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WAS HE KILLED? Friends of Brit who plunged from Thai balcony while going through bitter divorce believe he was MURDERED

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Just now, RichardColeman said:

sorry, but I feel the police sometimes use a form that only has tick boxes for 1. Suicide. 2. Natural Causes. 3. Accident. 

you have hit the mark here...spot on....!!


Oh gee, a really sad case. I know (and others here do too) how it feels to be deceived this way and we can offer all the advice 'in the world', as they say, but it's happened way back in history and it will again in the future. In Thailand, with foreigners having a reputation of being 'bank books', it has become an art. If you help them with funds then you are a target, if you don't help it's 'Farang miser' (Khee Niaow). Those few who have managed a good Thai marriage seem to be in the minority. My condolences to the man's family.

4 minutes ago, RichardColeman said:

sorry, but I feel the police sometimes use a form that only has tick boxes for 1. Suicide. 2. Natural Causes. 3. Accident. 

There’s no number 3. That would require an investigation and a determination of culpability. Too much work...

3 minutes ago, dragons70 said:

There’s no number 3. That would require an investigation and a determination of culpability. Too much work...

Had to put in accident as suicide and natural causes seemed inappropriate for killed by Thai drivers

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2 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:


I believe he was looking to re-coup some of his investments that the wife has..

So the wife stood to lose half of what she had managed to get from him, approx 40k Gbp !!

This is most probably where the problem lies: He wanted to recoup some of his investments. Rather than admit he had made a mistake, he wanted revenge.  He wanted to show who was the boss and noone was going to cheat on him and get away with it. Regardless of the fact he married a woman half his age who had nothing in common with him culturally  and an overwhelming  need for cash.  This stupid falang idea that he is entitled to half of the assets is rediculous.  If you  purchase your Thai wife a car and motorcycle in her name, its a gift. The titles of the vehicles are in her name, the money is gone. End of story. Same can be said for the money he gave to her family. No evidence that  anyone forced this old fart to give his money away, he did it all by himslef and refused to take responsibility for his mistakes. Honestly, how many of you 65+ old Brits would buy a 20 year old something girl from your local strip club  a car / motorcyle and expect undying love and loyalty? Answer: None. You would be laughed at and rediculed by your friends. RIP,  you stupid old fart ... you died for a few quid and a bruised ego. 

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5 minutes ago, RichardColeman said:

Had to put in accident as suicide and natural causes seemed inappropriate for killed by Thai drivers

555 see your point ? but for such accidents, the farang has a heart attack and loses control, or is depressed about his Thai hooker and commits suicide by deliberately crashing his vehicle ?


No chance of farangs dating and marrying a prostitute in the west yet they line up to do it here .So many guys are so lonely they will scrape the bottom of the barrel and no surprise he is now murdered when the cash flow stopped.


N-E-X-T :coffee1:

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I used to enjoy these threads, watching the Thaivisa CSI in action, taking up were the police leave off. nowadays its getting more like woman's sewing circle/gossip group.


Its a sensationalist tabloid story, devoid of facts, full of wild speculation, mystery quotes from "sources close to the victim", they can, and do, write anything to make up a story that sell newspapers.


Then the wild embellishment, speculation, "a guy in a bar told me", its always murder never suicide, there is probably a life insurance policy, they all have thai husbands, etc. Bring in Interpol, CSI, the forensic accountants.


If a guy comes here and spends all his money, his choice, what are the police supposed to investigate.


The suicide rate for men in the UK is around 12 a day,  16 men per 100,000 every year. The suicide rate for brits in Thailand comes nowhere near that number. 


Are the 12 suicides a day in the UK always considered murder, are they investigated fully, CSI, forensic accountants etc. Many of them probably involve money, debt, divorce, gambling, depression etc. 





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13 minutes ago, riverhigh said:

This is most probably where the problem lies: He wanted to recoup some of his investments. Rather than admit he had made a mistake, he wanted revenge.  He wanted to show who was the boss and noone was going to cheat on him and get away with it. Regardless of the fact he married a woman half his age who had nothing in common with him culturally  and an overwhelming  need for cash.  This stupid falang idea that he is entitled to half of the assets is rediculous.  If you  purchase your Thai wife a car and motorcycle in her name, its a gift. The titles of the vehicles are in her name, the money is gone. End of story. Same can be said for the money he gave to her family. No evidence that  anyone forced this old fart to give his money away, he did it all by himslef and refused to take responsibility for his mistakes. Honestly, how many of you 65+ old Brits would buy a 20 year old something girl from your local strip club  a car / motorcyle and expect undying love and loyalty? Answer: None. You would be laughed at and rediculed by your friends. RIP,  you stupid old fart ... you died for a few quid and a bruised ego. 


Revenge doesn't come into it, well I suppose it does for some...

Both husband and wife are entitled to 50% of assets, whether those assets are vehicles, properties, land, white goods, paintings or whatever, makes no odds..

Are you implying that, every guy who gets divorced, has just made a mistake and should kiss his investments goodbye ? Or does it just apply to guys who marry Thai girls that are younger than them ??


4 hours ago, ezzra said:

All too familiar story, an old geezer fall in love with a Thai bar girl, ' she falls in love with him, big wedding lots of drinks and food and big dowry,

lavishing her and her family with money and gifts, bar girl has a boyfriend on the side using the old guy money to support him, old guy find out, fighting fighting and more fighting, old guy desperte

and lost as to what is a happening here, more money on lawyers, try to save the marriage, nothing works, old guy either goes back home a broken man or jump from a balcony, suicide, will be the police findings.....


Why are supposedly average-intelligence men so easy to cuckold?


A repeat of tragic stories from falling mad stupid in love . not realizing the truth that she onlys wants your money  . there are books with stories like this on sale .  It's amazing the lengths a man will go for the sake of a woman . 

I hope the police do investigate and find out the truth but don't hold your breath  it seems the nice guys always get the bad girls . I hope karma come back and bites her arse .

16 minutes ago, riverhigh said:

This is most probably where the problem lies: He wanted to recoup some of his investments. Rather than admit he had made a mistake, he wanted revenge.  He wanted to show who was the boss and noone was going to cheat on him and get away with it. Regardless of the fact he married a woman half his age who had nothing in common with him culturally  and an overwhelming  need for cash.  This stupid falang idea that he is entitled to half of the assets is rediculous.  If you  purchase your Thai wife a car and motorcycle in her name, its a gift. The titles of the vehicles are in her name, the money is gone. End of story. Same can be said for the money he gave to her family. No evidence that  anyone forced this old fart to give his money away, he did it all by himslef and refused to take responsibility for his mistakes. Honestly, how many of you 65+ old Brits would buy a 20 year old something girl from your local strip club  a car / motorcyle and expect undying love and loyalty? Answer: None. You would be laughed at and rediculed by your friends. RIP,  you stupid old fart ... you died for a few quid and a bruised ego. 

Thai divorce law is very specific, all marital assets (acquired during marriage) are divide 50/50, its pretty straight forward, you keep what you had prior and split what was acquired during the marriage. Its barstool gossip that the thai woman keeps it all, it was a gift etc.

5 minutes ago, Rman said:

Coming from civilized countries, how can one get involved with such dangerous, brainless, greedy, arrogant monkey's. Are our ladies in Europe really that bad ?

Unfortunately some are world wide  its knowing who . Love is blind  and others can tell you but you never believe them . Until its too late  


I for one can say I have seen it all personally through my eyes on an old marriage and through many o people when I used to be in the go out bar scene and actually knew foreign people. My marriage was no where near to close to showering her with big money, and she never had a boyfriend on the side during 98% of the relationship. But she did try to dig for money and was shut down which eventually led to her looking elsewhere for a better prospect. She lives in the USA now and hooked on to a lawyer. The girl did hurt my heart though. It Amazes me the guys who line up stupidly here from other countries without a clue who act like rich men who end up destitute poor broken boys. 

I can say idiots!

Now that was 22 + years ago and my marriage now has lasted 19 yrs with kids. Don’t jump back into the same cauldron you just got scorched in. Plenty of non bar Thai chicks out there 

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4 hours ago, ezzra said:

All too familiar story, an old geezer fall in love with a Thai bar girl, ' she falls in love with him, big wedding lots of drinks and food and big dowry,

lavishing her and her family with money and gifts, bar girl has a boyfriend on the side using the old guy money to support him, old guy find out, fighting fighting and more fighting, old guy desperte

and lost as to what is a happening here, more money on lawyers, try to save the marriage, nothing works, old guy either goes back home a broken man or jump from a balcony, suicide, will be the police findings.....


Where they go wrong, IMO, is the moment they agree to pay for big wedding, lots of drinks and food and sin sod, lavishing her and her family with money and gifts.

It just confirms to the family/ bride that they have a sucker hooked.

If she actually "loves" him, will marry for none of that.

Doesn't always work though, as I didn't shell out to the family, told her they wouldn't get anything, and still ended up getting divorced.

However, at the end, I did fear for my life, so it's not always just to get money. Sometimes, IMO, it's just anger/ hatred.


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4 hours ago, BobBKK said:

They never learn...  'ex-hooker'  just DON'T DO IT Thais just don't have the same ethical system (i.e. they don't have one) as the West so don't take the chance!  easy!


Hear ya, but we have come to accept the over the top western female "ethics" in the west as "normal" with it being "normal" for the ex wife to get more than half even when just sat around drinking coffee , shopping with her friends the whole marriage... now thats MESSED !!!!!!!!!

  • Haha 1
1 hour ago, dragons70 said:

FORCED into being bargirls? What rubbish...There is zero unemployment in Thailand, jobs are everywhere. Most choose the barfirl life because they are uneducated, lazy and compared to many jobs in Thailand, they earn good money. Over many years, I’ve seen hundreds of gorgeous young Thai girls making my hotel bed and scrubbing toilets for 10 hours a day, 300 baht a day. Others, for example, iron clothes all day for less. Restaurant waitresses earn a pittance...

They could earn more drinking/smoking/chatting in a bar all day, and doing the odd barfine, but they have morals and self-respect, and CHOOSE not to...

I agree, and it's most likely the parents lifestyle that commands respect. However, young peasant girls who don't want to work in the rice fields all their life,  see bar life as a glamorous alternative, and are willing to jump ship. 


On the other hand, I've found, on a ratio of about 50-1, that bar girls have been deserted by their husband/ boyfriend, and left with kids to support.  While not forced into the trade,  cleaning or ironing doesn't pay the bills, does it?    

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I said it somewhere else already: Why do people still engage with hookers? You wouldn’t do it back home. Why do it here?


Get a quality girl. Someone who owns her own car and condo; who has her own six figure salary; someone who can, without embarrassment or shame, be introduced to you friends and family, or taken to a company dinner; someone who has proper education; someone who lived abroad; someone who doesn’t mind paying her share of the bill; etc etc. Sure, someone like that can still screw. But how big is the risk compared to engaging with a prostitute, and how big is the chance that the relationship will work out well compared to a relationship with a hooker? 


Whatever happened to this poor fella, whether it was suicide or murder, I’m sure it would not have happened if he had engaged with a quality girl. 

6 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

I said it somewhere else already: Why do people still engage with hookers? You wouldn’t do it back home. Why do it here?


Get a quality girl. Someone who owns her own car and condo; who has her own six figure salary; someone who can, without embarrassment or shame, be introduced to you friends and family, or taken to a company dinner; someone who has proper education; someone who lived abroad; someone who doesn’t mind paying her share of the bill; etc etc. Sure, someone like that can still screw. But how big is the risk compared to engaging with a prostitute, and how big is the chance that the relationship will work out well compared to a relationship with a hooker? 


Fine if you're still working, getting a good salary and/or in your 40-50's. I would suggest you'd have a great chance of finding a single female in the age group, or even in her 30's. There are a number of considerations if you're retired, though. I won't list them all here, but it's pretty obvious that a nearing 70 year old  with a meagre pension wouldn't easily find an independent quality girl with the above attributes, and who needed a father figure to be her husband.  


And that's why some of these guys choose hookers, or stay single. 





The ultimate price one pays for stupidity. 

Sad, yet the plain truth.

Classical Kee Gong case. 

Why do some stupid Farungs believe a tart falls in love with THEM, and them only.

Lifedream for some, can't they understand, these tarts will go with ANYONE who coughs up cash.

And I mean every word in this 

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5 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

it's pretty obvious that a nearing 70 year old  with a meagre pension wouldn't easily find an independent quality girl with the above attributes, and who needed a father figure to be her husband.  


And that's why some of these guys choose hookers, or stay single. 

I’m sure there are quality people in every age range. But maybe you’re right; I’m mid 30ies so I can’t tell.


But even if; it doesn’t change what I said: Don’t engage with a hooker or other sorts of low lifes. Unless someone has dementia, he should still be able to get that even at the age of 70. Why would someone with that much life experience make such a big mistake? 

22 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

What would be your estimate of the number of Thai girls that tick all those boxes, and are single, and would have a relationship with a westerner ?

I can’t see how that question is even relevant. Assume the number is 0 (which it’s not) — would that make you lower your standards? 

24 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

I agree, and it's most likely the parents lifestyle that commands respect. However, young peasant girls who don't want to work in the rice fields all their life,  see bar life as a glamorous alternative, and are willing to jump ship. 


On the other hand, I've found, on a ratio of about 50-1, that bar girls have been deserted by their husband/ boyfriend, and left with kids to support.  While not forced into the trade,  cleaning or ironing doesn't pay the bills, does it?    

Cleaning and ironing does pay the bills, traditional family life in Thailand is very cheap. I’ve lived in the sticks, I know. But minimal wage jobs don’t allow thai girls to buy the latest phones, bikes, drink/party/smoke or feed a drug habit...I’d have the things I want if I robbed a bank and got away with it, but I choose not to, and make do with what my average salary affords me...Many Thais want it, and they want it now. That’s what motivates many bargirls, not the burden of a peasant family...

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1 minute ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

I’m sure there are quality people in every age range. But maybe you’re right; I’m mid 30ies so I can’t tell.


But even if; it doesn’t change what I said: Don’t engage with a hooker or other sorts of low lifes. Unless someone has dementia, he should still be able to get that even at the age of 70. 

When you're reaching 70 - if you manage to get that far - your viewpoint of life in Thailand will change, believe me.  Including the assumption that hookers are all low-lifes. They could have a lot of undesirable attitudes and behaviours, but uneducated peasant girls or those from the hill tribes are a result of government inaction to better the poorest.

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