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Trump wades into furore over racist Roseanne Barr tweet


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5 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

The Irish were not brought to the US in chains.


Far from it. The Irish journey to the US was one of hope and freedom, a journey for a better life.


(Not unlike South Americans travelling to the US in search of work, opportunity and a better life).

Are you sure about that?



That thousands of Irish people were carried across the sea against their will and indentured to serve on plantations isn’t disputed. It happened. What’s in question is whether or not they are rightly referred to as “slaves.” Some writers, such as genealogist and Irish Times columnist John Grenham, ask why not:

The labor they did was slave labor, and their circumstances were much worse than those of the indentured workers who traveled at the same time and later, not least because indentured work, though often harsh, was voluntary and time-limited. Refusing to call them slaves is quibbling.

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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Are you sure about that?



That thousands of Irish people were carried across the sea against their will and indentured to serve on plantations isn’t disputed. It happened. What’s in question is whether or not they are rightly referred to as “slaves.” Some writers, such as genealogist and Irish Times columnist  John Grenham, ask why not:

The labor they did was slave labor, and their circumstances were much worse than those of the indentured workers who traveled at the same time and later, not least because indentured work, though often harsh, was voluntary and time-limited. Refusing to call them slaves is quibbling.

Indentured work is not slave work.


For a start an indenture has the signature/mark of the indentured worker, it’s a contract they enter into.


Away with you and your rediculous comparison between Irish immigrants to the US and the transportation of Africans to the America’s as slaves.


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15 hours ago, teatree said:

I was referring to the hypocrisy and selective outrage whereby Barr immediately suffers repercussions but Mahr doesn't even cause the bat of an eye lid.  Both Comedians.



teatree, yes, I somehow got confused on your post. I do not think Roseanne's show should have been cancelled for that remark. I think comedians have a different standard to meet because of their intent to stir the pot on political and social issues. Rosanne is a comedian, her statements; however unpopular, were intended to draw laughter from the right. If you don't like it, don't listen to her. Similarly, your post on Bill Maher; his remarks were intended to draw laughter from the left. If you do not like what a comedian says, don't patronize them.  However, when the leader of a country makes makes bigoted/underhanded/untruthful remarks; that is a different situation. Trump continues to show his disdain for others and I believe that among his other faults will be his downfall.

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23 minutes ago, attrayant said:


I read that a little too fast and thought he got sued by over 45 orangutans.  


Actually, they would have had a pretty good case.

...and it would have made so much more sense!


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Calling a white man an ape is just an insult. Using the same terminology to describe a black man is unacceptable. Blacks have historically been victims of racist attacks that questioned their very humanity. Trump's behaviour has been an embarrassment on a worldwide scale. No president has ever behaved this way in public and said the things that Trump has said as a matter of public record.

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2 hours ago, mikebike said:

Bill Mahr... interesting choice teatree.


You DO realize he was fired by ABC for making, ahem, politically incorrect statements on-air 6 days after 911, right?


You DO realize he was sued by 45 over the orangutang statement and won in a court of law, right?

Interestingly the comments made by Maher were responding to and agreeing with a guy by the name of Dinesh D'Souza, a man later convicted for campaign finance fraud who has shot to the Top of Trump’s pardon list. (Now that is an interesting choice).




As for your claim regarding Trump winning a case against Maher over the Orangutan sketch.


How can I put this? 


You’re wrong.


Trump dropped the case.




It’s the same old Trump trick, make a show of doing something, publicise the show then quietly back track having left the impression you did something.


I’d have you’d have worked that one out by now.


Edited by Chomper Higgot
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3 hours ago, mikebike said:

Bill Mahr... interesting choice teatree.


You DO realize he was fired by ABC for making, ahem, politically incorrect statements on-air 6 days after 911, right?


You DO realize he was sued by 45 over the orangutang statement and won in a court of law, right?

And what Bill Maher got fired for disputing the common assertion that the 2001 terrorists who staged the world trade center attack and others, were cowards. As Maher pointed out, they were despicable lowlifes, but not cowards.

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There are so many examples of liberal hypocrisy and double-standards, and the Roseanne saga is just the latest. 


And it astounds me that liberal left-wing people just do not seem to understand or see the hypocrisy.


The best example of the hypocrisy I can provide to them that will maybe help them see/understand, is how Roseanne has been criticised (correctly) and has been described as associated with Trump and as one of his strongest supporters.  However,  can anyone show any example of where Harvey Weinstein was described as a huge  donor, major supporter and close friend of Hillary Clinton??


That is hypocrisy.  "a situation in which someone states or does something, that is the opposite of what they stated or did in a similar situation at another time"


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Actually there may be a better example:


TBS late-night host Samantha Bee called (on air) Ivanka Trump a “feckless c**t.”   

Bee’s awful comment came one day after Roseanne Barr’s show was canceled by ABC.


Where is all the outrage from the MSM, and why has she not been sacked?

Answer = Liberal hypocrisy.


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8 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Actually there may be a better example:


TBS late-night host Samantha Bee called (on air) Ivanka Trump a “feckless c**t.”   

Bee’s awful comment came one day after Roseanne Barr’s show was canceled by ABC.


Where is all the outrage from the MSM, and why has she not been sacked?

Answer = Liberal hypocrisy.


The same right-wing nonsense.  Barr got sacked because of her racist comment.  Did Bee make a racist comment?

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3 hours ago, KhunFred said:

Calling a white man an ape is just an insult. Using the same terminology to describe a black man is unacceptable. Blacks have historically been victims of racist attacks that questioned their very humanity. Trump's behaviour has been an embarrassment on a worldwide scale. No president has ever behaved this way in public and said the things that Trump has said as a matter of public record.

Accepted point.  But Roseanne didnt know Jarrett was 'black' - and neither did I.


Image result for valerie jarrett images


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1 minute ago, Berkshire said:

The same right-wing nonsense.  Barr got sacked because of her racist comment.  Did Bee make a racist comment?

You are kidding right?   It is Ok to call someone a feckless c**t,  but it is a capital offence to make a bad joke about someone's facial appearance - not knowing that they are a 'black person'.

Both are rude and innapropriate and personally offensive.


Hypocrisy - right there and clearly hidden in plain sight from you.


Any comment on the Trump and Hillary association?



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1 hour ago, ELVIS123456 said:

There are so many examples of liberal hypocrisy and double-standards, and the Roseanne saga is just the latest. 


And it astounds me that liberal left-wing people just do not seem to understand or see the hypocrisy.


The best example of the hypocrisy I can provide to them that will maybe help them see/understand, is how Roseanne has been criticised (correctly) and has been described as associated with Trump and as one of his strongest supporters.  However,  can anyone show any example of where Harvey Weinstein was described as a huge  donor, major supporter and close friend of Hillary Clinton??


That is hypocrisy.  "a situation in which someone states or does something, that is the opposite of what they stated or did in a similar situation at another time"


Roseanne Barr shares racist and bigoted views with Trump and very many of his illiberal base.


Harvey Weinstein’s alleged abuse and rape of women are behaviour neither shared with or condoned by Hillary Clinton or Liberals in general, Weinstein’s alleged crimes are antithetical to Liberal values.


Better luck with your next whataboutary.

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1 hour ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Actually there may be a better example:


TBS late-night host Samantha Bee called (on air) Ivanka Trump a “feckless c**t.”   

Bee’s awful comment came one day after Roseanne Barr’s show was canceled by ABC.


Where is all the outrage from the MSM, and why has she not been sacked?

Answer = Liberal hypocrisy.


I wished you better luck with your next whataboutary, it seems not to have shown up yet.


Firstly you make a false equivalence between an offensive (very offensive) comment about Ivanka Trump’s character and racist comments made by Roseanne Barr.


Then you attempt to tar the whole mass of liberals with hypocracy based on your own false equivalence and some notion you have that the mainstream media is entirely liberal.

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33 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Roseanne Barr shares racist and bigoted views with Trump and very many of his illiberal base.


Harvey Weinstein’s alleged abuse and rape of women are behaviour neither shared with or condoned by Hillary Clinton or Liberals in general, Weinstein’s alleged crimes are antithetical to Liberal values.


Better luck with your next whataboutary.

What racist and bigoted views are shared by Roseanne, Trump and the conservative base? (illiberal is a stupid term)


I think you simply have a bigoted view of conservatives.

Edited by canuckamuck
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1 hour ago, Berkshire said:

The same right-wing nonsense.  Barr got sacked because of her racist comment.  Did Bee make a racist comment?

Bee's comment was certainly not the best choice of words, but it didn't have the impact of a racist comment. Besides, if the show had been a big moneymaker and considered valuable by the network, it would never have been cancelled. Money rules in the corporatocracy known as America.

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3 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

What racist and bigoted views are shared by Roseanne, Trump and the conservative base? (illiberal is a stupid term)


I think you simply have a bigoted view of conservatives.

Are you seriously asking me to accept that racism and bigotry are not ingrained within the rightwing Trump represents?


Illiberal,  as in not liberal.


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3 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Liberal hypocrits are blind to liberal hypocrisy - clearly evident.

There are none so blind as those that will not see.


You’ve today had at least two goes at identifying what you called

‘liberal hypocracy, both where wide misses exposing your inability to construct a coherent argument.


Better luck next time.

Edited by Chomper Higgot
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9 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Liberal hypocrits are blind to liberal hypocrisy - clearly evident.


Did a liberal personality throw an ethnic slur at a politician?  I must have missed it.  Perhaps you could provide a link.

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It has only been a few years since Barr was calling herself a SOCIALIST. What she actually is, is an emotionally disturbed showbiz type who found a working-class cause she could hitch her wagon to. Seems not to have worked very well. She won't be missed.

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9 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Are you seriously asking me to accept that racism and bigotry are not ingrained within the rightwing Trump represents?


Illiberal,  as in not liberal.


Yes, you are the one who thinks conservatives are racist but you refuse to show proof. You are just flailing about with your bigoted generalizations and stereotypes. You are exactly the thing you propose to hate.


Illiberal is a term that describes what someone is not. It is poor writing to use a term of negation when their are positive terms available. I can call you illogical, because there is no positive term that says you don't use any logic. But using illiberal to mean conservative is like saying cold water is unhot water; just a waste of time, obviously intended to cast a negative aspersion on someones political stance.


In any case the pendulum has shifted and things don't mean what they use to any more. Liberal is very far from its old meaning of being tolerant and unbiased. And being illiberal these days is more likely to mean, self actualized, aware, free thinking, and libertarian.  That is not to say there aren't large contradictions in both camps.

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8 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

Yes, you are the one who thinks conservatives are racist but you refuse to show proof. You are just flailing about with your bigoted generalizations and stereotypes. You are exactly the thing you propose to hate.


Illiberal is a term that describes what someone is not. It is poor writing to use a term of negation when their are positive terms available. I can call you illogical, because there is no positive term that says you don't use any logic. But using illiberal to mean conservative is like saying cold water is unhot water; just a waste of time, obviously intended to cast a negative aspersion on someones political stance.


In any case the pendulum has shifted and things don't mean what they use to any more. Liberal is very far from its old meaning of being tolerant and unbiased. And being illiberal these days is more likely to mean, self actualized, aware, free thinking, and libertarian.  That is not to say there aren't large contradictions in both camps.

When I see you objecting to Trump’s scape goating immigrants, or when I see you objecting to racism, misogyny, Islamophobia, defending gay rights, women’s rights or offering any evidence you support an inclusive society regardless of race, gender, gender orientation, nationality or faith, then I’ll come back and address your post.


Meanwhile your assertion that racism is not a central part of Trump’s illiberal and conservative base is ludicrous.


I know what liberal means, I know what illiberal means.


You’ll find the illiberals complaing about women’s rights, gay rights, black lives matter, the me too movement and girls being allowed into the Scouts.

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