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problem with extreme noise


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Hi.  We have a young male living about 100 meters from our semirural house who has started rigging up these loud radio systems in cars. His vehicle is a pickup where the tray part is full of speakers. Now he has started outfitting other cars as well. The usual answer to this is move house -that is not an option. We have approached the tesabarn maybe 20 times over the several years of the problem but they have demonstrated that they have very little power. Does anyone have an answer ? What is the procedure with the police ? Has anyone approached them with a similar problem ? I know money would be involved. It is also quite important that it is done anonymously becos there may be a possibility of violence. Any suggestions would be appreciated as long as they are constructive. I am also interested with going down the police approach if anyone has had a similar experience. I know this topic has been brought up before but here is hoping !!!

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Have you ever walked over there to talk about it in a friendly way as possible ?

Is the noise during the daytime or night time. If daytime it will be more difficult to get a result.


If possible try to find some fast growing trees to plant between him and your house.

Edited by Denim
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In a built-up area I would always complain, again and again if necessary. There are laws about noise in Thailand, and only by complaining will you ever get them respected and enforced.

But in a rural area I suspect that moving is the only legal option. Employing a hitman would of course be the illegal option.

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Ask him to stop doing so much noise, if he doesn't listen  there is not much else you can do. Thailand has a law against noise, but if the government / police doesn't want to do anything, how do you want to get in enforced?

As others mentioned before, Thais don't care much about noise, it's part of their life ?

If it's too much for you and the police doesn't do anything you probably have to move.

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OP  I am in exactly the same situation as you.  


But, like other posters have said, you just have to put up with it I'm afraid.


Our noisy neighbour is quiet most of the morning.. but from around 3 pm till 9 pm... (sometimes midnight) he has the music on in his truck, with the base booming out, while he and his mates all sit about getting drunk..... and I mean every single day.. never with a break!!!  How people don't get bored doing the same thing every day for years is crazy.


I have learnt to live with it.  After all, at my last house there was much worse noise, so this is just annoying and irritating, rather than nearly giving me a nervous breakdown.



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Order some sink bombs from Amazon, get a sling shot and when this ar..sehole starts up with his antics again simply fire two or three at a time in his direction.  These little tubes shatter on impact and the smell will drive him inside. If you are able, aim for him gear and that will guarantee he won't be using it for quite a while.  Stay out of sight and repeat as often as necessary until he learns his lesdon.

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Build a big wall at the edge of your land, build a second one a meter inwards and fill the space in between with sand. 



If that doesn't work, break down the wall and throw the bricks to him or his music equipment, cover them both with sand.

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The Tessaban do have the power, that's what they are there for but it does depend on the Office/area where you are, I had a problem with a neighbours yapping dog a few years ago, I went to the Tessaban and they were at the neighbours house the next day


However some Tessabans just can't be bothered/lazy


Try ringing the police from a payphone so your number isn't recorded, don't give your name


If they do nothing then the only option may be a visit to the police station,



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35 minutes ago, Dick Crank said:

That route seems like a no go in almost all situations in Thailand. I think it has to do with the face and class system in some way.


Not very civilized is it?

That route works fine if you act normal, friendly and speak in the local language. It doesn't work if you shout in English and think, act like you are the boss.

Edited by FritsSikkink
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Hi you guys

There is a little hope on the horizon I have suddenly found out. A local thai woman has had to get out of her restaurant and she has started building a new one next door to this thai boy. I am reasonably sure that she will object very strongly to the noise and so it could be interesting for a short time but I know the thai woman has some good connections -- so the result will be thai v thai which makes no room for a farang !!!!!!!  Thanks u guys again could be a good ending.

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