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Aging: Blessing or curse?


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All these famous rich old men are dead now, but they died with smiles on their faces.


It`s not how long we have left, it`s the quality of life that matters. It`s like the difference between owning a Rolls Royal or a secondhand Toyota, most of it is down to money (what we can afford) and being in reasonably good health. Being old can mean all we have to offer is our money, the more we have, the better lifestyles we can lead. (Sorry, that is fact).




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Not exactly on point but close. I see a major difference between Thailand and Yankeeville is that there are more older folks (single and not) out and about in Thailand. And places where they can hang. And places where they can see live music and fit in.

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George Burns was asked by a reporter on his 90 th birthday (I think he went on to over 100 yrs.) ......."Looking back over your past 90 yrs,...  do you have any regrets"?

    "Yes".... he replied .."I regret not realizing how young I was when I was 80".

    At the 70s doorstep myself I constantly remind myself of the above. I still consider every day above ground as the most special day of my life having had a disasterous life up until about 17 yrs. ago (alcoholism) and not believeing I would live beyond 45. I have had many friends who never got the opportunity to experience old age. I am almost certain all of them would have loved to have had that chance.

    The effects of old age are beginning to show up now and it is getting unpleasnt. 

    I kinda feel like the nurse in the story above.

   Having said all that...I believe if a time comes when there is no quality of life left I will do something about it.

   I will certainly not spend the little money I have left trying to extend it.

  I listen to stories on my home radio of old people spending everything they have (including selling off property) for a little bit of extra no quality life (nursing homes etc.,)....and in doing so depriveing their loved ones of the much needed funds.

 I suppose though, at the end of the day, none of are sure how we will act when push comes to shove.

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Have had a very good life,travelled a lot when i was younger,the best

time to do it,have just about achieved everything i set out for myself

when i was about 12,have had many adventures,in out of way places

in the World,not quiet knackered yet,and still 3 places on my list,

Easter Island,Machu Picchu, and Madagascar,maybe i will or will not

get there ,but best not to achieve everything,as then you would not

have anything to live for !


Yes getting old is a curse,that's why you have to live to your fullest

when younger,

regards worgeordie

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Getting old is inevitable. I don't particularly see it as a blessing except when over about 55 one stops the relentless pursuit of pussy. Still interested but not controlled by hormones.

Curse? That depends on one's level of acceptance. It is inevitable so it is pointless to fight it. Do what you do and have a laugh. Most of my older friends still do every Saturday what they have been doing for the last 30 years. They just do it now a bit slower.  

Edited by VocalNeal
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On 13/04/2018 at 11:58 AM, OneMoreFarang said:

I was never married with a farang woman but I know a couple of guys who had to pay millions to get divorced - after lots or headache and no sex and and and.

And if these guys change from an ugly old farang woman to a sexy young Thai girl then I wouldn't call that a mistake.

True, as long as you don't mind her getting it off elsewhere at times. No normal, sexy 25 year old is going to

stay faithful to a seventy year old, Thai or not.

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I'm still going strong at 72, thanks to modern medicine that replaced a couple of shoulders and straightened my back, and work in a physically demanding career. Since I can't do 3 a day any more, I've decided to settle down. My plan for old(er) age: I searched and found a sweet Filipina half my age who wants to be a nurse.  I have almost no family left, no kids (that I know of) or ex-wives.  Helping her raise her two young daughters will give me additional purpose in life, although relationships with them are slow to develop.  I'm starting a new career that I can do from the Philippines when I move there in a year (if I can find a good internet connection). Since my parents were pretty healthy until they died at 89 and 93, I'm hoping to enjoy life with my new family for a while.  And I can impart the wisdom I've accumulated through many mistakes. If I can remember it :)


But others aren't so lucky, unfortunately.  And some of my friends are dying off.

Edited by bizwizard
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34 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

True, as long as you don't mind her getting it off elsewhere at times. No normal, sexy 25 year old is going to

stay faithful to a seventy year old, Thai or not.

Luckily I am not yet in my 70th...

In my experience some young girls are faithful, even to older guys, because many girls don't have a strong sex drive when they are young. But nature makes their sex drive more intense for women after 30 or 35.

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19 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Luckily I am not yet in my 70th...

In my experience some young girls are faithful, even to older guys, because many girls don't have a strong sex drive when they are young. But nature makes their sex drive more intense for women after 30 or 35.

I just cannot see a girl in her twenties or thirties staying with a guy about 30 years older apart from it being

financial, even at that, In 99% cases, I cannot see them staying faithful, remember though I am talking about a good looking one.

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On 4/13/2018 at 5:12 AM, simoh1490 said:

I read a report on a UK nurse who had spent around fifty years of her life caring for older people, she wrote words to the effect of....about one more year and I'm headed to Digitas and if that is disallowed I'll find another route, I've been watching people age for the past fifty years and it's a dreadful thing that I have no intention of enduring.


I'm now nearly 70 and I can relate to the above very well although I am still mobile and fairly fit, no amount of positive mental energy is going to change the reality of ageing.

Aging is one thing getting old is another. Sounds to me like you’re getting old. 

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On 4/13/2018 at 12:38 PM, bert bloggs said:

The only thing i can add is ,that i have had a bloody great life , from when i was young living in a small coastal town ,to the 60s in London where i mixed with the famous and the ordinary , i have had sex with so many lovely women .i even married a few , i have been ill and got over it ,i have traveled all over ,never been rich but comfortable , and now for the last 20 years have been married to the love of my life , the only bad thing is i will die long before her ,or should i say the good thing ,because if anything happened to her i dread to think .

way to go,  we must have trod a like path on the other side of the world!

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Curse! Still in good shape...fit & trim...healthy...but go to bed feeling fine and wake up with bad back or sore shoulder or achy knee or faulty foot. Bend or twist (or even sneeze) the wrong way and lower back makes me pay. Reach up and/or behind and shoulder screams. Pains arrive with seemingly little or no reason and depart slower and slower.

Sucks getting older. :post-4641-1156693976:

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I have friends in their 80's that still enjoy being alive. I have yet to reach 70 and the way the body is slowing down each year (nothing serious) I cannot see myself with the same attitude as them. I enjoy being more peaceful in mind and there is no need to do the things that were done when younger. However I feel sorry for the younger wife (-20years) as I cannot keep it up as well as even 2 years ago.

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45 minutes ago, jenny2017 said:

I hope that you didn't have them in mind a while ago......

Wellmate to be honest, the thought did cross my mind 4 years ago, but my wife pushing me helped get me past that situation.

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