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Suthep breaks his promise, returns to active politics


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4 minutes ago, Media1 said:

His a dummy who cares

He has a point actually. Suthep went on record to say he had no respect for "Farang". How can he ever be taken seriously as an active member of any political party who wishes to engage with foreign nations.

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It's not surprising. Even Prayut promised many things he's not able to fulfil. So what? 

And don't forget all former govt worked for themselves first and then for the people. 

So everyone who belongs to PMs cronies will jump onto the train until it will derail. 

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14 minutes ago, nikmar said:

He has a point actually. Suthep went on record to say he had no respect for "Farang". How can he ever be taken seriously as an active member of any political party who wishes to engage with foreign nations.

JAIL alongside the green thieves. Include the former chief as well. Tik


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It's official Suthep has been nominated for an Oscar. A notable director was heard saying,  "I have never come across an actor who can match Pi Thep's tears of insincerity.  Even the crocodiles are jealous." 

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3 hours ago, BuaBS said:

Good. The country owes him some gratidute for helping to get rid of the yingluck government.

And with his support , maybe Prayut can stay in place after the election.

Not really, this person belongs in jail. He disrupted general elections that were mandated by the constitution and approved by the head of state, a criminal offense. Good to see that you seem to think the electorate is inconsequential. 


I personally believe precious few people will vote for this party, and even if they do, it will erode support for the democrats. Short from preventing PT from running the elections, Prayuth chances of staying on are close to zero. Expect some dirty tricks to come. 

Edited by sjaak327
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7 hours ago, bdenner said:

Why am I not surprised! This piece of trash has still yet to face court over charges laid in regard to the 2014 Coup. BUT certainly has the qualifications to fit into a corrupt Thai politician roll.


24 Jan 2018


Another Thai Politician to break his /her promise, Oh why are we not so very surprised.....

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3 hours ago, Shiver said:

If anyone has a positive contribution can someone '#bashtag' me?


Yeah I know that any sentence with the word 'politician' in it is going to be a lie, but it's a new day a new dawn, can we not at least lie to ourselves about having some hope for the future?


I'll write again when I sober up and come back from my morning challenge being a55 reamed by the gov't at the local payment point due in approx 1 hour.



Survived it.  To my surprise the driving video is actually generally useful .... except you'd know all that they teach just by watching from the roadside for an hour.


Back to on topic and politics and discussions of...

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Who didn't see this coming from anti-democratic, coup supporter. He can help ensure that the military forever has a place in running the domestic affairs of the country. 

Edited by spermwhale
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5 hours ago, BuaBS said:

Good. The country owes him some gratidute for helping to get rid of the yingluck government.

And with his support , maybe Prayut can stay in place after the election.

Which flavour do you prefer, KIWI or Cherry Blossom?

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10 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:


No surprise here, just even more BS from someone involved in politics.

Although that could apply to most people in politics over the world, in Thailand it is certainly the case every single day.

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There was me thinking he was going to prison , Times have changed it appears no doubt more street battles if he gets into power somehow I think the current ruling government will put an end Tom his political career.

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1 hour ago, mike324 said:

Is anyone surprised? One of the most crooked politician in the last decade, should be behind bars with Thaksin and the likes.

Crazy really,  An elected so called democratic government who resorted to mass corruption and street violence paid for.

A southern guy corrupt (normal here) organizes mega protests to bring down the government,  the army moved in to control a bad situation,  hogging the government longer than it should have.  No prominent political party's at the ready in order to vote for.   

But elections are supposed to take place, with the population not having a clear sight in who to vote for.  Pity really that Thailand doesn't have a decent non corrupt party to get the backing of the Thai people 

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11 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

Did anyone expect him to act honorably? If so, why?


He is one of the lying cheaters who always lie and cheat. 


What will be interesting is the effect on the Dem support; will people flock to him or stay loyal to the traditional party? Will he disparage the Dems? Are Suthep and the Dems now at war? Or is this a method of trying to capture both the constituency seat and the assigned seat in the South?


Many questions, few answers. Except, Suthep is a liar.


The Orange Turd and Suthep could be brothers in lies ?
Just swap the names in the above quote, same same AND no difference!

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Good. The country owes him some gratidute for helping to get rid of the yingluck government.
And with his support , maybe Prayut can stay in place after the election.
You somehow still think this vile man has even a gram of decency in him? What rock have you been hiding under the last 4 years?

Sent from my SM-N950U1 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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25 minutes ago, brucec64 said:

You somehow still think this vile man has even a gram of decency in him? What rock have you been hiding under the last 4 years?

Sent from my SM-N950U1 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

"You somehow still think this vile man has even a gram of decency in him? What rock have you been hiding under the last 4 years?"


Well let's make a list of who that very same statement could be aimed at. A very long list going back at least a decade.






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"You somehow still think this vile man has even a gram of decency in him? What rock have you been hiding under the last 4 years?"
Well let's make a list of who that very same statement could be aimed at. A very long list going back at least a decade.
A but Thaksin? Compared to Suthep, Thaksin could very well be called a Saint!

Sent from my SM-J730GM using Tapatalk

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