few of the rest of us, this little topic to have some fun with and poke even more fun at those, who I believe deserve it, because of their asinine comments and posturing on this site. 

Isn't that what TV is meant to be about?


Lighten up everybody please!





20 hours ago, CNXBKKMAN said:

I have not posted for a few months since i was logged out for some reason. I was automatically logged in on my phone for so long which made it easy to post. I didn't miss it and visited the site far less. The Chiang Mai forum seems to have gone downhill quite a bit in the past year. Lots of popular posters have gone. Topics are not as interesting or the replies.

        The site is still useful though. You can get answers, good info, find out things you were not aware about and help others. Ricardo posted a while back about Qatar Airways having very cheap airfares to Heathrow on the new Chiang Mai service. I checked Manchester and got 10500 baht return so thank Ricardo for sharing that information! Another example, MaejoMTB posted a reply about an AIS sim that has 6 months internet access for 600 baht. Totally unaware of that and useful to know. Lots of crap on here as well but just skim through it.

Thanks for posting about Qatar from C M. I'll check it out.

2 hours ago, scottiejohn said:

Lighten up everybody please!

are you sure it's everybody else that needs to lighten up ?  

oh,  of course you are and I am sure you will have another 2 page answer to let me know why


Al007 I think passed away. The guys info on living with cancer was like a heavyweight boxing match with 15 rounds.
Khonkaendave - remember him? Awol
Anotheruser - the food porn guy I think - Awol

Khon Kaen Dave went back to the uk for a few months and probably just got out of the habit , he was kinda volatile but I liked him, we shared some similar music tastes and he knew the area i had grown up in so we had some things in common .

Anotheruser was looking at relocating back to the US and also thinking about Mexico so has probably left.( I think that was Anotheruser ? )
1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Thanks for posting about Qatar from C M. I'll check it out.

Ricardo posted the info in early january. I am pretty sure the super low airfares are no longer available.



I love TV because I perceive most threads as being subjects of discussion and I enjoy getting involved in discussions. For me having those that agree and disagree makes it all the more fun.


I do agree with some posters that facebook is a competitor and over the years FB has massively expanded it`s role as a social media. More companies are advertising on FB believing they can reach a wider audience for either free or cheaper, more FB discussion and themed groups have been created and evolved.


TV has it`s advantages over the social media, there are many subjects and criticisms we can discuss on TV that most of us would not dare post on FB using our own names that gives us more freedoms of opinions and speech in Thailand, plus all the updated information and Thailand news it gives us and also TV seems to be extending it`s threads to subjects that are not Thailand related, so they have relaxed their rules quite a bit.


I have many expat friends who prefer to view TV rather than be active participants on the forums, others maybe leave Thailand and move on or some die and I have some friends who are addicted to facebook, they`re literally on there 24/7. I think why some members intend to drop out after a time is all a matter of trends.


It seems forums are now playing second fiddle to the social media. Who knows; maybe forums have seen their heydays? A sign of the times. Hope not.

11 hours ago, rumak said:

are you sure it's everybody else that needs to lighten up ?  

oh,  of course you are and I am sure you will have another 2 page answer to let me know why


No.  Just a single line. "No further comment."

10 hours ago, sharktooth said:

Read the first page, then just skipped to the last page. Can only just begin to imagine the utter mince that was spouted in between.

I hope you are not being disparaging about mince.  Please remember that mince is a staple of the Scottish diet along with "Neaps n Tatties" and is what helps us Scots to remain so placid, good natured and humorous!

1 hour ago, scottiejohn said:

No.  Just a single line. "No further comment."

That is your best post as of yet. First one  that is not a troll good for you .

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