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VIDEO: American man filmed exposing himself to children in Pai


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14 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

“...here are some stills from the CCTV, which show him targeting my daughter, charging at her several times, grabbing her, holding her, kissing her on the head (then her friend came to the rescue), then taking his pants off in front of them”, read the post.

I'm sorry but from my viewpoint, these are not the actions of only a drunk man. That is based on somebody's experience on drinking. I used to get drunk a lot and while I understand that I was much younger then and everyone reacts differently to drink, neither myself or any of the drinking buddies ever had a tendency to fondle or drop their pants in front of children. Without seeing the CCTV it could of course have been written out of context, but I doubt that very much.


Pai has always had the reputation of having a 'healthy' drug culture up here in Phitsanulok, but can neither confirm or deny that as I have never been. Another possible cause for his actions, just sayin'.


I am leaning to the side that this has just been a really terrible mistake on this individuals part. It is what I want to believe because if not, then they have released a potentially dangerous person to children into the wild by deporting him to India without proper evaluation.


As an aside, I do like the line by the little girl's father that his injuries were caused by him stumbling and hitting his head on something hard...............:thumbsup: If that was my kid they would be commenting on him falling down a few flights of stairs.

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14 hours ago, JOC said:

Just another American veteran, who has not returned from his latest LSD trip.....:coffee1:

The man should be charged, convicted, jailed in a mental ward, and deported with a record. But do YOU know if this man is a vet? I didn't see that in either the FB article or the video. So, if you don't know, then making such an inane generalizing comment does a disservice to any vet who has served, regardless of country.

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1 minute ago, captspectre said:

don't know why the Thai father did not kick the hell out of the pervert! disgusting individual who should be locked up and then deported never to return.


“...here are some stills from the CCTV, which show him targeting my daughter, charging at her several times, grabbing her, holding her, kissing her on the head (then her friend came to the rescue), then taking his pants off in front of them”, read the post.


“If you wonder why he's bleeding, it's because he stumbled, fell and hit his head on something hard…”.



The father seems more like a foreigner than a Thai.

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As always on these threads, sympathy for "nonces".Alcohol loosens inhibitions by supression of a certain function of the brain, fact. A decent man does stupid things drunk but not flashing and grabbing little girls.


If he is not guilty somewhere already  he is obviously an incipient paedophilic danger to Children as he cannot control himself anymore drunk. Remember old Mel Gibson, guy can succeed in Hollywood for decades put a little booze in him under stress of a traffic stop goes into a hateful tirade, as alcohol reveals the real him. A vicious anti-semite who sadly thinks every problem in the world is because of "Jews".


The Indian authorities should keep a close eye on him is retirement visa an option there?



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14 hours ago, jvs said:

You wonder how come he is bleeding?Maybe some one wacked him with a 2x4?And rightly so i might add.

It is explained in the OP. You are invited to read it before commenting.

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Risk factors for the development of exhibitionistic disorder in males include antisocial personality disorder, alcohol abuse, and an interest in pedophilia. Other factors that may be associated with exhibitionism include sexual and emotional abuse during childhood and sexual preoccupation in childhood.

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