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Briton, 60, found with drugs dies fleeing police in Udon Thani


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4 minutes ago, jhonnie said:

the righteousness, the callousness, the lack of empathy from many  leaves me wondering if there is any one  left to throw another stone? John was a human being who had family , had friends and obviously made many mistakes; time to go back to your ivory towers 

Callous is the right word but you have got it mixed up. The dealer is the callous person who supplies the evil drugs that make fellow expats addicted. The road that leads to is self destruction and as his so called friends has pointed out, he was a recovering addict of some sort himself so knowing the struggles such people face what kind of person chooses to saddle others with such problems? It looks like he knew the effects only too well and decided to take advantage of the situation. If he had considered his family and the consequences he would not be involved in this behaviour, at his age it is clear he had not learned from mistakes as his demise demonstrates.



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Just now, Rc2702 said:

Callous is the right word but you have got it mixed up. The dealer is the callous person who supplies the evil drugs that make fellow expats addicted. The road that leads to is self destruction and as his so called friends has pointed out, he was a recovering addict of some sort himself so knowing the struggles such people face what kind of person chooses to saddle others with such problems? It looks like he knew the effects only too well and decided to take advantage of the situation. If he had considered his family and the consequences he would not be involved in this behaviour, at his age it is clear he had not learned from mistakes as his demise demonstrates.



Pot is a natural herb.

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3 hours ago, tandor said:

..and ME.

I find it hard to believe that some people have never taken an illegal drug. Never a little bit of ganja or a tab of LSD? A lot less harmful than cigs or booze, in fact can be very enlightening, in a spiritual way. I recently watched a great movie about Ram Dass and his experiments with Timothy Leary at Harvard in the 60's.

All youngsters would have taken pot, I would have thoiught the older ones would have too, 40/50 years ago.

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14 minutes ago, Johnniey said:

I find it hard to believe that some people have never taken an illegal drug. Never a little bit of ganja or a tab of LSD? A lot less harmful than cigs or booze, in fact can be very enlightening, in a spiritual way. I recently watched a great movie about Ram Dass and his experiments with Timothy Leary at Harvard in the 60's.

All youngsters would have taken pot, I would have thoiught the older ones would have too, 40/50 years ago.

What's the point your making? 

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2 hours ago, Johnniey said:

I find it hard to believe that some people have never taken an illegal drug. Never a little bit of ganja or a tab of LSD? A lot less harmful than cigs or booze, in fact can be very enlightening, in a spiritual way. I recently watched a great movie about Ram Dass and his experiments with Timothy Leary at Harvard in the 60's.

All youngsters would have taken pot, I would have thoiught the older ones would have too, 40/50 years ago.

I have not.

Never held any appeal.


I do like a beer or two and do smoke cigs...wish I had never started with the latter.


Illegal drugs, nope.

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22 hours ago, jenny2017 said:

Perhaps we should add some dealers in white? The wrongful prescription of opioid painkillers in America by money-hungry doctors has finally created heroin junkies when the government stopped these dealers in white.


The poor addicts had no other choice than buying heroin which is much cheaper than buying prescription drugs on the streets.


Sad is also that nothing happened to those "doctors" who prescribed thousands of pills to patients in a relatively short period of time. Unfortunately, are many youngsters now dead and can't tell the stories they went through anymore.


Opioids usually make people addicted in a very short period of time, and all doctors know that. Time to go after the dealers in white.  

Agree with you about the Opioid problem.  Of course it's only a matter of time before this problem spreads worldwide as well.  The government has allotted billions to fight the crisis but a nationwide computer system to monitor prescriptions from the men in white might be a first step.  

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On 6/29/2018 at 5:46 PM, ThreeEyedRaven said:

Very sad for a 60 year old man to be mixed up in drugs.

Generally, people don't start doing drugs at 60 but some just keep on doing it until 60 or more. 

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7 hours ago, duanebigsby said:


I won't quote you because your post was ridiculously long.

Long proven marijuana is not a gateway drug nor addictive. It's no worse than drinking.

While his post was a bit long, he was relating his experience being around a whole bunch of people who used pot and the experiences with it. While you may refuse to accept the fact that pot can be no worse than drinking and the fact that maybe you and others can handle it in a recreational sort of way, there are lots of people out there who cannot, just like they cannot handle alcohol.  Now that pot is legal in California, I am waiting for the first highway accident where some family is killed by a driver buzzed on Marijuana. (Actually it has already happened but I can't remember where. Kid killed a policeman as I recall.)  The drug itself may or may not be addictive but it becomes addictive to those with addictive personalities just like alcohol. I used to be involved in a manufacturing business where mills, drill presses, lathes were used.  We would have guys smoking joints at lunch and then come back and use equipment. Luckily, no one was ever hurt and thankfully over time those employees drifted on or were fired. The point is smoking pot and driving, using equipment, etc., is dangerous. These guys disregarded that fact as being a bit high was more fun. Smoking a doobie on a break or in the car is a lot easier than having a cocktail.  So let's just wait for the first big lawsuit against someone driving under the influence.  There isn't even a good testing mechanism yet for testing drivers. The stupid legislators have just opened the flood gates and created a whole new group of people to menace the public.  I am not per se, some guy intolerant of people smoking a bit of pot, but I got to say with it's legalization, there is going to be a whole lot of people become daily pot heads and they will eventually be a burden to society.  So later when the legislators see the abusers have become a problem they best not come asking for my tax dollar to help my fellow man.  They can rot on the street in the poorer sections of town for all I care.

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On 6/29/2018 at 7:54 PM, Johnniey said:

You won't make any friends here with that lousy attitude, especially as some of his friends are members here and the deceased leaves a wife and young daughter.  Grow up.


Its true he wont make many friends with such an attitude and that may be his problem? Maradona 10 does come across as being a very unhappy individual. Maybe he doesnt have much of a life and is slightly jealous of the 60 year old who obviously was a guy that lived life to the full.



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1 minute ago, Davmaac said:

Its true he wont make many friends with such an attitude and that may be his problem? Maradona 10 does come across as being a very unhappy individual. Maybe he doesnt have much of a life and is slightly jealous of the 60 year old who obviously was a guy that lived life to the full.



And he's got Maradonna 10 in his Avatar. He might not know about Maradonna's Apocalyptic cocaine excesses. Not more to add. Good night. 

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25 minutes ago, Trouble said:

While his post was a bit long, he was relating his experience being around a whole bunch of people who used pot and the experiences with it. While you may refuse to accept the fact that pot can be no worse than drinking and the fact that maybe you and others can handle it in a recreational sort of way, there are lots of people out there who cannot, just like they cannot handle alcohol.  Now that pot is legal in California, I am waiting for the first highway accident where some family is killed by a driver buzzed on Marijuana. (Actually it has already happened but I can't remember where. Kid killed a policeman as I recall.)  The drug itself may or may not be addictive but it becomes addictive to those with addictive personalities just like alcohol. I used to be involved in a manufacturing business where mills, drill presses, lathes were used.  We would have guys smoking joints at lunch and then come back and use equipment. Luckily, no one was ever hurt and thankfully over time those employees drifted on or were fired. The point is smoking pot and driving, using equipment, etc., is dangerous. These guys disregarded that fact as being a bit high was more fun. Smoking a doobie on a break or in the car is a lot easier than having a cocktail.  So let's just wait for the first big lawsuit against someone driving under the influence.  There isn't even a good testing mechanism yet for testing drivers. The stupid legislators have just opened the flood gates and created a whole new group of people to menace the public.  I am not per se, some guy intolerant of people smoking a bit of pot, but I got to say with it's legalization, there is going to be a whole lot of people become daily pot heads and they will eventually be a burden to society.  So later when the legislators see the abusers have become a problem they best not come asking for my tax dollar to help my fellow man.  They can rot on the street in the poorer sections of town for all I care.

First, I thought you were kidding. They can use all the testers from Germany and if they choose to use the same laws, pot smokers will soon be without a driver's license and then without a job.


  Driving under the influence of THC is as bad as alcohol in many European countries, perhaps not in coffeeshop Holland. 

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On ‎6‎/‎29‎/‎2018 at 11:27 AM, darksidedog said:

Very sad, though I guess he realised that caught with that lot, he would have been finishing his days in a Thai prison. It seems a lot for personal use, so I suspect he may have been supplementing his income with a bit of dealing. Not a clever thing to do in this country at all.

At the age of just 60 and taken into consideration that he has been staying in a resort for the last 2 years we can assume drug dealing was his main source of income.


Drug dealing in Thailand as a farang its not about IF you get caught, but all about WHEN and after years with drug dealing his luck seems to have been on overtime and finally came to an end.


As it said,  when you enter the game then you should also be prepared to pay the price - and in this type of game the price is Your life......:coffee1:

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21 hours ago, Roymac said:

The problem with drugs and the use of the words of "pro-choice" obfuscates the issues for the public and families at large.

For example. I had a friend whose son was involved in drugs, the result thereof nearly destroyed his marriage and almost tore his family apart.

The public at large are at the mercy of these addicts whilst they cavort, hallucinate, drive and imbibe in a myriad of other activities whilstindulging in their pleasure. 

I feel sorry for them indeed but not at the expense of others safety/security !

The real culprites subjecting the populace at large are the "pushers and mules" of these opiates.

I also had a friend whose son was involved in alcohol, and became an alcoholic, the result thereof nearly destroyed his marriage and almost tore his family apart. He also died after getting on his motorbike and  hitting a tree. He was drunk. The local 711 was pushing the stuff and subjecting the populace at large but incredibly they blamed my friends son. 

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On 6/29/2018 at 2:28 AM, despicable alien said:

you have to ask yourself who would he be selling to?
wouldnt be those degenerate thai youths so who left?

Visitors to the resort he lived at for several years.

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16 hours ago, Johnniey said:

I find it hard to believe that some people have never taken an illegal drug. Never a little bit of ganja or a tab of LSD? A lot less harmful than cigs or booze, in fact can be very enlightening, in a spiritual way. I recently watched a great movie about Ram Dass and his experiments with Timothy Leary at Harvard in the 60's.

All youngsters would have taken pot, I would have thoiught the older ones would have too, 40/50 years ago.

..i think and hope there are many out there who have never taken illicit substances.

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