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PM Prayut urges all parties concerned to help solve prostitution problem


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2 minutes ago, jenny2017 said:

But only to 35 + year older men in shorts, muscle, or wife beater shirts and sandals, excluded are flip flops. 

55 or older. They have put in their time as somebody's donkey and definitely are out of the remarriage market. I never wear flip flops. Or wife beaters. Or shorts in public. The women would get too excited.

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4 minutes ago, the guest said:

The answer is simple, close all the bars down. Arrest all those that profit from this horrible business which has gone past it's sell-by date. By doing this, you will encourage more families to come, and the dirty-old men to go to another country. 

And your solution for that country? Oh yes, you want the entire world to bend to your whims. Of course dear leader, as you wish.

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6 hours ago, newnative said:

You obviously haven't been to Pattaya in awhile.  Or, you confine yourself to the bars.

Assumptions and wrong on both counts i'm afraid.


Even forgetting the bars/gogo bars (that still dominate many centrally placed sois around the city) it's hard to ignore the mile long line of hookers along beach road at night and the multiple large soapies on Second Road. 


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3 hours ago, InMyShadow said:

The only time Thailand is stable is under military rule, Thais are like  naughty big school kids that function best under a firm hand. You want proof? well your not here but its quite..peaceful..functional.

The military is acting just as your are saying, but they are accountable to nobody.  At least Shinawatras were accountable to the Thai people.  What gibberish.   Most Thais are rather peaceful and pleasant.  It is insulting to keep bringing up the few violent acts that happened and blame all of Thai society. 

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1 hour ago, jenny2017 said:

Not all want prostitutes. Even when free

??? Contradiction in terms!





the practice or occupation of engaging in sexual activity with someone for payment.



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Easiest way by far would be decently paid jobs.


When you earn 300 baht a day (8 to 12 hours) without, and 500 baht with an university degree, but easily 5000 baht with prostitution, it might actually be the economically better solution to be a bargirl for 2 years and open your own business after that rather than working for two years to earn money for university, studying for 4 years, and then get an slightly less underpaid job.


And for those left with a kid by a deadbeat dad, or with parents there might not even be a choice.


So... best way to fight prostitution is to offer viable alternatives, rather than prosecution.


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No jobs which pay to support families.

Heard about 4 government jobs not even close to Bangkok, it gave 2500 solicitors !!

The PM probably has no clue what is happening in his country or just dont care, as long as rich Thai are in power.


Those girls support whole families, it is not for fun, but just for the need to survive, to "live". 

Now he feels embarrassed ? It started long time ago when American soldiers came to Pattaya.

And not to forget it was normal for a Thai man to have young mistresses besides a wife. And ofcourse he paid them.

So nothing really changed, the girls and families are still poor and try to survive, still no jobs with decent money to live.

But hey it is not any way different then civilized USA. 


So leaves at least again 2496 educated prostitutes?

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But finally....would it be the mini skirt or bikini hotties all around that will make the "quality" and "unquality" tourists flee Thailand ??...


or will it be the pollution, the dirty beaches, the immigration hassles for retirees, the BKK taxi/tuk tuk cheats, the broad daylight corruption and tea-money racketting, the killer roads......up to you to decide which will tarnish most the image of Thailand and cause tourists and expats to flee or boycott the country for other more welcoming nations in Asia....

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Should the Government look closer to home for possible answers to the problem?


Prostitute is one of if not the oldest form of profession.


Thailand is world renowned for being a massive, corrupt, brothel. It is fact!


But who allowed it to happen and continues to allow it to happen?


Its been allowed to happen, and continue to happen, from home grown individual's and not by the foreigners.


Could it have been, and still is, the work of the greedy corrupt, lawless fat cats?  The Police plus those in charge? Family members? The administration of the day etc?


Many Thais have no choice other than going into the sex industry, because of a lack of hope, finance and social care / security.


Age plus gender discrimination should be made a crime. Better employment conditions and rights enforced with a much better renumeration packages, and employment conditions.


My GF works 6 days a week, for up to 12 hours per day with no holiday or sick pay, no employee rights , no employment contract, for 250 thb per hour, which is below the legal hourly rate. She has to do, what work she can find, and normally treated like a dog by her employer/s, because that's how it is here. Disgraceful! Uncaring.


Many Thais face a bleak future when it comes to employment opportunities and practises. They generally receive poor education, and have to deal with the cultural class corrupt distinctions, the high-so attitudes and inequalities,, which may hinder their chances of seeking and or finding employment.


More assistance with better enforcement of employment laws, civil rights and equality should be aimed at, instead of buying watches, holding  back the rightful progression of democracy and trying to portray a perfect place.


No one or nation is perfect!



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This guy just keeps on surpassing himself with his inane statements. Large-scale prostitution pretty much sorts itself out when a country with as much wealth as Thailand starts to spread that wealth a little. Think: Korea and Japan, as two classic examples. But Korea and Japan displayed moral fortitude, whereas Thailand has implacable vested interests.

Edited by Khun Han
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4 hours ago, bobbymack said:


It is only sex at the end of the day, the most natural act in the world and one in which we all have to partake in to keep the world alive.



Quite right bobbymack. People get so up-tight about it.


Professor Pidgeon states that if there were just 100 people left in the world the ratio of women to women should be; 94 women and 6 men.

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He can say what he wants but he can never stop nature. Women want money and if  guy has cash what's the problem?  it is of NO BUSINESS of any government to moralize over their citizens and they are all hypocrites anyway.

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20 hours ago, smotherb said:

While I am not privy to the statistics; I do know I first came to Pattaya in 1967, while stationed in Vietnam. I was not alone and Pattaya was still in its infancy. However, I think we all fool ourselves claiming any Westerner created sex entertainment areas in Thailand.  

As you pointed out, you came to Pattaya in 1967 as an alternative to what? Bangkok. That's where the full-service option existed.


The post I was responding to incorrectly inferred that Pattaya's existence was solely due to the need for you guys to water your horses.


I agree with you inasmuch as no particular band of foreigners brought sex to the beach; the entrepreneurial Thais managed that on their own. I never claimed that the Germans invented the sex bit but I did suggest that, like yourself, they were only here for the beach side r&r and the ladies just started showing up.


FWIW, there's a distinct reason why there's still a large German presence in the Wong Amat area. I first darkened the Pattaya shores about 10 years after you and the joke about German beach towels on the poolside sun loungers BEFORE breakfast was already old.

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3 hours ago, observer90210 said:

But finally....would it be the mini skirt or bikini hotties all around that will make the "quality" and "unquality" tourists flee Thailand ??...


or will it be the pollution, the dirty beaches, the immigration hassles for retirees, the BKK taxi/tuk tuk cheats, the broad daylight corruption and tea-money racketting, the killer roads......up to you to decide which will tarnish most the image of Thailand and cause tourists and expats to flee or boycott the country for other more welcoming nations in Asia....

Salient observation.


If they didn't have the bi-weekly hooker round-up and rodeo on Beach, then the pages would have more news inches for all the other, much more dangerous aspects of bullet-dodging in LOS. The ones that affect a much bigger and broader visiting demographic than the diminishing amount of mongers.

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I'm just wondering what Pattaya would have to offer the foreign tourists if you stop the go-go bars and the like. Certainly not the beaches and Ripley's is hardly a magnate for the tourists.  Most tourists are foreign Mr PM. .....perhaps you need to travel the World a bit more rather than a trip to some foreign part for a 5 minute chat and then back home before things could get out of hand !!

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27 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

He can say what he wants but he can never stop nature. Women want money and if  guy has cash what's the problem?  it is of NO BUSINESS of any government to moralize over their citizens and they are all hypocrites anyway.

Spot on!!


Some countries go over the top to stop women and men getting together. Religion is the biggest barrier to free prostitution. But the natural way of things will eventually see copulation return to its natural state.

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19 hours ago, SteveSamui6262 said:

From my vantage point behind the lines, I notice motivated girls/women are not working the bars, but instead utilizing the Internet to meet foreigners, and shortly thereafter they are getting flown out to first world countries and doing better than trying to achieve success in crrupt Thailand.

Who are you trying to kid? The motivated girls/women are heading off to places such as Dubai, Saudi Arabia and South Korea where they can earn far more on their back than anywhere in Thailand. It's not a coincidence they are also the most beautiful from poor villages.

They are not all success stories either. Some have their passports stolen, and become trapped.

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10 hours ago, kevozman1 said:

Assumptions and wrong on both counts i'm afraid.


Even forgetting the bars/gogo bars (that still dominate many centrally placed sois around the city) it's hard to ignore the mile long line of hookers along beach road at night and the multiple large soapies on Second Road. 


       Umm.  You're still focused on the bars with a quick jaunt to Beach Road--a rather narrow focus.  Not that there's anything wrong with the bars but there's a whole big city out there offering other attractions.   And, yes, the hookers are actually easy to ignore. There are so many 'new tourists' out and about in the evening the hookers are sort of getting lost in the crowd, poor dears.  

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On ‎2‎/‎28‎/‎2018 at 10:33 AM, AsianAtHeart said:

There are perhaps a few here on TV who have more experience with Thailand.  I've only been around the country for more than a couple decades.  Of course, while post count might be an indicator of one's loquaciousness, it does nothing to indicate one's experience.  If it's any help to your understanding of my perspective, I am conversationally fluent in Thai and am literate in the language.  It's good you prefaced your statement with "apparent."  Not all things, however, are as they appear on the surface.


Eliminating prostitution will not happen if the modus operandi is to simply shut down the brothels.  The economic forces underpinning the problem must be resolved.  I remember the day in Thailand when a farm laborer would work over 10 hours in the sun for 100 baht per day.  Last I heard, I think the minimum is nearer to 250-300 baht per day for such workers.  But if this is insufficient to feed, clothe, and educate the family, much less pay for extras like medical care, the temptation to sacrifice one's own good for the good of the family increases.


Many years ago I attended the funeral in northern Thailand of a nine-year-old boy whose mother had given him HIV at his birth.  She had already preceded him in death.  Is it necessary to say how she acquired it?

Well done for replying.

Of course, while post count might be an indicator of one's loquaciousness, it does nothing to indicate one's experience. I've only been around the country for more than a couple decades. 

Well if length of experience of LOS is of significance ( I don't think it is ), I've been involved with LOS for over 4 decades.

However, it is possible to remain in LOS for far longer than 20 years and know nothing about the scene other than what one reads in the media, which almost never tells the truth about it. The agenda is obvious.

Soooooo, what qualifies you to speak authoritatively about it?

It does puzzle me though that one with so few posts would seize on this as something to get involved in when LOS has so many problems of far greater import than a few girls/ boys having it off with farangs for some cash. How about getting involved with the exploitation of sweat shop workers, child exploitation ( not sexual ), forced sex in brothels that are NOT for farangs, poor educational standards, abused maids, corruption and if nothing else the plight of those farm labourers you are concerned about. In the larger picture, a few girls using their only asset to get more money than they could in a sweat shop is insignificant, yet to many, it assumes a far greater importance than it should.


Eliminating prostitution will not happen if the modus operandi is to simply shut down the brothels.

No disagreement there, but brothels play NO part of the farang scene. I would point out that I know next to nothing about the THAI scene, not being a user of that scene.

It could be that you are referring to the Thai scene, rather than the farang scene, but that is not a subject about which many on here can speak authoritatively, and so, as far as I'm concerned this thread is about the farang scene. Of course, others can address that scene if they wish.


But if this is insufficient to feed, clothe, and educate the family, much less pay for extras like medical care, the temptation to sacrifice one's own good for the good of the family increases.

Worth mentioning that there are many millions of adult Thai women that never get involved with the scene, either Thai or farang, no matter how dire their circumstances. The number that do is not great, proportionate to population, despite the more lurid accusations by the British gutter press.


I attended the funeral in northern Thailand of a nine-year-old boy whose mother had given him HIV at his birth.  She had already preceded him in death.  Is it necessary to say how she acquired it?

Actually yes. That proves nothing about prostitution as you don't say if she was a prostitute or not, and if she was, did she work with farangs or Thais?

Without knowing the facts, I can say it was probably from a Thai. 

A guy called Meechai carried out a campaign to encourage Thais to use condoms to combat the spread of HIV. She almost certainly knew about condoms.

To continue would be pure speculation.


BTW, an unintended consequence of eliminating prostitution for farangs ( it's never going to happen for Thais ) would be a severe downturn in the number of farangs marrying Thai farm girls with a consequent severe reduction in the amount of money going to poor farming villages.


PS. If the scene in Pattaya the last time I went to stay in Pattaya is indicative, the scene is dying anyway, with bored bargirls too busy with their machine to tout for customers, high prices and increasing pressure from the authorities driving away customers.

Where the scene is functioning well though, is on line, and good luck to the government on stopping that, short of arresting any farang with a Thai girl in the street on suspicion of doing something enjoyable.



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