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Former FBI No.2 McCabe fired; claims he is being targeted


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5 hours ago, riclag said:

 Where is the outrage against McCabe the # 2 man in the FBI! These people would of never got fired(Comey and McCabe )if they weren't showing  and acting out on their bias  during and after the Clinton server Investigation!

  More damming facts coming  that further link "ANDY" of Andy's office Insurance Policy fame and others to deligitimize and conspire to unseat a duly elected POTUS .His associate boss(Comey) will also answer to condoning McCabe's despicable actions. This is all leading up to the doctrine of the Fruit of the Poisonous  Tree .

"McCabe just made life tough for Comey and the special counsel"



I wouldn't be relying too much on that "fruit of the poisoned tree" defense. There are several exclusions that override it.

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6 hours ago, riclag said:

Respect of the law and not following strict standards according to the FBI code of conduct(the FBI's Law) puts him in his current position ,Fired,it's not becoming of the #2 FBI guy in the USA.

   Sessions went through this scrutiny by the left before, when it came to Comey being fired ."Could violating his recusal land Sessions in legal trouble? It doesn't appear so. 

As Murillo pointed out in March,2017 the recusal does not appear to carry any "practical legal enforcement mechanism."Helen Klein Murillo, an editor of the Harvard Law Review". 


  The # 2 man in the FBI lied and leaked in one of the top investigations in USA history and it is minimized .I have thought about him loosing his pension .He should be given choices,He probably was given some when he learned of  being fired and went to DAG office. I hope he looses his pension. 

  “To look at removing a person, potentially, two days before they retire, the factual basis of this has got to be really, really strong for them to do that,” said Michael Rochford, a former head of the FBI’s counterintelligence section.


 My OP::Respect for the law !The topic is McCabe fired,claims he is being targeted. It was suggested by the law that he be fired because he abused the law,the strict standards of the FBI.


Cutting through the noise and political bias. Did he lie or not to investigators?  if not then Appeal but I just do not believe that the FBI 'made it up' to appease Trump and if they DID it will be plain to see by all. 


Blaming Trump, however ungraceful he appears on this,  is a deflection based on politics not FBI procedures which, I would think, would be squeaky clean.

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9 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

First off, he didn't violate a law. It was a rule of the FBI. Not a law. 

Second, Sessions had previously promised to recuse himself from all matters involving the Clinton investigation. He broke that promise.

Third, you have to be really naive not to believe that Trump was sending a message that anyone who crossed him would have his or her actions subjected to the minutest investigation. The timing of his firing  - to deny him a full pension - is repulsive even to Republicans.

Or do you believe that Trump was angered by McCabe's actions - actions that actually hurt the Clinton campaign? Trump was indignant about the unfair treatment of Hillary Clinton by McCabe?  Naive much?

Here are a couple of tweets from Trump:


FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe is racing the clock to retire with full benefits. 90 days to go?!!!


Why didn't A.G. Sessions replace Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe, a Comey friend who was in charge of Clinton investigation but got....


I think he broke the same law that Michael Flynn broke, right?


Lying to congress...


Which is obviously not OK. We need law enforcement officials to tell the truth - or we are all potentially in deep doo-doo

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On 3/17/2018 at 2:03 PM, Thakkar said:


Trump is a vindictive, acrimonious, petty, reactionary, puerile, rancorous, spiteful, grudge-holding, malignant, immature, sadistic asshat mean-girl-type little man.

That was great until you wrote man

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Andrew McCabe's firing may have been 'unfortunate,' but it was 'not unreasonable,' experts say — and it leaves FBI agents 'shaken'

  • "There is a basis here, and objective minds have to see that," said one legal expert, who added that "it's unfortunate, but it's not shocking."




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4 hours ago, lannarebirth said:

From a public consumption prospective, guess it comes down was firing McCabe absolutely necessary at that point in time. One poster claims McCabe will loose $2m in retirement benefits, Is this penalty fair and reasonable? Unless you're Trump or one of his supporters doubt many would agree.

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This is a case of workplace termination.  Andrew McCabe was employed as an FBI Agent for 20 years.  FBI Agents are Federal Law Enforcement Officers and therefore  hold a position of public trust just like any police officer in the USA.  Andrew McCabe was determined to have lied during an Internal Investigation.  The Golden Rule is "You Never Lie to Internal Affairs" or if you do like just don't get caught. Yes Andrew McCabe became a political figure and  part of the blame goes to fellow FBI Agent Peter Strozak and FBI Lawyer Lisa Page.  His name was frequently mentioned in many text messages between Strozak and Page while the two expressed their mutual hatred of guy named Donald Trump. This was a problem because Strozak was at at that time investigating a woman named Hilary Clinton for violating Information Security Laws while she was Secretary of State.  Of course James Comey said Madame Secretary was "Careleess" in handling classified information but did not violate any laws(he gave her a pass??).  No problem because Madam Secretary was going to be the first female of the President of the United States because it was her destiny.  Well we all know what happened in November 2016.  


Eventually McCabe will get his pension because he will appeal his termination.  It is very rare that a 20 year employee of the Federal Government is denied his full pension.   The President of the United States does not have the power to terminate an FBI Agent.  FBI Agents after they pass probation have civil service protection.  

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1 hour ago, simple1 said:

From a public consumption prospective, guess it comes down was firing McCabe absolutely necessary at that point in time. One poster claims McCabe will loose $2m in retirement benefits, Is this penalty fair and reasonable? Unless you're Trump or one of his supporters doubt many would agree.

He's not going to lose 2 million in retirement benefits. He's just not going to be able to start collecting retirement benefits at 50, which probably would have paid him more in retirement than when he was actually employed.

I'm not one of Trump's supporters and I wish McCabe's dismissal would have been processed sooner and no one would have been taking about retribution.  I want good governance. I want law enforcement and the judiciary to do their jobs without partiality, favor or prejudice, no matter who is the subject of their investigation. Not doing so is what weakens a democracy, not some twit tweeter. When people don't have faith that these people are discharging their duties faithfully, no matter which side of the political spectrum they may fall on, it weakens democracy.


Me a Trump supporter?  I've voted for Ralph Nader four times and suddenly I'm going to vote for someone like Trump? As if!

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Jeffrey Toobin, writing for The New Yorker:


If you wanted to tell the story of an entire Presidency in a single tweet, you could try the one that President Trump posted after Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired Andrew McCabe, the deputy director of the F.B.I., on Friday night.

Every sentence is a lie. Every sentence violates norms established by Presidents of both parties. Every sentence displays the pettiness and the vindictiveness of a man unsuited to the job he holds.



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On 19/03/2018 at 2:11 AM, riclag said:

Respect of the law and not following strict standards according to the FBI code of conduct(the FBI's Law) puts him in his current position ,Fired,it's not becoming of the #2 FBI guy in the USA.

   Sessions went through this scrutiny by the left before, when it came to Comey being fired ."Could violating his recusal land Sessions in legal trouble? It doesn't appear so. 

As Murillo pointed out in March,2017 the recusal does not appear to carry any "practical legal enforcement mechanism."Helen Klein Murillo, an editor of the Harvard Law Review". 


  The # 2 man in the FBI lied and leaked in one of the top investigations in USA history and it is minimized .I have thought about him loosing his pension .He should be given choices,He probably was given some when he learned of  being fired and went to DAG office. I hope he looses his pension. 

  “To look at removing a person, potentially, two days before they retire, the factual basis of this has got to be really, really strong for them to do that,” said Michael Rochford, a former head of the FBI’s counterintelligence section.


 My OP::Respect for the law !The topic is McCabe fired,claims he is being targeted. It was suggested by the law that he be fired because he abused the law,the strict standards of the FBI.


Yet you seem to be quite happy that the POTUS can lie every day and not be punished.


Double standards perhaps?

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4 hours ago, sqwakvfr said:

Andrew McCabe was determined to have lied during an Internal Investigation.


Waiting for the IG and OPR reports may be wise?


That said, hopefully, McCabe's supervisor, AG Sessions will be held to such a high standard re: lack of candor"? Assuming he can "recall" something, anything.






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Trump once called Fox News legal analyst Andrew Napolitano a "great legal mind."

Today, Napolitano said the firing of former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe was "vindictive," "reckless," and could constitute obstruction of justice.


There is, of course, the possibility that Neapolitan has been compromised by The Deep State, or George Soros.

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