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Security guard blows loud whistle non stop, what can I do?


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I live just off on On Nut road.


There is a security guard who works for one of the banks and every single time someone either comes in or out of the bank in a car/scooter etc he stops traffic, blows his whistle loud for them to go in or out of the bank.


There is nothing special about the entrance to the bank and none of the apartment complexes along On Nut road have a security guard with a whistle doing this. I just don't get why this one place needs it.


It is the Kasikorn bank right by On Nut Soi 8.


There are times when the whistle literally gets blown as many as 20-30 times an hour (which may as well be non stop).


I live nearby and the noise is torture. Anyone who is experiencing it would agree.


Normally I am not one to complain but I need to do what I can.


I spoke with the lady at the front of the bank and she said she would tell him to "stop" (whatever "stop" means). Today I gestured to the security guard to be quiet.


The fact that I do not speak Thai does not help.


I need to study at home during the day and it is impossible to concentrate with all the noise. Yes I can go to the library to study but I should be able to work in my home.


I have considered saying screw this place and my deposit and finding a new home but everything else about the place is decent.


What can I do? 


This is not only for my own benefit but the noise is not benefitting anyone.


MOST IMPORTANT: He goes right into the middle of the busy road and I am willing to bet money that he is causing more accidents than he is preventing.


Last week I witnessed the aftermath of an accident and there was a man injured next to the motorcycle. I did not witness the actual accident so I do not know if the security guard caused it but there is a very good chance.


Even with the noise aside, him constantly stopping the traffic the way he does is very dangerous. That in itself is grounds for it to stop. I don't know why the bank even employs him, it makes no sense. He needs to be relieved of his traffic cop duties and stick to looking after the parking lot.


I have thought of going to the tourist police and swinging this as mainly a safety issue.


This started out for me as a noise issue but I feel a genuine obligation for the safety of others. 


Thanks in advance for any advice.

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I remember many years ago there was a group of foreigners who made a group to go around condos and make formal complaints to management and negotiate whistle usage by security. 

Try googling it. It was really a long time ago like 15 years or something but it may give you some ideas if you can find the article/information about the group ?

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i dont see how you can win this battle, move

ed: on a 2nd thought, maybe if you buy your own whistle and blow on occasion day & night in hope of agonizing every last soul until everyone is ready to sign up on a complete stop

Edited by poanoi
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13 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Is there any hospital nearby ?


I ask because I used this as an excuse to have the whistles removed from the security guards at our complex. I pointed out that the Whistles will be disturbing sick patients in the hospital nearby. 


I also provided news clippings from the BKK.Post about the hinderance and annoyance of the whistle and how utterly unnecessary it is. 


Article: Google search "Blowing the Whistle on overzealous security guards"....


It worked and the security guards no longer used whistles... Good luck, chances are slim, but if handled 'just the right way' you may get what you want. 

BKK Hospital in Udon uses whistles , about 26x fr each car pulling in, it’s ridiculous, I scream at them, from 7:00 to 10:00 at night, but they don’t do anything, I thought they were Quiet Zones

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My route to/from work takes me past a number of condos and offices with shophouses on the other side of the (narrow) street.


The condo and office security chaps all have (totally silent and highly visible) flags which they stick into the traffic flow when someone wants to exit or cross the traffic to enter.


I wouldn't hear the whistles anyway even if they had them.

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I have the same problem with a car park next to my condo. The security guy blows his whistle at every car that comes or goes. Maddening but nothing you can do. What is worse is that i can not even see what good blowing a whistle does. People are quite capable of parking their cars without a whistle being blown at them.

Edited by Henryford
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Just now, i claudius said:

Its not just you mate my wife is Thai and she hates whistle blowing guards , the one in Big C especially .noisy bastard

I reckon most Thai's hate the daily noise pollution they have to endure, but knowing what potential nut-cases their fellow country folk can be choose to remain silent! 

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The guy works approx 9am to 5pm- ie the working day. Most people would be out. YOU choose to be at home but want peace and quiet to do your studying.


Methinks if it wasn't the whistle it would be something else.


The poor guy has a job to do irritating or not. 

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11 hours ago, shadowofacloud said:

Please... Show some empathy - the guard's job can be done using a flag or a brightly colored sign. No power or self esteem lost.


Buy him some of these and offer to buy his whistle.





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