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Another change for U.S. Citizens.


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My bank (Bangkok Bank) only seems to keep 6 months balance records... I usually get this printout certified from the bank and have it with me when do my extension and have my US Consul letter of income...


Agree the last few years my agent looks at the bank statement but does not take it to submit to immigration...


My question is a 6 months certified bank record showing regular monthly transfers in sufficient or do they require a full year?... If so how does one get a full year when the bank only keeps the last 6 months on file?


The bank book seems unless for me as I never use it and when asked to have it updated the update seems to only add one or two previous entries and the present balance...

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6 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

Print the monthly statement each month or great interval not exceeding 6 months. Keep on file at home because you have foresight and know you'll need them later.

I have been keeping my own quarterly printouts from online banking but worry that the printout may not meet muster as it is not "certified" by the bank ?

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1 hour ago, idman said:

you have to show where the money came from.  You must provide poof of that money.


Are you saying they want proof that you're receiving that income in general such as pension or Social Security receipts, OR, proof that that income is being received into Thailand, such as, deposits into a Thai bank account only?


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1 hour ago, idman said:

besides that $50 rip off form from the U.S. Consulate you have to show where the money came from.  You must provide poof of that money. 

This was a long time coming....It was only a matter of time.

It was a given half the claims of income were BS


I always thought it would be funny if CM Consulate forwarded all the sworn to have XXX income per month to the IRS for their confirmation ??


Would have had a few surprised barstools around town

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1. I have often (but not always) been asked by the US Consular official prior to my affidavit swearing whether I am aware that Thai IMM can and at their discretion ask for corroborating info.


2. Thai bank ATM slips showing the 220 baht int'l transfer fee should suffice to show source of funds. Bring a stack of them.

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23 minutes ago, JLCrab said:

1. I have often (but not always) been asked by the US Consular official prior to my affidavit swearing whether I am aware that Thai IMM can and at their discretion ask for corroborating info.


2. Thai bank ATM slips showing the 220 baht int'l transfer fee should suffice to show source of funds. Bring a stack of them.

Yes my Consulate have always told me every year to have bank statements from back home with me to prove the INCOME actually exists in the home country as some thai Immigration offices no longer accept just the statutory declaration form on it's own. Note that the wording is that you have got the correct amount of INCOME every year in your other country, not that you merely HAVE THAT AMOUNT OF SAVINGS MONEY in an account in another country. They obviously know some people lie on their declaration form which is easy to do until you are found out and then you are also  in trouble with your own home country authorities as well.

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What is "acceptable proof of income"?  My income is direct deposited to my US Bank Account.  Will these monthly statements have to be "certified"?  Maybe the best solution is to have the US Embassy/Consul Income Affidavit state "The Affiant has demonstrated that he/she has xxxx income per month"?  

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NB the exact wording on the US Embassy - Bangkok income affidavit is:


I also affirm that I receive a monthly income of XXX $ from sources in the United States.


It is the policy of  the US State Department at over 200 countries worldwide that no Embassy or Consulate will attest to the veracity of any document presented to it 

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I just got my Income Affidavit at the US Embassy Reach Out meeting in Khon Kaen on June 20th.

There was no mention of any rule change requiring income verification.  One would think they would have said something like they did when the no cash rule was announced.


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13 minutes ago, grin said:

About a month ago I was asked for documents at Promenada to supplement my US affidavit of income for my retirement extension. I just printed copies of US bank statements and circled the deposits. The officer accepted that but did not inspect them closely.


Did you get any feel for whether the same request was being made of everyone else/others?


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2 minutes ago, Jeffrey346 said:

I just got my Income Affidavit at the US Embassy Reach Out meeting in Khon Kaen on June 20th.

There was no mention of any rule change requiring income verification.  One would think they would have said something like they did when the no cash rule was announced.


The no cash is a US rule -- the income verification as now mentioned for Chiang Mai is a Thai IMM (new?) rule.

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I will find out what is required in a couple of weeks  when my retirement visa needs to be renewed. Initially here in Phitsanulok, I was told that they preferred the embassy letter (because it was official) instead of a bank document.

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There is no announcement on the BKK Embassy website regarding any income affidavit changes. This what is posted.


The Thai government requires all U.S. citizens with Thai retirement visas to verify their income when they renew their retirement visa annually. Please fill in and print out this income affidavit online for Bangkok (PDF 79KB) or for Chiang Mai (PDF 178KB).  Please remember not to sign the form before you come to the American Citizen Services Unit.  You will need to sign it in front of a designated officer.

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6 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


CM Immigration has some history of operating on their own rules and procedures that are not necessarily indicative of what's done in BKK or elsewhere.  I wouldn't automatically assume that something that may be occurring in CM is also going to be done everywhere else.


Looks to me that this just may be a CM thing.

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32 minutes ago, grin said:

About a month ago I was asked for documents at Promenada to supplement my US affidavit of income for my retirement extension. I just printed copies of US bank statements and circled the deposits. The officer accepted that but did not inspect them closely.


How many past months of statements did they ask for and/or did you present?


That's exactly the kind of backup documents I've been carrying with me to Bangkok CW Immigration for many years in connections with my retirement extensions based on U.S. Consulate income affidavits. I've usually brought the prior three months, just in case. But at least thru last year, never once asked to show any of them.


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From the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. http://www.mfa.go.th/main/en/services/4908/15385-Non-Immigrant-Visa-"O-A"-(Long-Stay).html


 A copy of bank statement showing a deposit of the amount equal to and not less than 800,000 Baht or an income certificate (an original copy) with a monthly income of not less than 65,000 Baht, or a deposit account plus a monthly income totalling not less than 800,000 Baht.


I had always assumed that this money had to come from America. But there is no mention of this requirement. So deposits in a Thai bank made from within Thailand should be ok. If this right or am I way off base? I'm trying to save spending $50 bucks at the embassy.

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I wrote on this forum several months ago that C M immigration wanted proof of income. Some posters thought maybe my agent made a mistake. Had to hand over all bank books for them to check on amount coming in against my declaration letter from consulate. Glad I was truthful!! I have Australian passport so not just U S A

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